The Problem With Selena Gomez's Documentary, My Mind and Me: Justin Bieber, Fighting With Raquelle Stevens, Getting Angry At A French Interviewer
Selena Gomez is a lot of things in her new documentary. She’s open, she’s raw, and she’s vulnerable. She takes you on this journey where it feels like you are experiencing the pain with her.
So what is the problem with this? Well for starters, it seems like we are looking past the fact that she’s also guilty, entitled, and deeply confused.
Before I get started, I just want to say that a shit ton of stuff was proven right in the past few days with her detailed interviews and documentary so that will be reserved for a post on the credibility page. All I’m gonna say is, watch your mouth because Selena’s documentary was her bringing my posts to life.
My Mind & Me showcased a vulnerable side of Selena, there’s no denying that, but just as we called out the repetitive red flags with Demi Lovato, I see Selena repeating the same old red flags that have gotten her to such a sad sad place.
Fun fact: everything I said in that post ended up getting eventually getting confirmed.
One thing you can conclude after watching the documentary is that Selena is GUILTY. She says this herself. Of what? They don’t elaborate.
She also talks about having these bad dreams and constantly being reminded of her mistakes.
She repeats this often and in her Rolling Stone interview, she elaborates on the dream where she’s asked, “did you learn your lesson?”
this cover was a serve
It’s really cryptic but she doesn’t elaborate
Her talking about the dream reminded me of the post where we exposed that someone is threatening Selena and sent her a letter saying the following:
She also talks about her extreme paranoia. It makes sense if she was paranoid to be exposed for her past because she constantly talks about being haunted by her past. God… reading esmg for years and then watching the documentary just shows you art brought to life.
I also think it’s more complex than what could have been with Justin or whomever else.
Selena’s guilt, feeling likes she’s living some sort of karma or amending her past, is something I have talked about EXTENSIVELY on exposingsmg.
Even though she’s guilty, she lacks any sort of accountability.
Lack of Accountability
A big issue I have with the documentary is that there is absolutely no context behind anything. It opens up with her prepping for the Revival tour and crying about how she’s not good enough, how her outfits suck, her performance sucks, and so on.
They show you Selena stressed out for not being good enough and then BAM, Selena is in crippling depression and anxiety. She wants to die. She can’t get out of bed. Her friends can’t recognize her. Her mother is crying for her.
There is no context behind why. I mean WE know why. YOU as the readers no why. But the documentary does not address any sort of CONTEXT; which I feel is a bad representation of mental health.
Things didn’t go south out of nowhere. There is a trigger, there is a problem, and there is a cause. The depression didn’t come out of nowhere, but I guess they wanted the audience to assume that the pREsSuReS oF fAmE sent her to psychosis.
She also famously addresses Justin Bieber. Justin isn’t directly talked about, but they use headlines of the media talking about Justin… SEVERAL TIMES. It happened within the first 3 minutes of the documentary and it proceeded to happen again and again. I think they did it like 5 times.

It wasn’t just the headlines either, they played a voiceover of the media mentioning him by name.
I don't care if Selena addresses Justin, but it's insane how her fans have berated Justin and Hailey despite the fact that they never mentioned Selena by name in the docu-series or podcast.
— A. (@ExposingSMG) November 4, 2022
The double standard is crazyyyyy
Even though they aren’t asking her directly about Justin, they are alluding to him being the holy issue and that Selena is in crippling depression because of him.
Then she sobs and whines about DJ Snake choosing to feature Justin on Let Me Love You instead of her.
And she’s just crying and crying and the CEO of Interscope, John, is like wtf is going on? He was really sweet to her though.
Now as to why it’s anyone’s fault that a DJ chose a different artist over her… the world may never know. And Justin was the biggest artist in the world in 2016 so a lot of people wanted to collaborate with him because it would guarantee a hit.
i did not know it was at a billion views
And even if he was an upcoming indie star, I don’t get the mental breakdown, it just made her look really childish.
I can’t imagine anyone wants to have Selena demo a song now because if they don’t pick her, she might threaten to end her life.
ngl, I don't think many producers are gonna wanna work with someone who is gonna cry when they choose a different artist over them for a song
— A. (@ExposingSMG) November 5, 2022
do you know how many celebs demo songs and only one gets chosen?????
I will say that when you’re in a state of a mental breakdown, you just start spewing shit because you’re emotional, but I think it says a lot that they CHOSE to include that in the documentary and even funnier, chose to oPEN the documentary with it. That scene literally takes place at 7 mins.
