Who is Selenaexposed? What is "The Voicemail"? Who is my source? Where do I get my information from? All questions will be answered here.

I’m posting this to clear up the many questions I’ve received about this topic since it seems like about half of my readers weren’t with us when the Selenaexposed drama happened, and it seems like my #1 fans trying to expose me, are putting words in my mouth. 

Welcome to a post that should have been posted a while ago, but of course it’s up late aka the usual since there’s only one writer for this blog. Not that I don’t trust anyone else to manage this blog with me– oh who am I kidding? That’s the reason. No offense, but I’m not looking forward to getting suspended, hacked, and played with like a friend of mine was.

Yes my sister Alana manges this blog with me also, but I write everything. She gets the information, and controls a large part of ask.fm.

From the title of this post you should already know who the topic of this is gonna be: Selenaexposed, Rozie, Alison, and yours truly.

This will clear up everything about her and everything she said would happen that didn’t exactly happen.

Summer of 2013, Selenaexposed was born.

LMAO IT FEELS LIKE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT THE AWAKENING OF SOMETHING. I apologize that I have to make a joke about  everything, but back to what I was saying.

The person who ran Selenaexposed is a girl named Ashley. I’ve mentioned her a lot in my posts and a lot of my first exposed posts were from her as a source. I can assure you that’s she’s 100% real and I talk to her on a daily basis. We’ve became good friends so if you’re a reader of my blog and you trust me, I can confirm that everything she said was also true. If you don’t believe me, then off you go. Go to Youtube.com, search up Stars Dance full album (I would say go play your Stars Dance album but considering that the album isn’t even gold, I assume that not many bought it), play it, put on your Selena Gomez pajamas, and your Selena Gomez headphones, sit in your Selena-Gomez-poster-filled room and watch Wizards of Waverly Place reruns on Netflix while her sex album, Stars Dance plays in the background, and we could all live our lives the way we want too!

Moving on.

So a lot of you know who Selenaexposed is because you followed up with her on Twitter. Many have accused me of being a “wannabe Selenaexposed” which is cute since exposingsmg was made in March so unless I traveled to the future, your accusation is wrong. 

Selenaexposed garnered so much attention on Twitter to the point where she trended several times, got a follow from Selena (she didn’t accept it thought. Ashley’s account was on private so Selena’s goons don’t see what she exposed, but they manged to find a way in),



gained over 20,000 followers in like a second, and had to put her account on private because of all the hate she was getting. So much people knew about her in so little time and from there you shouldn’t even doubt her creditably since she exposed things that made sense by putting and end to many questions and she never really insulted Selena unlike yours truly. Everything she said made SENSE and was backed up with things before she even knew it. For example, when she exposed the story about Delena’s fallout, people send her screenshots of magazine articles that confirm exactly what she said, but she didn’t even know it.

She said that Selena was mean to Demi and Demi basically said those exact words when she was asked about Selena


Read the full post here

Many tried to prove her wrong and like what’s happening now with me, failed. People came up with this theory that she’s Jamilalhundolondonpairsfrance or whatnot, and still failed. Funny story about the Jamila theory though. Selena’s team actually spread that around. They had a tough time getting rid of Selenaexposed so if you can’t get rid of them, join them right? Well since Ashley is a sweetheart and thought people would be mature about this, she trusted too many people with her account. She had people help out and one of those people were named “Andrew”. He was the one who’s job was to accept people because like I said, her account was on private. So ironically, Ashley and I were discussing this today (this post has been written for a couple of days but wasn’t even finished) and she said that Andrew apologized for being a hacker and that he was paid or he paid someone to hack her account. How do I know this? Well Ashley told me that when he was apologizing for what he did, he said something quite cryptic like “Selena’s team paid me to do this”. Selena has quite a solid image of being a perfect role model among teens and kids and in the general public so any exposing account is a huge threat to her especially if a lot of people are starting to believe them and turn on her. 

