The Reason Why Hailey Bieber Likes Pictures of Selena Gomez


Ever since Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber got back together, Selena Gomez’s fans prided themselves on one thing: Hailey liking pictures of Selena on Instagram.

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Because Selenators are eight years old, they actually thought that Hailey was liking the pictures because she’s stalking Selena. I mean if Hailey really wanted to stalk Selena, why doesn’t she make a finsta?? Why like pictures of her on her public account? Imbeciles.

Make sure to note that Hailey wasn’t like pictures from Selena’s Instagram, but rather liking pictures OF Selena, from different profiles such as: their mutual friends, a makeup artist’s page and etc..

Anyway the ExposingSMG team (just Angela and I since our team knew why the whole time lol) were a little confused as well. I remember seeing Hailey like pictures of Selena and thinking “God Hailey not only are you useless but you’re an idiot too.”

Love ya Hails, I know you’re reading.

But here is the real reason why she likes Selly’s pictures: She wants to be seen as mature and civil with her husband’s ex.

“I think Hailey wants to portray publicly that she doesn’t have any problems with Selena and the past is the past” -my source

So I guess Hailey isn’t an insecure clown?

However, even I thought that wasn’t a great reason to keep tabs on your husbands ex. So I asked my source “well doesn’t that still seem a little stalky?”

So then my source explains why it makes sense to people like Hailey and Selena.. aka celebrities and not deluded fans on Twitter.

“True it does seem stalky but in reality Hailey has what Selena [tried getting by] destroying lives, paying people to lie and has demeaned many, even her own mother.” -my source

So at the end of the day, while you guys make fun of Hailey for being “desperate” or a “second choice,” she actually has the “first choice” (Selena) twitching. And the people who know that, are the only people who matter. Which is why Hailey and Justin (+ his team), don’t care about what locals on stan Twitter are saying.


My source also says Hailey is right in a sense because she needs to normalize Selena in a way.

“She’s right to try to appear as the person who’s just amongst all the girls in the industry, but at the end of the day she’s married to Justin.” -my source

Not only is Hailey trying to make it seem okay that Justin’s ex is in the industry, she’s also trying to show herself off as someone who is also in the industry and just happens to be married to Justin Bieber. Which is true.

Also, my source has said that everyone behind closed doors knows that Selena has ruined it for herself (career wise, relationship wise, health wise) so they aren’t paying too much attention to her. So at the end of the day, Hailey isn’t sobbing over Selena. Instead, they all see her in pity.

If Hailey needs to shade Selena, she will. She isn’t scared of “standing in her way” because she has shaded Selena before and will do it again. My source also says that Justin doesn’t want Hailey to get involved with Selena because he knows how she can get.

To end this on a real note, stop taking Instagram likes so seriously. I know I use 10,000 screenshots of Selena liking Instagram pictures but I mean… come on? Selena likes pictures that send hate/shade to Justin. She doesn’t often like nice things about Jailey. She’s usually always very spiteful.

But when she does, it’s because she’s trying to seem civil as well. Selena is so messy because one day she wants to seem civil, then the next she’s all “in two months you replaced us” then she’s all “dodged a bullet look at her now haaaaaa. ”

It’s like she wakes up and thinks “hmm who should I be today? Sad Sel or Baddie Sel?

Anything involving Selena at this point is just a damn mess.

And stan twitter, is nothing. It holds nothing. It has no real power.


Here are the messages between my source and I!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Comment down below what you think about this! If you were Hailey, would you like pictures of Selena to seem “civil?” You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that!!



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