Exposed: The Parent Contract and Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette's fallout. More on Selena Gomez's Involvement and the Jelena breakup.

Justin Bieber with his parents in 2010.

Justin Bieber with his parents in 2010.

Welcome welcome welcome! This is probably my most anticipated post for the past couple weeks, and also a post that I’ve been very excited to reveal.

Let’s take a trip back to 2009 when Justin came onto the music scene. 


He released his first two singles; One Time and One Less Lonely Girl, both were top 20 multi-platinum hits and as we all know, not everyone has top 20 hits in their debut year. From that moment, the anticipation for Justin’s debut studio album skyrocketed. The comparisons to Michael Jackson, a legend, have begun because truthfully, there was no other young male musician before Justin, in YEARS. The only ones I can remember were the Jonas Brothers and they were band, whose success didn’t come close to Justin’s. 

You’re probably thinking, okay we get it Angela, what’s your point?

Well since Justin’s debut year, he has been the most popular male artist and competed with people who weren’t in his age group like Drake and Eminem. His popularity and success were notable. What comes with popularity and success you ask?


A whole lotta money. 

Everyone knew that Justin could bring hundreds of millions of dollars. I mean Usher and Justin Timberlake fought over him. 

In the industry, several contracts are made. You can have contracts regarding records, a public relationship, and more. Justin signed many contracts throughout his career. One of his first is the infamous Jelena contract which you can read all about here, and trust me, if you believe that Justin and Selena started dating because they were in love, that post will definitely convince you that you were just a pawn in a bigger game. 


Aw look at that cute staged portrait. 

However, his PR contract with Selena wasn’t the only thing that was signed in Justin’s earlier years. 

You ready? 

How many of us are familiar with Justin’s parents, Pattie Mallette and Jeremy Bieber?


Veteran readers of exposingsmg know that we were never that fond of Pattie or Jeremy. Why? Well we always thought Jeremy was a bad influence on Justin and like a large majority of Justin’s fanbase, we disliked him. 

Several of you guys asked us why we didn’t like Pattie. Truthfully, we never knew.. until now. I feel like I have this sixth sense.


It’s not like we hate them, but we’re just not fans. 

So let me get on with what we call:

The Parent Contract

Obviously everything is according to my source.

The Parent Contract was signed by Justin and his parents when he was 16. It was signed with LA Reid. 


The contract stated that Justin had to do whatever they told him and release whatever they wanted. Who’s they? His management. And if he was being a little b—itch, he had his parents to convince him. What did his parents get from this? Well they were making money off of their son regardless of how Justin felt about the situation. Justin wasn’t too comfortable with this and he sought trust and comfort in Selena. Regardless of their PR contract, they were still friends and he had a crush on her. Veteran Beliebers know that Justin really didn’t have his own life at the time. For the most part, he only had Selena and Selena’s friends. 


A lot of that had to do with the fact that Selena made him cut off ties with everyone else. 

The parent contract continues. 

So his parents sold him out for money and were under control of his team as well. Therefore, his parents could get him to do anything as well as play a role in this. If Pattie is needed to say a few nice things about Selena here and then, she’s going to have to. 

It gets creepier. 

Since Justin was SO rich at such a young age, the plan was for him to retire and him and Selena live off his wealth. Justin was supposed to leave everything, but he didn’t want to. Selena wanted to keep her career up and she wanted Justin to give up his. Hence his song “She Don’t Like The Lights”


We reference “She Don’t Like The Lights” a lot and we knew that Selena wanted him to give up his fame so she could be the biggest star out there, but we didn’t know the bigger plan before it. 

Please be aware of the fact that this retiring-Justin’s-career plan, wasn’t signed and part of the contract because then he would have HAD to give up his career if he signed it off. Don’t be confused between the PARENT part of the contract and Jelena’s part. Him giving up his career and Selena living off his wealth was just the PLAN. 

So here we are in 2016, enjoying Justin’s latest album, Purpose. As you can tell, he clearly did not give up his fame. 

This leads into the Jelena proposal. Justin proposed and Selena said no.


To summarize, Justin’s parents signed a contract to make money off of him (to dumb it down even more), they were getting paid to sell him out. The money he made from his music, wasn’t where they were getting the money. They were literally being paid to sell out their son. Secondly, he found trust and a friend, plus a lover, in Selena. She was his world. Then they broke up and even Selena sold him out. Yes literally. It’s as clear as getting exposing photos or videos of Justin, and selling them to the media. Like I stated before, the average celebrity does not suffer as much scandals as Justin did in 2013. It was literally every three weeks, a new thing was released. And unless someone who was very close to you and was able to get things like that, had it out for you, then you were suffering scandals each month. That was obviously Justin’s case. 

So when the entire world was selling him out including the people who he thought would do anything for him, Justin turned to people he KNEW were using him.


