Selena Gomez's Team Talks About ExposingSMG: "We see everything. We've been keeping tabs on this for years." Why Can't They Take Us Down? Defamation, Libel, Slander, and more explained.

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Besides 2020 practically being the apocalypse, it’s basically the year of everything we say, getting confirmed right. From Justin Bieber’s security team checking his pulse because of his drug use to confirmation of Selena Gomez being in contact with Bieber’s mother, it just doesn’t stop.

For years, I have told you that Team Gomez knows about this account and watches it carefully. I have threatened them on multiple occasions that doing anything to sever my account will lead to angry sources going public as opposed to venting to my platform. I have also threatened that I will bring up backups if they try to silence my account in any shape way or form.

I’ll get into the Team Gomez vs. Team ESMG feud at the end of this post, but let me just show you how they CONFIRMED knowing about us.

Selena’s Team Confirmed Knowing About This Account

Here’s some random moments we say they know about us (but we’ve been saying it since 2014).

There is someone on Selena’s team that is pretty active on Twitter and is constantly talking to Selena’s fans (pray for her, can’t believe she has to deal with them). Her name is Kirsten and she works with Interscope aka the label that Selena is signed with.

Here they are in a photo together.


Selena’s robot fans spam her like every other day to get my Twitter account taken down. Little do they know that the damage done is mainly on this website and Twitter barely contains any of my information because I make posts rather than Twitter threads.

Anyways, she finally caved and replied to them.

Here’s what Kirsten said about us

I laughed.

A lot.


“We see everything. We’ve been keeping tabs on this for years.”

“Already done. [when asked about contacting Twitter HQ themselves]”

For years, Selena’s fans tried to convince themselves the opposite. “She doesn’t even know about you. She doesn’t care. You hold no power” they cried in my mentions.

Don’t get me wrong, Kirsten seems like a very nice person (Hi Kirsten, tell Selena I hope she’s doing okay), but I mean I literally told you guys this.

So for Kirsten to CONFIRM it, is just so funny to me because I never thought that would happen.

Not only did she confirm it, but she said it ain’t against law which once again, PROVES ME RIGHT BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SUE FOR DEFAMATION IF YOUR INFORMATION IS TRUE. I’m going to explain that in a moment.

Sis got me a 2 for 1 deal, here. Thanks, Kirsten!

On top of that, Selena previously threw shade at us in January.

Why can’t Selena’s team do anything about us? Why can’t they sue us?


Selena’s delusional fans think we are publishing false news and that’s why they can’t do anything about it.


Quite literally the COMPLETE opposite.

I’m not going to give you all the entire inside tea as to why not, because obviously Selena and her team read this blog, and I can’t give away all my secrets.

But I will disclose some pretty standard legal terms. Don’t worry about how I know this and no it’s not from a quick Google search. Trust me when I say, none of you know anything about what I really do LMAO.


Libel vs. Slander

Libel is the publication of false information through writing.

Slander is the publication of false information through spoken word.

If I were to publish a false post, I could get sued for libel which accounts for a defamation case. If I were to host a podcast were I practically “expose” false information, I can be sued for slander. So that’s the difference between the duo.


Either one, slander or libel, accounts for a defamation case. For a defamation case to exist, it has to be made on the grounds that the INFORMATION IS FALSE. Period. There is nothing around it.

Some people think that a defamation case can only be done if the person’s reputation gets ruined OR they lose a job, but no. While that can make a defamation case stronger, you can only proceed if the INFORMATION WAS FALSE.

This is the simplest way I can describe it.

I can publish an entire story and say it goes viral big time and Selena loses a movie role. Sis still can’t sue for defamation UNLESS the story is false.

For example, Miley Cyrus lost the role of Hotel Transylvania (which was then given to Selena), because photos of her with Liam Hemsworth’s PENIS CAKE leaked. That surely ruined her reputation and made her lose a job. However, she can’t sue for defamation because the pictures aren’t FAKE.

Screen Shot 2020-03-24 at 4.09.01 PM.png

The photos were obviously taken from someone at the party and sold (Miley shouldn’t be trusting locals like this). Now if the photos were HACKED from her iCloud for example, then she can sue for a completely different reason that has nothing to do with defamation, but rather invasion of privacy.

That’s why Selena’s hackers TSR and Jelenacruisin (who we ended on multiple accounts when we exposed everyone on their pathetic “team” and they never tried us once again), were reported to be in jail since they hacked into her life.

