ExposingSMG's Holiday Special for December 21-26 (Schedule 3 out of 4)
It continues!
Two as a person posts in one week? Who tf are we?
No but on a serious note, hopefully we are able to get those up LMAOOO those are hard.
Let me know how you guys are feeling about this schedule so far. Who else do you want to be on the schedule?
Since I love you all and I can’t keep a secret, the Britney Spears x Dark Hollywood post will be part of Schedule 4. We gotta end with a bang, right?
Btw, are you guys liking the YouTube videos? We originally said that we are posting for our subscribers there but let us know if any of you readers are watching as well. Someone commented saying it’s a like a chat between friends and I’ve been happy ever since.
We’re excited to talk about Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande this week because it’ll be a lot easier to delve deeper into the 2 of them when we ramble.
The AAP posts for Taylor and Demi have been a long time coming….
Gustavo Caballero/Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
Anyways, we love you all! Can’t wait to keep posting. This has been fun + it’s been a relief getting this old tea off my chest so I can post newer tea. I wanted to include more in this schedule, but 2 AAP posts are long enough.
Comment down below your requests and what you think of this schedule! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be reading and replying back! ;)