Another point for us, we keep getting proved right. - Why was Selena depressed?
About a million years ago, we kept telling you how unhappy Selena was. Of course we got the usual set of death threats accompanied with the topping of “You have no life” served with “you’re so obsessed” but in the end, who stays getting the last laugh? Me.
Last year, we told you how unhappy Selena was. There’s a specific post of mine where I talked about her sadness which I can’t find because there’s so many of them (insert weak attempts of insults by the rats here).
We briefly mentioned her depression, in this post.

And that was in June 2014. We also brought up again when we told you about her drug use and how depression is commonly found in coke users.

It’s no secret that Selena admitted to her depression Ellen and several times afterwards. In October 2014, she said something like, she wasn’t the happiest and blah blah blah.

Of course she didn’t fess up to her obvious issues, but instead implied what and WHO her issues where caused by when she was playing her usual blame game and of course covering it all up with charity.

Yup, that’s one of the headlines. Selena doesn’t do anything for charity as we told you before. There hasn’t been a time where she donated money from her own pocket. It was all from UNICEF. All she has to do, is show up. And UNICEF isn’t that good of a charity when there have been various reports how they take in more money than give out. But Selena definitely had a talk with her publicist before this. Remember my end of the year video? “People love it when the rich help the poor”

Which is why Selena was in Nepal after rehab, but also when her schedule allowed her to. You can watch our video here. I suggest you do.
Here’s part of a convo between my source and I

Also, around the time Selena was posting those videos that my source is talking about, is also when we told you how she used those videos to conceal her depression before. Let me just list another time Selena said she was depressed before Selenators tell me I hacked into Ellen’s youtube, impersonated Selena, and made her admit that she wasn’t the happiest in the past year and so.

Now I’m very confused about Selena never leaving her house. She goes on to say she didn’t wanna get photographed. Oh Selena. We literally got candids of her everywhere. Whether it was in Italy or on the moon, we got candids, but whatever you say Selena. (A lot of the time, it’s easy for a celeb to leave their house because they’re not ALWAYS gonna get photographed. That is, if they don’t call the paps).

Okay moving on.
So Selena was actually depressed, she wasn’t lying. And why you may ask. It’s simple.

She brought her depression upon herself by making herself sad over things that didn’t apply to her. However it wasn’t like serious depression to the point where it’s diagnosed even if that’s how she’s trying to sell it. Like she would literally fume if something didn’t go perfectly and I know I sound like a heartless roach by saying she brought it upon herself, but it’s difficult to explain. If things didn’t go her way, or Justin is seen smiling for once, or some loser is trying to expose her (okay this part applies to her lol), etc., these things would upset her. I mean I wanna say I feel bad for her, but I can’t. She brought it upon herself when she caused others pain so she can feel good about herself. You can’t tell me she didn’t deserve this when it was clear Justin was depressed, and was medicating himself with drugs, while she pranced around making fun of him smoking weed while calling him a douchebag as well as laughing at him on national television. Those are just two scenarios. But yeah, it was never on the level of like Justin or Demi kind of depression and since we all should have studied disorders my now, we should know there’s different kinds and different levels of severeity.

My good sis, DON’T ACT LIKE YOUR FIRST LOVE WASN’T BECAUSE OF THE SCRUTINY. Jelena started off on a contract as we all know, both parties would leak things so drama can start and drama causes attention -> media attention -> promotion. So why she actin like she didn’t love being put under scrutiny?
So to end this post, you should know why Selena was depressed and how we were proved right again. I’ll let Selena have this one. I don’t see her trying to milk or imply she was depressed because of Justin. I know she’s trying to give that impression because after two years of hard work of getting everyone to hate Justin, it must suck to see Justin regain everyone’s love after one apology which isn’t coincidental that she’s starting to talk more about her depression when Justin is finally regaining his original reputation, but like I said, I’ll let her have this one. Selena, hopefully you now know how Justin felt when you broke him, how Demi felt when you let your friends be mean to her BECAUSE she was depressed, and how the others, felt. You guys probably don’t know about the others, but I’m talking and directing this ending to Selena, who I assure you, KNOWS who I’m talking about.
And as for upcoming posts, yes we still have exposed posts coming up, but I haven’t had the time to write them because in order to write them, I have to go through old messages I saved when my source told me everything and I’m lazy to do so, so be patient. I was offline for weeks, and I’ve just come back with two posts so I should be forgiven for the lack of activity lol.
Also, my source brought to my attention that Selena and her team’s anger towards me and annoyance that I still exist, is growing which may lead them to track me down, threaten me, and all that fun stuff. You know the things she did to Ashley when she ran Selenaexposed. I know Selena is smart when it comes to handling herself, but if I was in her place, I sure wouldn’t want to piss off the person who knows everything about me. Why piss off the person who was able to give you a reputation of being a coke addict? But that’s just my two cents!

Have fun with that, queen! ♥ Illegal activity is in your usual routine. *cackles*
Hope you guys enjoyed this post ♥ I know you didn’t, Selena.