We're back on the podcast and this time we are talking about Gossip Girl, Britney Spears, Carl Lentz, and more

We’re back on the “It Sounded Like a Good Idea at the Time” podcasts with our friends Caroline & Hannah!

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You can find the episode on Google Podcasts here and check out their Wordpress site https://agoodidea.blubrry.net/. Make sure to check them out on Instagram at agoodideapod!

We had a super fun time being back on the podcast and we discussed some interesting topics for guys! Their listeners sent in questions about Gossip Girl, Armie Hammer, Carl Lentz, Britney Spears, and so much more.

We hope you guys like it! Let us know what you think down in the comment section below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.

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It’s your fave exposers.


Posting Schedule for February 8-13: Selena Gomez, Zayn Malik + Gigi Hadid, The Kardashians, and Meghan Markle + Prince Harry


The Upcoming Tell All... and an announcement