Where Selena Gomez Has Been: An Extremely Sad Update on Selena's Health
Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images
Trigger warning
suicide, depression, substance abuse, etc. Please read at your discretion.
Selena Gomez has been through a lot of troubling health concerns over the years. She was in rehab in 2014, then in 2016, then hospitalized for an emotional breakdown in 2018, then secretly in treatment earlier in 2020. Our update today unfortunately doesn’t have any light-hearted news to it.
When it comes to Selena’s health updates, I always make sure I am reporting the information to its full truth (as always) because this is an extremely sensitive topic. More often than not, I am proven right about her circumstances. I also feel like the information I’m about to reveal will come to light so incorporate that with any of your suspicions.
I did a recent update on Selena’s health in which I spoke about not writing about her anymore and giving her my good wishes. My last post on Selena was in May and it was about her owing her label money, nothing too crazy. You should read the recent health update on Selena from March for everything to make sense.
Anyways, this health update is a little different than most because it includes my main trustworthy source + different sources. I didn’t know how to address this, but here we go.
Someone reached out to me to tell me some concerning news about Selena.
Disclaimer: This is not my main source, this is someone who reached out to elaborate on more information. You’ll see as the post flows. I am just going to be restating information I was told and you can interpret it the way you want to.
To try to ease the confusion I’m going to assign “names” for each person.
my source = my source, you know her, the OG that gives me so much of my information.
Person A = the first person who contacted me
Person B = Person A’s friend who went to her with the information that they received from Person C
Not easy running an exposing blog lol
So Person A asked me if I knew anything about Selena apparently living at a sober rehab facility for the past 8 months since she attempted suicide.
As you can tell by the date of the messages and the date that this post is published, it took some time to gather all the information.
Like I said, I haven’t been talking about Selena and therefore I haven’t been asking about her. So I get sent information saying that Selena attempted suicide and I’m just like huh?
She elaborates and sends me a text message between her and her friend, Person B.
Obviously any information that can reveal the source behind the information is blackened out, you know the drill. Source privacy >> information.
According to this information, Selena has been living at a sober rehab facility for months after she tried to kill herself. She’s in an expensive suite and she’s in there for behavioral health. She’s nice and keeps to herself, but gets around the rules because of her status. What that means is that she’s allowed to leave here and there which is why she was seen once or twice the past couple of months.
After getting this information, I asked for permission to consult with my main Selena source.
So then I asked my main source and sent her the messages that were sent to me.
We were going back and fourth about a Dark Hollywood topic so I’m going to black out those messages for the sake of confusion and show you what she told me.
So now I’m just like oh my god.
“I’ve heard about Selena’s suicide attempt. Idk how true that person’s story is, but I did hear about Selena trying to overdose on meds.” — my source
It’s very upsetting to learn that Selena supposedly attempted suicide by overdosing on meds.
As this information is going on between inside sources, I haven’t been writing about Selena in MONTHS so I never felt the need to ask or dig around for information about her. Plus after my most recent Selena health update on her, I was like let me leave her alone.
Now bear with me because I contacted my source (who’s information I 100% trust and can validate everything) and now I’m trying to combine this new information that has come from those who reached out.
For the sake of the safety and privacy of the source (Person C) who is speaking about this information (to Person B), I will not be revealing WHO they are that led them to find out Selena is staying at a sober home. I know that information and quite frankly, no one else needs to. Sorry!
However, you’re going to start to see how the information aligns with each other.
Back to the messages from Person A
Messages from July 9, 2020.
Person A gave me the name of the sober facility that Selena is living at but I was later asked not to reveal the name as you will see soon. However, the place exists and it looks really fancy. She also mentioned another very famous celebrity who was there but I was asked not to reveal it as well.
I ended up getting in contact with Person B and we’re all in a group chat.
Messages from July 12, 2020.
To make it easier for you guys, I wrote “A” and “B” and I blacked out their names.
So to summarize what is being said in those messages:
Selena is currently staying at a sober living facility in which she’s in the master bedroom where it’s $55,000 per week, no insurance.
She was in a different treatment facility in a different location a couple of months ago.
This could be the facility in which she had the hospital band on when I wrote about what my source told me about Selena’s declining health.
I don’t know if that’s the same facility by any means, but it’s something to mention.
Selena keeps to herself, isn’t that friendly nor social unless she has to be.
Because she’s a celebrity, most of the house rules aren’t allowed to her so she’s able to leave during the day and doesn’t need to follow curfew.
This could explain why she was spotted by paparazzi last month for the first time in a long time.
She doesn’t like to participate in group activities or outings.
