Does Selena Gomez love Justin Bieber? Has she ever loved him?

It’s clear that Justin Bieber has had a really tough 2013 and now we’re in 2014, and we’re still getting off on the wrong foot.

If you read my post in which I show you most of the times Selena Gomez shaded Justin, you’re probably thinking “What a bitch!” Well do I blame you? No. You’d think she’d give him a break considering all the bullshit he’s went through. Instead, she continues adding on to the humiliation and HELPING with the hate. 

For once, back in 2013 when Justin was in the hospital becauase of breathing issues


that happened during the worse week of his life


she posts this


If she really did care and love him like all of you claim, she would give him a BREAK. 

I’m gonna fast forward to 2014 and ignore the rest of her shade during 2013


She continues with her nonstop shade… well I wouldn’t really call this shade, more like she enjoys framing Justin as a bad boyfriend. Apparently expensive vacations and gifts constantly, weren’t enough!

She says that she hasn’t found a guy to support her lifestyle,  not be threatened by it and love her through it.



I’m sorry but WHAT? If anyone is gonna support and relate to your lifestyle, it’s Justin. You know, Justin Bieber. The one who is constantly blamed for false accusations. The one who who toured for more than a 100 dates regardless of suffering breathing issues on stage. The one who is constantly attacked by the media. The one who said nothing but good about everybody and gets trashed in return. Etc etc. If anything, no one can understand HIS lifestyle. So how is Selena gonna sit here fronting about how “unsupportive guys are” when she’s had the most relaxing celebrity status out of all the celebrities out there. Let me explain to you.

  • shades her ex-boyfriend for over a year -> “She’s heartbroken” is the excuse. 
  • gets her friends to hate on her ex-boyfriend -> “They’re standing up for her”
  • curses the sound guy out on stage -> “She’s sexy when she’s mad”
  • slaps her ex-boyfriend and is caught on video -> it’s ignored.
  • Lies about writing two love songs about her ex -> it’s ignored.
  • Lipsyncs throughout her entire tour -> it’s ignored.
  • Practically does what Miley Cyrus does -> she’s still classy

Are you catching on to what I’m saying? She has her celebrity status the easy way and that’s mainly because she’s not as famous as other people. In Hollywood, she’s a nobody so that’s why no one gives her as much shit as others.

But just because you’re irrelevant, it doesn’t give you the right to go all around the world acting as if you’re a perfect angel when thousands already know what kind of person Selena Gomez (or Bieber’s ex aka her stage name) is. 

Implying that Justin was unsupportive, threatened by your lifestyle, AND didn’t love you, is just Selena lying like always. I mean she always lies. She lied about meeting Logan Lerman when his movie was everywhere. She lied about not being in Norway to use Justin for promotion. She lied about being bullied. She lied about writing Love Will Remember and Forget Forever. She lied about not having a Valentine when she was attempting to frame Justin and a liar some more times. She’s a liar. That’s all there is to it. 

And out of ALL people, Justin did love her. He loved her so much to the point where he spent all his time with her. It came to the point where we questioned if he had friends. (No since Selena made him drop everyone for her)

While Justin is constantly having the worst time of his life with the media and everyone around him, he still says he loves her


and Selena? Well I mean it’s clear enough she doesn’t care nor love him. Her actions. Her words. I’m just writing this down. 


Not only that, but she’s happy at the bullshit he’s going through. She pretends she’s “devastated” but that’s just her team writing stories. 

The day Justin got released from jail, she’s seen with her publicity wor- I mean friend, Demi Lovato



Yes lets go out having a fabulous time when my ex-boyfriend who I so care about like I claim, just got arrested. 

I don’t care about her hanging out with Demi though. She can do whatever she wants. However, it’s the part about the paparazzi that confuses me. There’s a clear video of the paparazzi asking Selena about Justin and she’s walking smiling, head held up in the air and completely happy. I mean don’t get me wrong, be happy girl, embrace yourself. It’s just that we all see through your transparent act. OH and then get this, she gets into the car, signs autographs, and opens the car door again????? And is continually asked about Justin. I mean Selena, you’re an actress, you can do better than that and actually look upset and cry them fake tears. You’ve done it before sis!



I’m just saying that I don’t enjoy the fact that Justin is having a really tough time right now and Selena 1. doesn’t care. 2. is about about what’s happening to him. and 3. STILL SAYS SHE CARES ABOUT HIM. Okay??????

Justin wrote like 2 love albums about her and Selena? Oh leave it to her to HELP give him a bad reputation, HELP the media expose him, and HELP leak photos. 

According to my source who hasn’t let any of us down, Selena was part of the process that leaked this.


She called her aunt laughing about what she did. 

Also, remember when the cops raided into Justin’s house? Yeah it was Selena who left the anonymous tip that there were alleged drugs in there. She was mad at something Justin said. I can’t say much about what happened but that’s all I’m telling you guys. 

She also called her aunt from *whispers* rehab, laughing. 

Remember last year when Selenaexposed told you guys not to be surprised if she sends him to rehab? Well this is close. She was the one to leak the weed pictures ya know. 

Anyways, sorry I haven’t been posting lately. I’ve been enjoying my regents vacation. For those of you who don’t know what regents are, they are sorta like state tests given in certain states. NYC has them. I’m not taking any regents since I’m a senior and I’m done with all my tests, so I’m off this whole week. Yay. So I hope you guys enjoyed this post. I have more coming up.

Oh and by the way, it seems that my popularity has increased. Maybe it has to do with my thousands of followers on various social media sites or my blog almost hitting 300,000 views or the fact that more than 1,000 people visit this blog everyday. So with increasing popularity, comes increasing hate. Sorta like Justin. Hey we can relate. What I’m trying to say is save your breath (or characters in this case). The hate doesn’t bother me. Doesn’t affect me. Doesn’t annoying. It has no effect. If anything, I enjoy it. But thanks for giving so much thought into hating and attempting (and failing) to expose me! I love attention like my queen Selena ♥ ♥


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