That was Justin’s way of dealing with his pain. He wanted to be aware of the people around him. Meaning, he did not want any surprises. He knew he was being used and he didn’t care. That sufficed him at the time, because he was sick of being around people who he thought cared for him, but really did not. 

Scooter and the rest of the team cared and all. but a lot of it had to do with money purposes as well. However, Scooter did have Justin’s well being first in mind. That is why he did not tour for Journals. That and because the label was not willing to provide any support considering his disgusting image at the time.

A memorable “friend” from the Bizzle era, was Lil Twist. May we never seem him again. 


 Lil Twist did a lot of things. One of them was hiring escorts all the time and using his association with Justin, to get away with a lot of crap. Scooter and Lil Twist had their fair share of arguments because of this. But the only person who could move on and get these people out of Justin’s life, was Justin himself. And he did not want to. He wanted to be used because he knew that was the intention of those people. He was basically traumatized when Selena and his parents sold him out. That explains why he was also speaking to his father at the time. He was well aware that his father was making money off of him so Jeremy was just another person living off Justin’s money, in Justin’s eyes. 


There’s more to Justin and Pattie’s relationship. 

Selena is not your average girl and by that statement, I don’t mean the obvious like her fame and money. I mean her mentality. I find her very interesting in the ways she thinks and reacts. She’s done some horrible things throughout the years. Her mentality is very off. She thinks she’s above people and messes with people in very weird ways. Like if you tick her off, she will plan revenge. Like can you imagine just annoying someone and them literally planning revenge because of that small thing? Yeah that’s Selena. She’s a cool villain when she isn’t sending people on contemplating-suicide trips. 

So when they broke up, Selena was upset. Very upset. And that’s understandable. What’s very wrong is Selena hurting and manipulating people because they upset her. It did not take Selena long to get over Justin. Unlike Justin, throughout her relationship with him, she had her friends and family by her side. As you just read, Justin did not have that. Selena lashed out in odd ways and the funny part is that she did this in the public eye which is why I’m confused when people don’t understand that she could do worse behind closed doors. 


Yes she was hurt and I would be too if my boyfriend went chilling with models the same week we broke up. But that’s what’s different between Selena and the average girl. Selena will go on a revenge spree. Like I get you’re upset, but take some time and THINK. But nope, that’s not what Selena did. 


You see? Selena had her friends with her to mourn her dead relationship. Justin didn’t have anyone. 

Anyways, so you should all know what happened that night because it was our very first exposed post and it was when Selenaexposed was around. Read it down below:

Selena convinced the world that Justin hurt her and cheated on her. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Literally. 


You could only imagine what she told Pattie. Pattie was never fond of Selena hence the fact that there are barely any photos of them. 

Selena ranted to Pattie about how Justin was abusive to her and how “horrible” he treated her. From the way Justin then started to act in 2013, it was not hard to buy Selena’s story. I mean most of you pawns bought her story and actually felt bad for her. 

Pattie was then very disappointed in Justin based on what Selena said and the way he acted. If only she knew that she as well as Selena and Jeremy, played a huge part in his downfall. Selena’s manipulation and mind games in the later years didn’t help Justin’s mentality at all either. 

So who did Pattie believe? She believed Selena over Justin. Justin then couldn’t believe her for taking Selena’s words over his own. He was upset and hurt because his own mother not only sold him out when he was practically a kid, but then took his psycho ex’s word over his. 

Justin didn’t really hold a grudge because of the parent contract, as you can tell. He’s much closer to Jeremy now. 


As you can see, he spent Christmas with Jeremy and his side of the family.

He recently said this, regarding his relationship with Pattie


It’s sad. I don’t want to be biased and say Selena is the reason for this but come on, you judge. Yes Justin was a huge asshole in 2013, but who was a big reason as to WHY he was like that? I’m not going to say anything. I just laid all the information out for you. You can choose whose side you’re on. 

And thank god this blog exists because of the immature and rash ways that Selena acted out in 2013-2014, will always exist and never be forgotten. 

Below are some crazy posts that dictate insane moments in the toxic mess that we know as Jelena.

Just because stan twitter forgot about the horrible person Selena was and still is, doesn’t mean all the receipts don’t exist. Don’t be a pawn in a staged game. 

You judge. 

Here are the messages between my source and I:


Yeah we kind of knew about this in November 2015. Ha ha… sorry about that. 




That last one was the most recent message about this topic. 

So yeah. That’s it! Make sure to leave me your thoughts down below. Was it what you expected or nah? Btw, Justin’s lyrics confirm a lot of things. All of this was the foundation that built onto or broke the current relationships Justin has. Yes that’s regarding potential lovers, friends, and family. 

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Exposed: Justin and Hailey + Jelena. More on Selena and Niall.