Selena did supposedly try to kill herself eight months ago and it was really bad.
I’m going to talk about this in a moment because my source can elaborate on this.
Apple Music
Selena is in the facility for “behavioral health.”
She’s on a lot of medication.
Her family was able to visit her on the fourth of July at the facility and this is something that the other patients weren’t allowed to do—this caused some problems between the staff and patients.
Another celebrity is there who we are asked not to reveal.
I was asked not to reveal the facility name or any personal information so once again, I’m not going to.
As I am writing this post, I am still getting new information so you’re going to notice how the messages don’t say the full date, but they only say the time. Please note that my source and I can’t confirm from our end if she is indeed living in a sober facility, however, we do believe that is the case.
After I asked about Selena’s supposed suicide attempt, my source got more information about it and said, “yes she did attempt suicide.”
My source:
These messages are from tonight, July 14, 2020.
In terms of any recent sightings of Selena, here’s what I sent my source.
And as we have been told, Selena is allowed to leave the apparent facility she’s at—unlike the other patients.
According to my source, Selena has been working privately with a bunch of different medical professionals so if anything did happen to her, it wouldn’t exactly be reported to 911 and they would be called instead. So that explains her alleged suicide attempt. My source also said that the drug abuse has gotten worse, not better (this information is in the messages I posted above).
My source continues to tell me that Selena has someone on her payroll that works at TMZ so TMZ might publish a story about her sober living. She elaborates about how close TMZ is to a ton of medical professionals and this explains why they also get the news before most families do (Kobe Bryant, Naya Rivera, RIP to those amazing souls). She also states that TMZ’s doings is not in compliance with HIPPA laws.
According to my source, Selena allegedly tried to kill herself on meds… so basically an OD. In the case of Demi Lovato, 911 was called, hence why it was reported worldwide. With Selena, she is working with private medical professionals, and therefore they would be called instead of 911 (this is what we’re inferring).
And that concludes the information we have NOW. As you can tell, this is a developing story.
One thing I would like to add is the fact that Selena has tried to be vocal about her depression and struggles. She’s never admitted to the substance abuse, but it’s obvious. If any fans of hers are reading this, I’d urge them to stop trying to portray her as this perfect angel who can’t do any wrong and is totally living a happy and unbothered life because she sees things like that and that she puts pressure on her to be something she’s not.
Back in 2017, Selena talked about how she visits her therapist five times a week. So like I have BEEN saying, the girl has been struggling badly. And it’s heartbreaking to see it constantly worsen with every update.
Like I already stated, we can’t confirm if she is staying at the sober facility from our end but I believe it considering it makes sense. Selena hasn’t been seen, we keep reporting how bad she’s doing, so it makes sense that she would finally be living in a sober home.
For months my source has been telling me about Selena’s deteriorating health and how she’s not getting better. It’s heartbreaking to hear about her supposed attempted suicide. Like I have been saying, she is not okay and neither is her mental health.
Cindy Ord/Getty Images for PUMA
I have refrained from posting and talking about her because…. there’s nothing else to say. I’ve wished her well in my last post and I made all the readers wish her well too.
Hopefully, she comes out of this better and healthier than ever before.
If you’re going to ask “well Selena posted on her Instagram” I’m just going to tell you that Selena is a big star with several people on her team. She has people controlling her social media accounts. Plus, we are being told that she CAN leave the sober facility home and therefore she can shoot whatever photo or video she needs to and then she goes back. I remember when she first went to rehab in 2014, she had Alfredo Flores post a photoshopped picture of him with her and Justin Bieber as proof that they were together. And during that rehab trip, her team was leaking stories to the media every single day about how her and Justin are seen at this cafe, or this party, or this park, and there were no photos. So that’s something to keep in mind.
They’re obviously going to try their best to keep it under wraps for the time being so you’ll see “Selena” interacting on social media when really it could be old content being posted by her team.
In my opinion, it’s not a good idea to be leaving and going as she pleases. This is the same damn thing that Selena does every time. She thinks she can have the best of both worlds—living at the sober home AND still having outside privileges. It’s just like ??? It hasn’t worked before, why would it work now? There needs to be discipline.
Last Selena update, some of you were in the comments trying to make ME—the WRITER take responsibility for HER problems. I am just the messenger. If you’re uncomfortable with this information being exposed, don’t read this blog.
Either way, we wish her the best. We’re rooting for you to get better, Selena!
I will update you guys as soon as I get more information.
Leave your thoughts down below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!
P.S. try to refrain from posting insensitive or downright despicable comments about Selena or whoever. That’s not okay and it will be deleted.
Hope you’re all doing well.