The Kardashians/Jenners Clash With Selena Part 2. - Justin and The Jenners both get back at Selena?

On Twitter I asked if you guys wanted the Jenner  post updated to include Justin hanging out with them and I kid you not, you all said yes. So obviously I wasn’t gonna deny the request so here it is!

Read part 1 here

A basic summary of the first post: The Jenners and Selena hang out so they can both promote each other and then Selena’s drug problems get in the way and all hell breaks loose with this PR friendship ending quick. 

So we go from The Jenners and Jelena hanging out at Coachella (and you can read this post here) to Jelena separating again, The Jenners and Selena hating each other, and Justin hanging out with The Jenners.  

And that happened in the span of like a week. 

Why did Justin hang out with the Jenners?

Why did the Jenners hang out with Justin?

How does Selena feel about this?

All of these questions will be answered in this post. 

I hope we’re all clear on why Selena and the Jenners started hanging out and why they stopped.

If you’re familiar with the tens of posts about Jelena, you’d know that their only reconciliations after the middle of 2013 was strictly for promotion only. Why did I say middle of 2013? Well for those wise asses out there, their odd reconciliations after 2012 were because of their brutal breakup where both morons were still trying to figure things out. 

About 2 weeks after Selena tried to get the Jenners’ career filled with bad publicity just like she did to Justin, this happened


Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin were both in NYC meeting up with…….


the one and only, Justin Bieber. 

They had dinner at a Japanese restaurant on April 28 in New York. By the way, that photo of Justin wasn’t from that day. But here’s Kendall and Hailey leaving Nobu after dinner with him


If you don’t know who Hailey is, the following picture will tell you why she’s not so fond of Selena. 


Now I’m fond of Hailey for calling out Selena on her pathetic shading parade she had during 2013. You can see most of the times she shaded Justin here. And if you realize, Selena’s shading has stopped because 1. she looks dumb as fuck for being an immature cunt and for going back to him a million times after the terrible things she said/implied about him and 2. she no longer has anything to promote but herself. 

So why was Justin hanging with Kendall? Well for one, they’re friends since the very beginning. 


Yes that was him at his 18th birthday party and yes Selena and the Jenners did not associate because well they were never friends to start with. 


But not only did they hang out because they were friends but because both wanted to get back at Selena for things she’s done. 

Justin was just annoyed by her and he was extremely mad at her at Coachella and Kendall had it up to here with the bullshit Selena’s publicist/Selena is throwing at her and her sister, Kylie. And I mean Kendall and Justin can bond over how fucking mental Selena is. They share common interests like the fame, being attacked by the leech, both been friends for awhile, both attacked by the leech, and both attacked by the leech. 

Selena wasn’t playing friendly at all by sending them rude texts as my source heard and she did give their career bad press by saying they’re bad influences on her just to hide HER DRUG ADDICTION 


Yeah she’s a psycho but nothing new from her. She did the same thing to Justin. She made him look like a druggie (he didn’t even help proving her wrong since his dumb friends decided to make sure his house was drugged up like a pharmacy) just to hide her own drug problems. 

Oh and look at this one


1. She’s not even working on music right now.

2. Throughout all of 2013, these same exact articles about how Justin’s drug problems are a bad influence on her kept coming out to hide HER problems. Lookey here, now the Jenners are involved. 

Don’t worry though. A wonderful post about one of Selena’s biggest lies is coming right up and instead of focusing on all the times she’s lied, we’ll focus on how low she stooped. 

Okay back to Justin hanging out with Kendall in NYC. So yeah they both hung out because they’re friends and because they wanted to get back at the bullshit Selena’s pulled. Hailey was there as well because she’s friends with the both of them and isn’t too fond of Selena. 

Selly boo racking up her enemies list quick! Two more years and she won’t even be in the industry anymore. 

As for the third question, “How does Selena feel about this?" 

Well… you should know by now. She’s not happy and extremely pissed off about it but she knows a bad friendship isn’t what she should be getting attention for because she’s been in the news for feuding with Miley, Lorde, Taylor, and now the Jenners? She knows people are catching up quick so what does her team do?


Firstly, the main problem wasn’t even between Kendall. Secondly, it was between Kylie. Thirdly, it involved her drug addiction becoming public. And lastly, her obsession with Justin’s life was also included in their feud. 

So if they’re tying to sell the whole "nothing happened!” story, they can try again. Yeah they were at the same event but they didn’t even speak with each other. 


By the way guys, this event was before Kendall’s dinner date with Justin so if Selena was pissed off there, you could imagine how mad she was later on. Her hair looks nice though! 

Also, the source says they have been friends since 2009. Wrong. They knew each other since then but they were never friends. 


Kendall is in the back while Selena poses with ex-girlfriend/still girlfriend Charity who is wearing Selena’s clothes. I don’t know their relationship status but yeah, if Selena and Kendall were still friends, pretty sure they would have taken a photo together to prove this article sent in my Selena’s team, right. But it’s fake just like Selena’s entire image. 


Someone submitted the picture above saying something like “They’ve always been friends you liar” um it’s cute how people think because you pose together at an event, it automatically makes you friends. 

I was on a school trip the other week to Upstate and I posed with whores I don’t like. Does that make me their friend? No. I was there and we took a photo amongst the rest of our schoolmates. That’s all. 

So we finished up Kendall and Justin. Now why are Kylie and Justin hanging out? 


The same reason Kendall and Justin hung out–because they’re friends and because they want to get back at Selena for the bullshit she’s put them through. And they can bond about the different types of bullshit Selena’s pulled. Also if you ask me, I think Kylie has a little crush on Justin. 

So yeah that’s it for this post. This is all I know and it’s really the only thing that there is to know. Selena hasn’t changed and her public downfall is approaching us. 


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She's stooped to the lowest levels of low for sympathy--and no not that type of low!


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