So Ashley got popular and the account grew bigger and caught the attention of Selena, her crew, and Justin’s crew–mostly Lil Za. Now this post isn’t gonna be a proving-how-me-and-her-are-not-lying post because I truly don’t care if you believe us or not and you should tell that by the 8th paragraph of this post. I’m explaining who she is, what happened, and where she is. She trusted too many people to run the account and eventually she got hacked because Selenators played her. Probably the only smart thing Selena’s have done in their three years of existence (Three years since that’s when Jelenasus really started).

But here are a couple of things Za did that proved everything Ashley said and again, it wasn’t happening randomly. Nothing is a coincidence and it’s happened too many times to pretend as if it’s a coincidence




So, as time progressed, she got more information.. more valuable information. Valuable information that my readers wish can already be out so Selena can be over for good. That information was the infamous voicemail.


I swear I feel like I’m reading a scary story to children around a camp fire. Maybe one day me and Selena can become friends and go camping while she tells me about the misery she’s caused upon people. Take me up on that offer okay Sel Sel!

Moving on.

Only three words can describe that night, a “messy, chaotic night”. Ashley revealed that she had a voicemail that can ruin Selena’s career and that she was gonna release it that night. Lil Za said things that night specifically, that confirmed what Ashley said. He was like “Your time is up baby, you’re deported now” something along those lines. And then only to make it worse for Selenators who tried their best to stick by Selena, Selena herself posted on Instagram, a dark picture saying “Beware”.



Selenators tried their best to play it off and talk about how it was a coincidence but there was nothing coincidental about that night. Ashley and I were recently talking about this when I told her I’ll post something to clear up her name and everything, and she showed me texts from her source with DATE PROOF, of her source saying that if Selena ever finds out that she’s been saying anything about her, she’ll lash out and leave very angry messages and call threatening her and whatnot. Those texts were about 2 months before Ashley revealed that there’s a voicemail. Now unless Ashley traveled to the future–well you know the rest. Everything I’m saying now is somewhere on the blog (except the texts I just spoke about, Those are on my phone since it was a recent convo). Probably in the proof section on the tags page, next to the exposed link. Lol that was confusing so I’ll just link you here

Za does not like Selena at all. Even at Coachella when she was there, some girl said he left and said/tweeted “Nah fuck this bitch”. There’s so much proof around you, you just have to look for it. 

There was so much drama the night of the voicemail literally thousands were watching including moi. The second Ashley tweeted anything that night, it automatically had like 400 favorites per minute. And you know how I spoke about Selena trying to cover up her tracks? Remember when she insulted that girl on Instagram and everyone was talking about it and then she posted a picture of her with a fan and was like “tb!” when it wasn’t even throwback Thursday? Or when she was rude to fans after the show but knew that it would be suspicious if she didn’t go out to take photos with them so she pretended to cry, post it on Instagram, and claim security didn’t let her out even though people who were there said that security didn’t do shit? Yeah well the night of the voicemail Selena posted this


“I kinda like my job” Aka please don’t expose me. 

And voila, that’s the series of events that led up to the voicemail, but I’m only starting. By the end of this post, you’ll know sorta what the voicemail said and why exactly Selena is still not exposed, in other words, why it wasn’t released.

Unlike yours truly, Ashley did meet Selena and her source, Rozie, was best friends with her. Alison, my source, is not friends with Selena but is close with her family so that’s how she knows things. You often confuse the two, but we’ll get to Alison in a little bit. Rozie’s identity was revealed a while ago, but I’m not revealing it again. Selena’s fans who were against Selenaexposed, sent her hate which is ironic since you claim to say SE is fake, yet you’re sending her source hate, but if she’s fake, then that girl isn’t her source huh? Yeah but Selenators are pretty childish and idiotic. So to make this easier for everyone, I’ll make it sort of a Q&A and I gotta watch what I say since I don’t want what happened to Ashley, to happen to me since I know the druggi- I mean the bae, Selena is reading. (I feel like Gossip Girl right now, xoxo you know you love me)

Why did Selena send the voicemail?

She found out that it was Rozie who was talking to Ashley. 