For many years, Selena’s fans are like “you don’t leak pictures, you are fake." No. I am smart. I’m not a fcking moron like y’all and TSR.

So back to defamation cases.

While defamation cases can fail due to the first amendment law in America that states freedom of speech, that’s still not enough to stop one from being made. Freedom of speech protects opinion or PUBLIC FACT. When I publish exposed posts, it ain’t my opinion that Selena does coke. I have described and literalized so many scenarios which don’t work as an opinion. Therefore, if I was lying, my ass would have been in jail right now.



FALSE INFORMATION = possible case of defamation if proven and on the grounds that it caused severe damage.

CORRECT INFORMATION = no case of defamation whether or not any job was lost or any reputation was ruined because at the end of the day, the truth ain’t illegal.

This is basically libel, slander, and defamation for DUMMIES 101. Like I literally made it so easy to understand. If you want to read more and go in depth, you guys can do so here.

So to sit here and say that Selena can’t sue for defamation because I write “fanfictions” is not only you being illiterate, but that’s not even what the grounds for defamation is. You should have just sat there and ate your food.

Let me not even get started on the statute of limitations or the blogger’s protection act of 2008 or the EFF’s laws on blogging and so much more.

In short, Selena’s team can’t sue us because everything we say is correct and true.


She can’t legally testify that it is not true because then my good sis would be lying under oath. I mean I’d love to go to court with Selena and I’m sure the ESMG team would love that, too. Can you imagine the court looks I’d pull off? Oooo a concept!

I can imagine us at the court stand with the judge reading “so you said Selena does coke. Selena, can you disprove?” What is she going to do? Hand over a blood sample or urine sample that will literally prove me right?

For years, I have told you that I don’t do anything to Selena with ill intent. Publishing the truth about her is something that DESERVES to be out especially since my good sis has ruined lives while living a lie. I don’t give a crap what happened to her mental health because I didn’t force her to push anyone to suicide or to become the person she truly is. She knows this. I know this. And sweet Kirsten knows this.

Honestly, Kirsten might have some inside tea on her own. Shoot me an email, Kirs Kirs!

Team Gomez vs. Team ESMG

Selena Gomez shooting ESMG after kidnapping them, to end this blog once and for all.

Selena Gomez shooting ESMG after kidnapping them, to end this blog once and for all.

Back in 2019, I realized that a lot of my Tumblr posts that went viral at exposing Selena, were taken down without reason. Usually if you get a copyright strike, Tumblr emails you. I didn’t get no email, I didn’t get nothing. I didn’t make a fuss out of it though because I was like “why would Selena’s team take down old Jelena posts from 2014, 2015, 2016…?” Turns out, my word ways heavily than I ever thought. I mean I already knew, but I didn’t know I have them that shaken up to the point where they try to slyly get my posts taken down. And why old posts you may ask? Well during those years, I was the most active on this blog. It wasn’t until 2019 that I stopped taking breaks.

Despite not being active, my word still held a lot of power I guess.

My sources have told me on multiple times that “they watch everything you say.” Guess what? I ain’t phased. I wasn’t phased when her team tried to threaten my child ass back in 2013/14 and I wasn’t phased when they started taking my Tumblr posts down VERY QUIETLY.

Instead, I retaliated the way I told them I would.


I moved from Tumblr to my own hosted platform here on Squarespace. I didn’t lie when I told them that I BACKED UP EVERY SINGLE POST. Everything they deleted, is now up on this blog. All my posts that date before the move to Squarespace, are on this blog.

And you know what sucks for them? Google search engines are able to find this blog faster than they were when I was on Tumblr. So not only did you push me in the direction to make the smarter choice for myself as a blogger, y’all dug the grave for yourself as I’m getting more traffic.

At the end of the day, this blog is not just about Selena and it stopped being just about Selena back in 2016, when we introduced Tell Alls that enabled us to write about so many other celebrities. I personally love writing, I love interacting with all of our amazing readers, and I am a pop culture fanatic at the end of the day.

Scared ass teams who rely on a fake image for their client, will not take that away from me.

Stay safe and always remember that we are the WINNING TEAM, periODTTTT.

Comment down below your thoughts, questions, concerns and blah blah. You can comment anonymously and I will be replying back. Also, let me know what other times we have been proven correct so I can keep updating this page.

ESMG coming back after recovering in the hospital, after Selena shot them on the yacht.

ESMG coming back after recovering in the hospital, after Selena shot them on the yacht.

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