Exposed: A OLLG's experience and Pattie talks about Selena.

A OLLG recently contacted me to share her experience and she told me about a little conversation she had with Pattie about Selena. She had no problem with me showing you her personal pictures, giving you her twitter, and using her name.

Okay so her name is Isidora and she was the OLLG in November 21, 2012, in Detroit. You can easily search up OLLG Detroit 2012 and you will see who she is. 



And to prove that I didn’t just choose some random OLLG and create a story like some delusional human beings like to believe, Isidora gave me a personal picture of hers.


She’s honestly gorgeous. 

Anyways, now that we have our proof in check, lemme tell you everything that happened. Usually I explain everything and then post the emails but I’m gonna do it differently because she practically explains everything. 


Basically, Pattie said that Isidora reminded her of Selena but Jenn begs to differ by saying that “this OLLG is enthusiastic, fun, outgoing, always smiling, and doesn’t care what people think of her.” and then Pattie agrees and says that she’s the opposite of Selena. Lol so basically Pattie said that Selena isn't enthusiastic, isn’t fun, isn’t outgoing, isn’t always smiling, and does care what people think of her. Pattie then says that she was joking about that comment but lol c'mon, we all know she wasn’t. Pattie and Selena never really got along and Pattie wasn’t ever too fond of her. Even in interviews, Pattie would always try to dodge any Jelena questions. In this post, I wrote a little bit about Selena and Pattie. 

Pattie also says that she doesn’t know whether or not Justin is in a relationship. By the way, this happened in November 2012 and November 2012 was during the time Jelena were having serious issues. It was during the whole Barbara Palvin issue. Here, let me refresh your memory








It was an…. interesting month.

Pattie then goes on to say that she wishes Justin was happy…….

Aw. Sadly, that’s when everything sorta started going downhill for Justin. Selena wouldn’t leave him alone for the remaining of 2012 and even in 2013. She kept constantly shading him. The media was up his ass 24/7. He was being exposed to harmful things. He was having health issues because of the constant traveling. It just makes me feel really bad for him.

Anyways, Isidora is then informed that she’s gonna be the OLLG. After that day, she kept in contact with Pattie and she even remembered her when she went to her book signing in July 2013. 

If you want more confirmation that this happened, you can even ask Isidora herself. I mean I did. Her twitter is @I_Mavrogiorgis.



What I’m about to say, I already said before but I just wanna get the word out again. 

I’m all up for helping anyone if it’s gonna take like 2 seconds of my time so one person dmed me asking her to help her friend meet Justin, and the other emailed me asking if I could help sign a petition. 

1. Please read this twitlonger about a girl who lost her parents in a car accident and hopes to meet Justin. You can help by tweeting #BieberMeetThea on twitter and help make someone happy :)


2. This will probably benefit all of us since more days off from school! As you guys know, we all have off for the holidays either in December or any other holiday. Muslims also want to be off for their holiday, Eid. You can help get this done, by signing this petition

Help others and make a difference :) Thank you and I love you guys ♥

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter and talk to me on


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