Selena Gomez Shades ExposingSMG: "There were accounts that were dissecting me... Telling stories. It destroyed me."

Selena Gomez knowing about this blog and reading it, is nothing new to me. She does read this blog, she is well aware of our information, and any sort of legal step she takes towards us, will result in angry sources and will just feed my credibility ego. She can ask Chantel Jeffries, how suing us went for her.

We’ll talk about why Selena can’t and hasn’t taken legal action later on, but for now, let’s talk about how she SHADED US!

In her Zane Lowe interview, she said the following quote.


Automatically, her fans started spreading in my mentions and indirects like the plague spread from Central Asia to Europe. I wouldn’t even have been aware of this quote if her fans (my secret readers), didn’t spam my mentions with it.

My power.. it’s just… *chef’s kiss*


They were saying a whole bunch of nonsense.

  • when I catch exposingsmg

  • let me catch exposingsmg talking about selena

  • death threats

  • spamming random label interns to take us down

Yadda yadda yadda.


Please, take a look and laugh with me.


First off all, I don’t give a shit what destroyed Selena. If my blog—writing about HER ACTIONS, destroyed her, then so be it. I basically read her a bedtime story of the pain she caused others and called out her self-victimization, ultimate manipulation, and psychotic lies. Girlie mad I sang her actions back to her LMAO.

Secondly, like I said on Twitter: You uncover the truth and feed them the same venom they made others drink up, and they wanna act destroyed.

Selena loves acting like she wasn’t trying to blacklist regular people behind the scenes. Her new album, “Rare” literally has a song on it called “Ring,” that she tried to promote in a way that it was about Hailey Baldwin’s ring, but it turned out that SHE was exposing her manipulation and control she enforces on guys.

This blog is her karma. It’s an exposer’s world and the celebrities are just in it playing and hoping their wrongdoings don’t get exposed.

Also, it wasn’t this blog that solely destroyed her. Don’t think I’m taking credit FULL credit for her downfall. Once you she opens up about what exactly destroyed her, it’ll be all clear. Selena has an addictive personality, something she just confirmed finally. Her obsession with Justin’s life destroyed her. Her drug usage destroyed her. Her lies destroyed her. It’s many factors.

Go back to 2014 and read a post about what I said will happen to Selena’s mental state if she continues this clownery. Literally, she loves proving me right. Everything I warned her of, SHE CONFIRMED.

On top of that, you literally can’t sue for libel or defamation unless the information is false. Can you imagine Selena and her team facing off our team in court?

The judge: prove you are not doing drugs.

Like what is she gonna do? Take a drug test? Please, that will prove us right and y’all already know about my credibility ego.

To make matters worst for Selena, the statue of limitations in New York—where this blog is based (Selena you are invited to my house whenever you’re in the state)—excuses any old information from being able to be brought up in court for a defamation case.

Save your breath and understand that we know what we are doing and we know more than we let on. Her fans are crying and mentioning random label interns, begging and pleading, “PLEASE TAKE ESMG DOWN” and it’s just so sad. I might delete my account myself just because I pity them and their trial and error for so many years.

I would LOVE for a court face off with Selena and her team. Do you even know what I know? Or what my sources have? I’d love to share in a public trial, Selena.

Selena, her stans, and others like her, are the type of people that love doing others dirty and when they get treated just 3% how they treat others, they cry “victim.”

Sure, my words are harsh. But at the end of the day, I wrote YOUR story. If YOUR story destroyed you, that’s YOUR problem.

And I know she’s reading this so everyone, say hi Selena in the comment section down below.

Anyways, Selena can keep crying in a corner for all I care. I gave my heartfelt advice when needed and my harsh criticism when I wanted.

Welcome to the real world.

Leave your comments down below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that.

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Proven Right About: Selena Gomez Being In Contact With and Calling Up Pattie Mallette, Justin Bieber's Mother


Proven Right About: Selena Gomez being bisexual and dating her backup dancer, Charity Baroni