It’s ironic that she spends a part of the documentary crying about not being known for herself, buuut she does and says things that overshadow HER. I’ve seen more articles written about her talking about Justin than I see about her literally being in PSYCHOSIS, DEAD IN THE EYES, and NOT WANTING TO LIVE.
Selena crying in that 1 scene about Justin is very tone deaf because she's complaining about people talking about her because of him & being known for him, but what was she doing at that time?
— A. (@ExposingSMG) November 5, 2022
Commenting on his IG... ripping up Justin posters, releasing her snippet... be fr
Now what I’m going say is… there is a reason why Selena feels guilt-ridden. There is a reason why she has nightmares. There is a reason why she says she self-sabotages. There is a reason why in her dream, she’s asked, DID YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON?
Because time and time again, I see that Selena does not learn her lesson.
Selena did some FUCKED UP SHIT in the past and that is why she is guilt-ridden and haunted by her past. I’ve literally spoken about this COUNTLESS TIMES.
You ever heard the saying, fuck around and find out?
Selena fucked around and she found out.
For a very long time, Selena didn’t mind her own business. I’d rather shoot myself in the eye than repeat everything I’ve been exposing, but that’s what it comes down to.
She’s crying in 2016 about not being known for who she is and she hates being attached to someone else aka Justin Bieber, but Selena sweetheart… come over here…
Sweetie, what did you do in 2016 to make everyone tie your name to Justin?
Did she or did she not willingly with her God-given free will, comment on Justin Bieber’s post about Sofia Richie?
DId she or did she not release her snippet of Let Me Love You right after Justin’s version was released?
Did she or did she not take the sign from the fan that said “Marry Justin” and choose to rip it up on stage?
Did she or did she not perform in Australia in a furious way where she says “I’m so disappointed” because single-Justin was with models in Hawaii?
This is only like a month’s worth of events from 2016 and I am only choosing to focus on 2016 (because if I focused on all the other years, we’d be here for fucking eternity) because she was crying about it in 2016.
So why on Earth is she gaslighting the world, the media, and her fans FOR GIVING THEM SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT?
Selena has single handily associated herself with Justin every damn time to the point where he called her out for using him.
But nooo we wanna make up fake fairy tale scenarios and claim some other thing like “jUsTiN wAs aBuSiNg hEr” and then wonder why the fuck Selena is hearing voices and going into psychosis.
Honestly, I’m suing Justin and Selena for abusing me.
And listen, Justin played the attention game as well but it’s Selena who’s crying wolf.
At this point in time, I don’t care what Selena and Justin did to each other. I really don’t.
What I have right now is what’s happening in the year 2022.
And that is Selena showing us footage from 2016 whining and moaning about a narrative that she didn’t only participate in, but she CREATED IT. She GAVE us something to talk about and then cried that we… talked about it?
Now obviously she is deeply disturbed and I don’t want to say that her whole world doesn’t revolve around Justin, but unfortunately that is not true. Him detaching from her in 2018 after ringing in the new year with her, but ending the year married to someone else, fucked her up.
People are allowed to move. Just because Selena didn’t doesn’t mean we should berate Justin for moving on.
Instead, there are lies being invented to try to explain Selena’s behavior when the truth is easier to comprehend. It’s also her own self-sabotage that brought her to where we see her today. Did you learn your lesson?
It’s more than heartbreak with Selena. It’s just insanity at this point.
It HURTS HER to keep up this narrative. Sometimes it’s easier not to talk about something than to constantly keep feeding into it. Releasing Lose You To Love Me didn’t close the chapter like she claimed she would. If Selena was okay behind closed doors and keeping up this scene for public attention, I’d be like okay she’s doing what she can do for relevancy, I respect the hustle, but it’s ONLY HURTING HER.
I also think that Selena is terrified of doing something that isn’t Justin related in the music world because she fears that no one would tune it. Let’s see where My Mind & Me debuts and let’s see if I’m wrong.
If the documentary showed me anything it’s that when she’s in her right mind, she’s very entitled.
And her fans are even more entitled because they’re sending her bestie, Raquelle, so much hate for God knows what. Raquelle was basically her emotional support human throughout the documentary.
There was one point when they were talking about Selena traveling to Kenya and she looked at Raquelle with puppy dog eyes and said, “Raquelle you’re coming with me right?” And Raquelle was like yeah of course.
