She's stooped to the lowest levels of low for sympathy--and no not that type of low!

Catch the shade?

I’m gonna try to make this post straight forward by only focusing on one interesting lie Selena threw upon us. No not the time she lied about rehab. No not the time she lied about things Justin did for her. No not the time she lied about Justin’s presence for hype. No not that the time she lied about writing songs. No not the time she lied about getting bullied. No not the time she lied about how she got into drugs. No not the time she lied about hanging out with Logan Lerman. No not the time she lied about being in Norway. 


Woo that was a long intro!

This post is gonna show you how Selena lied about being poor when she was younger. She made it seem like she was on the streets looking for food through trash cans when really that was another stunt she pulled for sympthay. 

Let me explain something to my dear readers. Anything in the entermaintmet industry is good cash. I know of some aspiring dancer in my school who had to stand in the background of some video, DOING NOTHING, and he got $300-$500. The camera didn’t pan towards his direction, he didn’t speak, and he didn’t really do anything but appear. 

I have friends who are aspiring models so I know a lot of how this bussiness works in terms of money. If you appear in a commericial/ad/movie/TV show, you get paid a lot of money. If you have more than 5 lines, you get paid even more. Pretty simple to understand right? 

Now imagine if you were a little girl on a popular kids TV show that also appeared in small movie roles and in commercials? You must have been making good money huh?


“I grew up in poverty!”

“We had no gas money!”

“I had to look in between the couch for change!”

“I always ate food from the dollar store!”

Um…. for someone who has been in the entertainment industry since they were like 6, that seems VERY UNREALISTIC. 

You were in commercials 


(Check it out over here)

You had minor roles in popular movies


You did several roles on several different types of commercials/trailers and etc


You were on one of the most popular TV shows for kids in America, for crying out loud. 


And it wasn’t a one time thing


You were basically part of the main cast






How was a child actor gonna be living in poverty when she was basically in the entertainment industry since she was 7 years old?

She was living a middle class life BEFORE becoming part of the industry. 

(Lol that was an article from 2011)

Homegirl wasn’t growing up in poverty. She was growing with fame!

Face time gets you a lot of money. A speaking role gets you even more. Selena has done major roles for a child star as you can see above. She was nowhere near a poverty child who had to fight to survive. And if you want an inside look at her life, her family always took care of her even though she was making enough money to take care of herself and her mom without those “3 jobs” Mandy preaching about.

Now you could add this to the list of major things Selena’s lied about! (I put the word “major” in there because everyone tells little lies but Selena is just a compulsive liar and milked that story like crazy throughout 2011 because she wanted people to feel bad for her since Justin’s fans weren’t exactly the sweetest to her when she dated their idol for PR.) 

Hope you enjoyed!


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The Kardashians/Jenners Clash With Selena Part 2. - Justin and The Jenners both get back at Selena?