What was on the voicemail?

Ashley never heard the voicemail but Rozie’s mom did and told Ashley about it. Selena threatened her and either implied or said something along the lines of “why are you still alive, you should have killed yourself”. That’s our Selena! Basically it was an abusive voicemail and if it was released, it would have destroyed Selena. Destroyed. I’ll say it again from dramatization purposes, destroyed. Now if you’re gasping and you’re like “Selena would never do that”, let me remind you that there’s a video of Selena slapping Justin, Selena is constantly on Instagram hating on other girls, and Selena got her groupies to bully Justin. There’s a lot more, but again, it’s all on the blog. 

Why wasn’t the voicemail released?

Well Selena got to Rozie before the voicemail got to us. Ashley describes the situation as a “keep your friends close, your enemies closer” type of thing. And if Ashley really was lying, would she promise a voicemail she couldn’t deliver? No. She thought was gonna get it and was hyped up that Selena was finally gonna get what she deserves. 

Selena also scared the shit out of Rozie. Rozie knows what happened to her when she crossed paths with Selena before, she lost her job. She wasn’t preparing for another one of those terrible moments. So Selena managed to talk her way out of it. She’s manipulative, but that’s not new. Rozie then went into serious depression and went as far as putting her life in danger. Now I know I may be ruthless at times, but I’m not lying about this just like I wasn’t lying about anything else I’ve said. You truly have to be drugged up to lie about serious things like that and I guess now we all know why Selena continues her life as if she didn’t ruin anyone. (#catchtheshade? I hope you did, it was a really good one). So Roize caved in. She knew that if she made up with Selena, she wouldn’t have to worry about getting back at Selena and she could even ask Selena for help at finding a job. 

Is Rozie okay now?

She’s getting better. 

Who is Rozie to Ashley?

Well they’re good friends. Ashley knows a lot of people in the business and is friends with several people one of them being Barbara Palvin. 

Is the voicemail ever gonna be released?

Well Ashley is done with Selenaexposed. She said it caused her anxiety and was scared that Selena was gonna do something to her family and it wasn’t worth so no it’s not gonna be released. Ashley has gave up on Selenaexposed a LONG time ago. I can almost hear the little Selenators yell “Well when is your pathetic ass gonna give up on exposingsmg?”

Is Ashley coming back to Selenaexposed?

Like I just explained, no. She’s over it. It caused unnecessary problems and drama. 

Why did Ashley start Selenaexposed in the first place?

I wanna use the word justice but Ashley and I tend to laugh at that word, but it’s the only word that fits. Her closest friends (three) were hurt by Selena in several ways and she wanted to basically get justice for them and clear up their names. Rozie is the only one I know about and after knowing what Selena did to her, I don’t wanna know what Selena did to others. 

So now I hope I cleared up every single question your little curious minds had about Selenaexposed, Rozie, and the voicemail. Lets move on to me and Alison. 

Who is Alison?

Alison is my source. 

How does Alison know things about Selena?

Alison is a family friend of both Selena and Demi’s. Meaning, she knows both their families and is friends with Demi’s sister Maddie, Selena’s cousin Madison, and etc. Alison’s best friend is actually Selena’s ____________. I’d rather leave some information hard to get when Selena comes for Alana, Alison, and I. Yes we all have names that begin with A. No that wasn’t on purpose. Yes we are part of the A Team. Yes we work with Pretty Little Liars. I wish I could tell you how Alison got to know Selena’s families, but that would give away who she is. 

Why is Alison helping you?

That would make it easy for Selena to find Alison so I’m not gonna answer that question. 

Why doesn’t Alison go to the media instead of to an exposing account?

And is she supposed to randomly mention that she wants to expose Selena at Thanksgiving dinner? Are Selena’s aunts or cousins or the few people that actually like her, not gonna stop her? I can imagine her at dinner “Hey yall! I’ve decided to expose Selena”

Do you have the voicemail?

