It's been over two years after the breakup, and she still continues to obsess about him. However, her career isn't getting any better.
Oh the amount of Jelena posts we have on this blog. Is it really my fault though? I mean Justin’s ex IS the topic of my blog, so I write about what she does, so it’s honestly not my fault she still obsessing over him to milk her career that would have faded by now if it wasn’t for the famous arm accessories she chooses to be make headlines with.
And believe me, she’s that bitter. I mean who wouldn’t be if you’re only remembered or talked about by who you date/dated or who you hang out with and not for talent. But to be fair here, the people she hangs with and dates, do exist unlike something else.

Yikes! At least try to hide your bitterness. We’ve already discussed that photo a long time ago, but I guess Selena didn’t see it since it’s an old post, but we all know she’ll see it now since I’m about to link you guys to it. You know, since Selena constantly does her daily checkups on her fave this can be applied to either me or Justin. Oh and here’s the post. It basically just says that YES we are aware who was famous first, but isn’t that embarrassing because who’s more famous now? Let me give you a more updated version

eeeeeek! How embarrassing. The fact that Justin’s EP, not even a studio album but an EP, outsold Selena’s debut album and outpeaked it only to go on and have his studio album get certified 3x platinum and go on to achieve several multiplatinum top tens are billboard that would be impossible for Selena to reach without the new streaming rules.

I’d be bitter too!
Moving on to Selena’s new V magazine shoot.

Regardless of the fact that she’s topless and looks like a toddler, I was very interested in seeing what the robots had to say about it.. you know, since they ATTEMPTED to come for Miley.

I warned her fans over a year in advance.


It’s kinda sad how I know more about their fave than them you may think, but it’s really not because it’s not my fault I have sources in her inner circle and they’re just stans.
Repeatedly throughout the post, Selena’s interview was about Justin. Once again, her entire career goes back to Justin. Whether it’s her whining about him in a 10 min interview on Ryan Seacrest

or whether she’s crying about him on national television

her career revolves around him. My good sis, the breakup was OVER two years ago!
Before the breakup

After the breakup

So please my good friends, don’t mistaken Selena’s obsession with using Justin to boost her career, after the breakup, as a sign of them being together. The official breakup was in November 2012. The end. Two years later, Selena finally decides to release her breakup song. Wow! You had a whole era that consisted of shit like this

You don’t decide to finally act heartbroken when you were dragging Justin when he was depressed and actually could have cost him his life at one point. On top of all of that, how cute was it that Selena was using Justin while filming and planning a heartbreak, pity act.

Sorry for repeating myself. It’s hard to get the message through when Selena has robots with no brains, but only a system to praise her.

No wonder why Selenators are so stupid. They obviously aren’t gonna be getting any knowledge from their idol if she’s an imbecile as well. Why, just WHY, is she talking like media outlets WON’T comment on her and Justin? You have to be on drugs, if you think that sites won’t talk about one of the most publicized relationships ever. But I guess the shoe does fit, huh? Selena my sweetie, not everyone wants or can become a celebrity who’s career is provided for by other stars, like you Selena. And if Selena didn’t want Justin and her to be talked about within media outlets, her dumb ass wouldn’t be shading him on Instagram, making dance routines about him in hopes of insulting him, and making fun of him every chance she gets. So my good sis, you bring it upon yourself.
She’s fronting. But hey, at least you know she knows what we say. Either way, she will still have a floppy career that only makes headlines when she’s with someone else.

(Credit [X])
A interview about your ex and your ex-friend’s name is on the cover?

Don’t cry Selly boo, you still got me to keep you relevant on social media! You know, by spilling the truth.

Hope you enjoyed this post. Love you guys ♥ Hello Selena.