First Ask Box of 2021... Let's go!



Welcome to the first ask box of 2021!

I miss how active we are on ask so let’s try to work this ask a bit differently. We’re gonna try our best to be active and probably open up a new ask box every 2 weeks if it goes well.

A couple of readers came up with the idea to have a “Discussion Page” for only readers to interact. What do you guys think of that? Obviously, with a Discussion Page, Alana and I will be reading and managing the comment section but most likely not replying since 1. we have an ask box and 2. there are a million comment sections under every post.

Let me know what you guys think by voting down below! Please vote ONCE. We can see if you manipulate the votes by voting more btw.

Should we open up a "Reader's Hub?"
I have a different idea (comment your idea w/ hashtag #Request so I can filter the comments and see it)
Created with Survey Maker

We would call it a “Reader’s Hub” for readers to interact. I know that you guys want us to a have page on here that’s run like Reddit, but as of now, there is no option on our blogging platform to open up that kind of page. The only option we currently have is to open up another page just like Ask and post a new post with a comment section under each one. That is unless one of you out there are a coding expert that can code something of the sort.

I don’t know. It’s all up to YOU GUYS.



Guys, please try to keep your questions short because it takes up a lot of time to answer everything in depth (that’s why we make posts!!) and as you can see, there are always so many questions! The last ask box received over a THOUSAND comments. It’s amazing, but there are only 2 of us. We love you!

How to use this as an ask box:

  1. At the beginning of each week (or depending on what day we can), we will post a new “Ask Box” that looks like a post, but it’s on a whole separate page from regular blog posts. If we fail to post a new ask box/thread, I’ll continue replying on the other one no worries.

  2. The comment section down below will serve as an ask box, where you will be able to ASK whatever question your heart desires.

  3. You can ask questions anonymously so take advantage of that.

  4. You can get notified every time we answer the question by clicking “subscribe via e-mail” which will keep you updated on the questions, if you want.

  5. You can choose to see organizations of questions by “newest first” “oldest first” and so on.

Where to find or contact us:


It’s your fave exposers.


Ask Box for April 27 to April 30 (box will close automatically so read the new rules)


2020 is finally ending so here is an Ask Box to celebrate (December 10 - December 31)