Introducing: ExposingSMG Tells All.

Well hello hello. My last post was over 2 months ago. Miss me?

If you follow me on Twitter, which you should, then you would know about our tell all. Btw, since we are catching up, our twitter is @exposingsmg . If you also haven’t heard, our got deleted because why not? So our new is @exposingsmg2_0.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you when we tell you there’s a lot of celebrities we know information about, excluding Justin and Selena. For the longest time, you guys have been requesting that we reveal that information. Sadly, we can’t just expose every celebrity in the book and expect to continue living life all merrily. There are consequences that will be dealt with when certain information about certain celebrities is released. You’ve asked us to lecture you on several important.. groups, in the Hollywood world and we were always very cautious of what we say. 


So we came up with plan B, or what we call, ExposingSMG Tells All. 

Obviously we don’t know everything about every celebrity, but we sure do know a lot. So here’s what’s going to happen. 


We will have a new tell all part posted at the beginning of every month, starting with April 1. Well I hope to get one up every month. Veteran exposingsmg readers know how I’m quite the lazy writer. 

Here are the rules:

  1. Justin and Selena will NOT be included. 
  2. Nothing related to Justin and Selena will be included, yes that also includes Jailey.
  3. Our tell all will tell you a lot (clearly) and a lot of the info we know, isn’t allowed to be revealed “legally” which means that no names will be revealed. Instead, clues that will be very obvious will be included so don’t worry.
  4. Each month you will get a different part of the tell all and at the end of each month, we will reveal a name. I’m not doing this to be funny or to play games, but I’m not risking information I know isn’t allowed to be told, to give Twitter trolls some inside info.
  5. Asking us which secret belongs to who or if your guess is correct is no difference than us just exposing the names so don’t do that.
  6. You get a different tell all for the beginning of each month and an answer for one at the end of each month.
  7. Each part of the tell all will have multiple secrets, not just one. Also, our faves aren’t off limits so they could be included.

Not all of the secrets that will be included in the tell all are highly damaging to the point where I’m going to be murdered on the street while I’m on my way to my local grocery store to buy some milk, therefore, we will reveal a couple of names sometime after we post the tell all. 


Sound good? Good. 

See you April 1st. 




Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account):

Suggestions for the tell all?


It’s your fave exposers.


Hailey Baldwin followed us on Twitter!


Exposed: The Parent Contract and Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette's fallout. More on Selena Gomez's Involvement and the Jelena breakup.