Exposed: Selena Gomez + Plastic Surgery
Hey everyone! I would apologize for my lack of posting but I’m probably not going to since it’s July, aka summer break, aka actually leaving the house. Contrary to what Brokelenators believe, unlike them, I actually get out of the house and socialize with people in the real world instead of uploading my 12,000th photo on Twitter of Selena and obsess over how “perf” she looks even though the reality of it is she looks like she’s been doing the world’s hardest drugs. Okay let’s start.

This is one of the interesting posts I was talking about. Only one though. And it was pretty requested. The last post I had about Selena and plastic surgery was this one in where I talked about her apparent nose job. You should read that post first. But this one is more diverse containing the subject of lip injections, boob job, and a nose job.
Disclaimer: I’m obviously not gonna be like “Here are her doctor records to prove it and here’s the date in which she got something done” I’m not that stupid. I’ll show you the photos and you can judge with your own eyes. After all, a photo is worth a 1,000 words.
A. Lip Injections
So there were several, ok well not several, but a couple articles claiming that Selena got lip injections. (Selenators, take a deep breath, put down your knife, and keep reading). And this photo is a popular one to use when talking about this

The first side is from 2012, the second one is from 2011.
2012 was a brutal year for Selena and no I’m not just talking career wise and how Hit The Lights did not chart on Billboard. I’m talking about her. Apparently that’s when she started getting into drugs such as coke and all because of who she hung out with on Spring Breakers but either way, her face was bloated like a balloon and she gained a lot of weight. So personally, I don’t think she got lip injections. Makeup can do wonders. There are such things has a lip plumper and makeup tricks in which you line your lips to make them appear fuller. Anyone come to mind? Kylie Jenner. That’s what Kylie does. She didn’t get lip injections or at least it seems that she hasn’t because once the makeup is taken off, her lips go back to being as thin as hay.
B. Boob Job
Now this topic has been pretty popular the past couple of days since Selena was seen prancing around New York, with no bra, and a see-through shirt.

And then everyone came to the conclusion that she got a boob job because
exhibit A

exhibit B

and exhibit C

What do all these photos have in common? Yes the first photo I showed, but here’s how it really went down, literally “went down”

The first photo that everyone is using, makes Selena’s boobs look bigger but that’s only because she’s running and thinks she’s hot shit so she’s posing in a way that makes her boobs look bigger. The same way those ugly girls at school pose on Instagram to make their boobs or ass look big. But as you can tell, the last photo is when her boobs aren’t in the air.
Now Selenators suck at dragging and when they tried to defend their hypocritical idol, they used this

Firstly, all those photos are either A. Photoshooped or B. With a push-up bra. Just goes to show Selenators can’t drag for shit. But to have a laugh, here’s a magazine article in which they forgot to photoshop Selena’s other boob

Back to whether or not Selena got a boob job, let me show you a couple of photos because you can’t base something like that on one photo

Her boobs in the first picture look bigger but that’s because it was during 2012 aka her bloated phase and when she gained a lot of weight and when you gain weight, it tends to go to your boobs if you’re lucky.

See? They look the same. (the coke effect in the second photo tho eeek!)

In 2011 she was the skinniest she ever was so that explains why her boobs are a little smaller there.
Now, if you ask me if she got a boob job, my answer will probably be yes. If you google any articles about Selena and plastic surgery, they all say she got a boob job and one specific site said that their source said she got her boobs done as well. Those plastic surgery sites always say that Selena doesn’t overdo the plastic surgery so it’s surely possible that she got a boob job, it just wasn’t a recent one.
So yeah yadda yadda yadda lip injections, boob job, boring but I thought I’d include it since the boob job was requested for me to talk about and the lip injections manged to come up on But that brings me to Part C *cackles*
C. Nose Job
Before I start this post, let me just say thank you to my sister Alana because she’s the one who gathered up all the photos that you’re about to see. She gets a little…. irritated when I don’t acknowledge her contribution to exposingsmg lol

Isn’t she the sweetest?
Without further ado, we shall start.
I don’t feel the need to straight out be like “YES SELENA GOT A NOSE JOB” because pictures speak for themselves, and according to the photos you’re about to view, she did seem to get something minor done.

I don’t need no wannabe exposer with bad english to be like “Angela are just manipulating za proofs those aren’t the words but those are the meaning of her words” because like I said, pictures speak for themselves. Also, that wannabe exposer out-stupided herself (is that a term?) by saying that Selena’s nose is the way it is because of her mom’s nose and her dad’s nose. WELL NO DUH. I THOUGHT THE OTHER HALF OF MY GENES CAME FROM MY NEIGHBOR’S PET HORSE

Your nose doesn’t randomly change shape/look because of your parent’s genes. Your parents’ genes don’t have a magic fairy that chooses what nose shape you want to wear with each outfit. God I can’t even believe that was an excuse.

Alana violated her and violated all the future excuses. Keep scrolling, you’ll see angles from the left, right, up, down, side, semi-side, two inches to left, year differences, month differences and etc. Don’t even try to deny it.

We’re just getting warmed up. Because like I said earlier in this post, you can’t base something like a nose job or a boob job on one photo.

Starting to see it? I’m not gonna say anything, the pictures speak for themseleves. (Can you imagine what wannabeexposing-esmg is gonna say? “Those aren’t Selena those are her look-alike” or “That’s not the meaning of her pictures but that’s what the picture is” Oh I love idiots)

So according to the person from my last post who studied this I guess, they said that she had 4 minor reductions since 2011 in which she got the bump on her nose removed, but it was very minor and done very slickly. Also according to Alison, she did recently get something done again as well.

Obviously the photos are over the course of the past 3 years or so. You don’t see me getting a photo of 12 year old Selena with no makeup and comparing it with 22 year old Selena with contouring. Don’t try and tell me it’s contouring okay

You can check that off your list of excuses.
I’m not getting you photos of Selena cheesing like a horse in one photo and frowning like a dog in the other because I don’t wanna hear the “smiling stretches your face”. I compare photos of her with similar features as you could already tell.

It gets better

So tell me Selenators, did I photoshop these photos? Stay tuned till the end where I include most of the photos when they’re not closened up.

This one has to be the most obvious difference.

And now for the larger photos.


So I think I’ve made my point. To save the headache I’m going to recieve on once this post is up and is read by Selenators let just cancel excuses now.
“So what if she got a nose job/boob job/etc.”
I didn’t say anything like “OMG FAKE PLASTIC WHORE!” I’m not over dramatic like your fanbase.
“Everyone in Hollywood gets one.”
No not everyone, but either way, this is exposingsmg not exposinghollywood.
And I KNOW 100% that Miley and Justin are gonna get dragged into this post god knows why, but no for your information, neither Miley or Justin got a nose job.
Here is Justin throughout the years

And here’s Miley throughout the years

Are there any other excuses I have to cancel out? No? Then I guess I’ll be on my way.

About 9 mistakes in there…. I might be trying to prove that I’m a “stalker” but this lovely rat just proved that she’s in desperate need of an education.
There are a bunch of other posts in the making, but you guys are gonna have to live with this one for the next couple of days becauseeeeee I’m leaving NY in like a couple of hours and going to YOSEMITE with my family!! It’s gonna be a nice relaxing place away from the city I hope. I’m so excited because my aunt lives there and the Gateway Inn is pretty close to her so as you can tell I’m gonna be spending family time for the next couple of days so please understand if we don’t go on Twitter or post. Alana and I will probably be on here and there. Until then, I hope you all enjoyed this post and till next time ♥