Summer's over and school is back in session... so get ready for our tea class - OUR RETURN!

Hello everyone and sorry for being a fckin loser!

It’s one thing to be on hiatus, it’s another thing to keep promising something that isn’t coming. And that’s what I did all summer.

I kept teasing a summer comeback only to come back in September. This is why I told you guys you’re allowed to and should send hate mail.

And I gotta say, the hate mail was FUNNY! You guys got jokes and I deserved the lashings.

Summer was busier than I thought. Lots of traveling… summer adventures and we got caught up on a lot. I told you guys Alana was also out of the country so that delayed the blog comeback.

We even slacked on YouTube posting only 3 videos a month.

Sorry, but we’re back.

You guys wanna see the schedule, right?


Well what do you think?

Also, can we just take a moment to recognize that this is the first post on the new blog name -> SCANDALOUS.MEDIA

Yep… just scandalous dot media. We tried to get .com but they told us to choke.

Anywayssss I’m currently writing new posts, but I previously told you in July that I’m taking the blog comeback easy and just working on the Ariana & Taylor posts, however, I squeezed in a HUGE Scooter exposé considering the news.

Then as I was finalizing everything on September 3rd, I felt bad that I was coming back not only LATE, but with COLD TEA as one of my besties scolded me during one of the hate emails :(

So I was like how can I make it up to them?

BAM! Joe & Sophie post. Can’t get more current than that (she says nervously), right?

I was scrolling through emails for hours trying to find old Joe & Sophie tea and honestly… kudos to yall for putting up with us because tell me why I had 2016 info I never muttered to anyone??

Whatever… it’s a new name.. new era… and new us! (We hope!)

2023 has been crazy.

We’re officially Scandalous Media everywhere now and it’s crazy to think that 10 years later we’re still exposing tea and still being horrible on time.

thoughts on the new logo?

That’s enough chitter chatter!

What have you guys been up to this summer?

And what do you want to see on the upcoming schedule?

Feel free to yell at us, we deserve it.

I know you guys want some Selena tea as well since she released her new single and is still crying about being single (ironic), but the last thing I wanted to do was 1. come back and talk about her first and 2. talk about her, to begin with.

Her shenanigans are very boring and repetitive. But don’t worry, we will spill some tea about her in the next schedule.

Both Alana and I will be answering comments and being active everywhere.

Oh and if you’re from our YouTube family which HELLO!!!! Has grown so much OH MY GOD, 80k??? Bet you loser haters never thought your beloved ESMG would see that number, huh?

Anyway, you guys have been waiting for part 2 of the Ariana saga so the video is up now:

Let’s catch up in the comments!

Please no annoying comment behavior. You weirdos who ruin the comment section are ruining it for fellow readers—not us. Actually, we ran away to YouTube where comments are sane and people actually appreciate us as opposed to yall harassing us 24/7.

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m super excited to be back and hopefully, it’s a tea-spilling fall for all of us! Love you guys so much!

Emily gif for old times, iykyk

Where to find or contact us:


It’s your fave exposers.


A scandalous November schedule! Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Ariana Grande, and MORE
