Ask Box for April 27 to April 30 (box will close automatically so read the new rules)



The ask box has gotten out of hand as you guys can see with how the latest ask boxes went… it starts off great but then BAM, 1500 questions and no one to answer then. We are doing something new this time.

This box will AUTOMATICALLY close on April 30th at 1PM est.


It will only open for us to ANSWER your questions. This means you have a few days to get your questions in and it will give us time to answer everything. We hope this allows for a functioning ask box without an overflow of questions/comments/threads.

If this successfully works, we will keep this method for future ask boxes.



Guys, please try to keep your questions short because it takes up a lot of time to answer everything in depth (that’s why we make posts!!) and as you can see, there are always so many questions! The last ask box received over a THOUSAND comments. It’s amazing, but there are only 2 of us. We love you!

How to use this as an ask box:

At the beginning of each week (or depending on what day we can), we will post a new “Ask Box” that looks like a post, but it’s on a whole separate page from regular blog posts. If we fail to post a new ask box/thread, I’ll continue replying on the other one no worries.

  1. The comment section down below will serve as an ask box, where you will be able to ASK whatever question your heart desires.

  2. You can ask questions anonymously so take advantage of that.

  3. You can get notified every time we answer the question by clicking “subscribe via e-mail” which will keep you updated on the questions, if you want.

  4. You can choose to see organizations of questions by “newest first” “oldest first” and so on.

Where to find or contact us:


It’s your fave exposers.


November 2022 Ask Box ... first of the year 👀 ask whatever your heart desires


First Ask Box of 2021... Let's go!