Back to Jelena and Selena's ungrateful ways.

I’m not into discussing Jelena and how they started out because of Selena’s past history with dating stars at their peaks but I just realized something.

Besides all the random photos Jelena/Scooter leaked back in 2011 and all the obvious publicity stunts, lets talk about a Selena interview.

Selena’s third album, When The Sun Goes Down, was released a day after Selena confirmed Jelena. Here is the interview where she confirms it.


She didn’t straight out say “Yeah we’re dating” but she said  “It’s obvious you don't have to ask me” Later on in the interview the guy goes “So, It’s obvious you’re dating but don’t like to talk about it?” In which Selena replies and says “Yes.”

RIGHT before the album came out, SHE confirmed the relationship alongside her promo behind her.

And since Selena is stupid, and I don’t mean that rudely, she's genuinely uneducated which I will discuss later, she obviously confirms the relationship and that confirmation supports the theory that Justin and Selena started off as publicity which is true since she left Nick when Just became the bigger star, and then eventually fell in love.



Those dms were from my source and were already discussed here.

My source said that Selena said that Justin was a little kid and hm… in 2011, did Selena not refer to Justin as her “little brother” or was I impersonating her in that since I’m a liar according to her fans. Read THIS here. It’s a timeline of Jelena back in 2011 and if you actually thought they were real, you’ll probably be rethinking your thoughts after reading that.

However, I really question Selena’s “love” for his money Justin because of her own words


She said she never experienced love… oh.

That’s not even shade. That’s straight out a hate comment. So if she never experienced love like SHE says, then I guess Jelena really was fake all along. We know Justin loved her. Who knows if Selena did? Oh wait! We know… SINCE SHE JUST SAID IT.


And like Selena’s usual attitude, she keeps fronting. We all know she would never date anyone who’s not at their peak in Hollywood. I mean she dumped Charlie as soon as she got into Hollywood. 


Oh look, there we go again with her constant lying and saying she wasn’t in Norway with Justin meanwhile 

here’s her arriving


and here’s her with him


But we’re used to Selena’s lies since this and this.

ALSO, Selena said here, that she’s not into shading people. Hm that’s funny because didn’t all of these events occur? Why yes they did.

I really don’t know where this post is going but I thought I’d bring it to your attention. Selena is ungrateful.

  • shades and attacks the person who helped her the most and boosted her career and loved her
  • then says that she never loved him
  • and goes on to say she never had a valentine 


Well that’s absurd because I sure remember this



you know, when Justin took her out to Disneyland with his family for Valentine’s day. Oh AND he spent $2,000 a night at the suite they stayed in





oh AND


Hm. I would say it’s pretty fair to say Selena never loved him.

and like she says 


Jelena would know. 

Next time I call Selena a famewhore and an ungrateful bitch, don’t ask why because this is why,


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Selena's poisonous ways. (Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran vs. Justin)


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