I never heard the voicemail. I never claimed to have the voicemail. I never promised I’m gonna release the voicemail, so you shits can stop thinking you’re funny “Didn’t exposingsmg promise a voicemail? Yeah it’s been two years where is it?” No sweetheart exposingsmg did not promise a voicemail and no it hasn’t been two years, but yes the voicemail does exist. 


Well hopefully this cleared up all the confusion for the morons out there. My favorite part about the exposing blogs trying to expose me, is that they confuse me with Selenaexposed. Like you’re trying to expose me yet you don’t even know who I am or what I did? Like bye at your flop ass. 

Yes Selena does know about my account and yes Selena is actually trying to find me. What I’ve realized is that exposing accounts are a big deal to celebrities since it can hurt their reputation and I can gladly say everything went downhill for Selena since me and Ashley surfaced social media. Most of the things we said were either already confirmed, hinted, or being confirmed. Ever since we came along, Selena was seen doing or being in things that defied her good girl image

  • smoking
  • rehab
  • alcohol issues 
  • friends leaving her
  • her parents being fired
  • seen recovering from a hangover
  • seen drunk off her ass

And lets not pretend like her career didn’t go downhill either

  • Two movies in a row: bombed
  • empty tour
  • album is not gold
  • fluke success with Come & Get It since Slow Down flopped
  • her looking for a new team 

Every article is saying she’s in the middle of a downhill spiral but it was exposingsmg who called her an alcoholic over a year ago and it was exposingsmg who said she was in rehab before anyone else did. Since we’re on the topic of sources, let me just say that my information in the past has either been from Alison or Ashley only. I don’t take information from BlindGossip, TMZ, or E!. 

Here are texts between Alison and I on July 2nd



and BlindGossip’s story about Delena was released July 3rd

Here are texts between Alison and I on April 26


and here’s TMZ’s story on April 28




So don’t resort to the excuse I get my information from other articles when I clearly proved that I don’t. It’s cute how people resort to that when I’m proven right though. The excuses go from “She gets her info from other sources” or “You don’t have a source” but when it comes down to it, everything I say gets proven correctly. 

Why did you start exposingsmg?

Because I felt like. No, but really I was sick of everyone ignoring what Selena does and then hating on other stars for doing the same thing. I wanted to have a blog that had all receipts on it and truth be told, I never meant for it to be an exposing blog. The exposing in exposingsmg meant exposing her career meaning listing rude experiences (which I still occasionally do), having her being a flop stats, things like that. When Ashley came along, that’s when the exposing started but it was accidental. I just posted what Ashley said since everyone was confused to what she was saying since her account was on private. So I posted it and I explained it from a fan’s view by showing you the photos she was talking about and then it transpired from there. Alison found me and exposingsmg grew bigger. (What a true love story!) What baffles me when people call me fake, is when people ignore that there are two main types of posts on my blog: exposing posts and other posts. There are about 28 exposing posts. I separate the two because exposing posts are from an inside source while the rest of my posts are just information gathered up from what is in the public eye. I can still run this blog without a source, it’d be less interesting but I could still run it. 

So I think that’s it for the questions and confusion. I don’t spend my life on this blog and I go days without posting. It doesn’t take me a whole day to write a post the way it takes children to write a essay for English class. I’ve written essays in 10 minutes and got a 95 on it. Writing is my skill. Running this blog is just a fun thing I do. I don’t spend every waking second on it unlike Selenators who spend every waking second NO, NOT BUYING STARS DANCE, but obsessing over Selena and being hypocrites. I’m glad people think it takes me a while to post because that’s just an indirect compliment “Wow your writing is so good it must take you forever to write!”

Okay I shall end this extremely long post. Hopefully I cleared up all confusion and here’s a couple of tweets of me dragging Selenators on Twitter so follow me there so we can laugh at them the way Selena does (mean, I know). But really, follow me on Twitter, it’s always a party with exposingsmg and her readers (why do I refer to myself as third person?)

This was all the day Selenators accused me of deleting her instagram


I’m actually a very nice person in real life. 


Follow me on Twitter and talk to me on ask.fm


It’s your fave exposers.

