Exposed: Selena Gomez and.............. botox plus a nose reduction?
Someone has recently contacted me saying they have some information on Selena. They said that it looks like she might have had gotten a nose job and botox. Judging from her pictures and how her face has drastically changed, we’ve concluded that she had 4 sessions in the last 1 and a half years.
Reading this, I was like whoa… slow down there. That’s not true. The media would have been all over it by now but knowing Selena’s irrelevancy, things like this getting ignored, isn’t shocking. Here’s the first photo that was sent to me
You’re lying if this doesn’t freak you out.
I closened it up for you guys
Can a smile really make much THAT of a difference? I don’t think so because
I’m not an expert on this but I mean the photos say enough.
Her nose is slimmer.
Her nose is much more petite now
Like she said, it’s NOT a change in the nose shape and that’s why a lot of you will find this hard to believe. She just had her nose thinner.
Look at these two photos
I honestly don’t think any amount of makeup can make that much of a difference. Plus, they’re doing the same exact pose so there’s no stretching of the nose involved.
So I talked to my source some more
Let me sum up the email
Me: Hey, regarding that last submission you sent me, I’m curious now because I never thought that she would have gotten a nose job. It’s crazy. Do you know anything else?
It is weird for me too. She is indeed VERY cunning.. Since most celebrities (Kim K, Heidi) go for straght up nose jobs to improve their looks but i’m guessing she got 3-4 of very minor ones. So when she got her first one done, it was very light and not very noticeable then the media/viewers didn’t notice any change after the 4th (or 3rd) one because she didn’t make her nose shape-shift drastically. And obviously a bit of botox around her forehead area/cheek area which almost every other teen star has gotten done. That is why you will see her forehead wrinkle sometimes when she is all caked up because botox doesn’t mix well with foundation. And I don’t have dirt on her, just tons of information on which celebrities have gotten surgeries. But it really bugs me how she is known to be a natural beauty. Besides in around 2009-2011 she was pictured tons of times without make up.. Nowadays we see her with pounds of make up on even when she is hanging out w/ friends. I guess she’s older that’s why she’s trying to look mature but I’ve noticed a lot of change in her looks recently. I think in early 2012 candids she started using contouring and tons of it to make her nose appear thinner, and then when she finally got a reduction, no one noticed it because she has been using make up for so long to hide her actual nose. Noses only get bigger in time, not smaller. If you google her images from maybe 2008-9 and then google from 2013 (event images) you will see the difference.

There’s a minor difference as you see, so she definitely had something done because what do you notice in 2012? And this is pretty ironic because the last post I posted was the Beauty Evolution and when it came to 2012, I was talking about how she “RANDOMLYYYYY” got bloated and then suddenly, I learn about this. But seriously. There is a definite possibly because as you can see in the photos below, she randomly blew up like a balloon and we’re not talking about body size. We’re talking about her face

And don’t mistaken her having a large head being the same as having bloated features. Like for example, here earlier in 2013
she didn’t have a bloated face but she has her large head. Do you get what I’m saying? Because I’m serious and I’m not making any of my usual joking comments.
And that’s just me rambling on about how I can’t believe it and then I’m like, “So in 2013 she began looking somewhat normal again and this happened
I would say that’s the botox reacting?”
And she responds saying… (no need to screenshot the email now since you guys can’t even see it)
“Yeah! And the over face-peeling, she obviously relies on her looks way too much.. For someone so young.. Getting a nose job + botox treatments is just odd. It is obvious a substance was ruining the way she looked but she’s too stubborn to leave her habits so she chose being plastic instead. Or maybe the pressure of media simply made her insecure about her looks.. ”
A lot of people tend to make fun of her face, saying she has a baby face and whatnot so maybe insecurity got to her?
The email continues…
“Stretchy features
Before nose job/constant treatments/dating Justin Bieber and the pressure of looking good because she’s his girlfriend:
Before whatever it is she might have got done, her face was much slimmer as you see in the photos above, and her nose was quite bigger than it is now.
Same pose, yet her nose is slimmer in the first photo which is from this year unlike the second photo which is from 2008ish.
I would say Selena is pretty conniving to hide it. I mean it’s making my brain hurt looking at all these photos and analyzing her nose but it is what it is. Obviously there’s a change and we could all see it. It now depends on how we interpret it.
I leave you with this
So I talked to my source, my original source who provided us with posts about Niley/Nelena, Selena & the Jonas Brothers, Selena & her family, and etc, and I asked her what she thinks about this, since you know, she knows her personally and she said
So Selena always talked about getting a nose job because she never liked her nose. There you have it.
So someone brought a video to my attention
Come to think of it, it is rather odd that Selena comes out COMPLETLY hiding her face. I mean we all know the paparazzi are annoying and all but there wasn’t even paparazzi in her face. They’re stalking from a distance. So why exactly does she have her entire face covered after coming out of some building? Is she allergic to the Sun or did she get something done to her face that needed to be retouched with makeup? I’m gonna go with the second one because it’s pretty weird for someone to look THAT suspicious
Suspicious….. well we don’t have to keep wondering what happened since we already know! *whispers* plastic. surgery. I’m not saying that she did for sure get plastic surgery because I don’t know, but judging from the differences in her face, it’s pretty obvious.
Also, don’t use the excuse of losing weight or growing up as to why her nose has changed because growing up doesn’t lift your nose or mess with its shape and neither does losing weight. Also because
Now I’m debating on whether or not I should turn the questions on so I can see what you guys have to say. Hmmm… well give me your thoughts. This outta be fun. Do YOU think that Selena got plastic surgery?