Raquelle isn’t a bad friend as I’ve been saying for years. I told you time and time again that these girls—her besties, know everything there is to know about her. From her darkest days to her happiest seconds. They put up with A LOT. Selena is a lot to handle and anyone who has struggled like she has, comes with a lot of baggage.
Now there was this one scene where Raquelle walks into the room and Selena just gives her a side eye because…? Idk I really can’t tell you what Raquelle was supposed to do but Selena says in a questionable tone “Hi Raquelle…?” and Raquelle is all giddy and says “Hey Selena! :D”
But Selenators are spreading that shit on TikTok and saying that Raquelle is a bad friend. Do you know what’s bad? This breed of people on the planet.
I don’t think Selena did anything wrong in that scene btw, I found it kinda funny. It’s how friends act. You guys would know if you are familiar with the concept. Maybe she seemed a little entitled because what did she want? Raquelle to lick her toes and greet her with a slobbering kiss?
Either way, I liked that part, I thought it was cute, funny, and sassy… kinda how friendships can be.
But let’s talk about Selena’s argument with Raquelle which is basically my posts come to life—describing the dynamic between Selena and her friends.
Selena spends a whole lotta time complaining about promo (I’ll get into that in the next part of the post), but she’s clearly unhappy and on edge the entire time at this point.
Raquelle tells her that they have a birthday party to go to and Selena basically says, oh no I am not going to that, I have a shoot, I’m gonna be tired I want rest… to which Raquelle just says “Yeah totally I understand, just thought you would want to come.”
And at this point, Selena starts getting defensive and you can see it in her tone she says “I would but I’m not gonna have one day to adjust” so then Raquelle just says okay.
Selena Gomez and Raquelle Stevens fight in My Mind & Me
Oh ho… that sent Selena into a whole tangent.
S: You think that I’m complaining about my job? … Not at all. Raquel, I was saying I need to get rest. It’s not a bad thing
R: No it’s not a bad thing it was just the way you said it, not what you said
S: I was not complaining about work, I was literally just complaining that it would be nice if I got more sleep.
So at this point, Raquelle doesn’t answer and she goes on her phone which leads Selena to keep talking.
S: You think I’m ungrateful… [mumbling in an accusatory tone]
R: I don’t think you’re ungrateful. I just feel like you’ve been so down the last couple of days so I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. I’m just asking are you good because you don’t seem happy. We had the most amazing week in Africa
Selena Gomez and Raquelle Stevens fight in My Mine & Me
S: I know… I am just waking up, you’ve heard me tell everybody how much I love London, what else do you want from me?
At this point, Raquelle is putting on an extra sweet voice because Selena is getting upset and defensive so she says in a comforting way
R: Nothing I’m just asking are you good because you don’t seem happy?
S: I’m having fun [she says this in a… annoyed/mad tone, you know when you tell someone WHAT???? I’M NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME????]
Selena Gomez and Raquelle Stevens fight in My Mind & Me
And Raquelle is eating her cookie fighting for her life and says:
R: It doesn’t seem like it for me so I’m just asking you
To which Selena storms off and walks away, while saying
“I’m so fucking done… mhmm”
Now I am shocked they kept that part in because it lets you in on that dynamic Selena has with her friends. That accusatory… gaslighting… flipping the script on you, type of situation.
Sidenote: I don’t even think the interaction is that big of a deal. It just explains the dynamic. I’ve had this dynamic before with friends.
Raquelle was obviously walking on eggshells around Selena, but now she’s the problem? What did you want Raquelle to do? As Meghan Markle infamously said, “It’s not my job to coddle people.”
And we’ve talked about this a lot in regard to Demi Lovato and how she can be a handful to deal with. Demi herself admits that in her documentary (we love accountability). You guys actually brought this argument to mind and that is: it’s not your friend’s job to make sure you’re all dandy. Sometimes that’s too much of a burden on someone who’s not a mental health professional. They are doing THE BEST THEY CAN.
The same thing applies here to Selena.
There was this one scene that had me baffled in the documentary and that’s when Selena flips out after a French interview.
Basically, Selena is monotone the whole interview and gives the impression she doesn’t wanna be there…
Then, she fucking loses her mind when the interviewer asks her “Is there anything you would want to do if you weren’t an actress or a singer,” to which Selena replies saying “I would do philanthropy.”
The interviewer then says “okay thank you! Good enough for me” and wraps up the interview.
That sends Selena into a fucking wormhole of aggression and she starts flipping out on her team backstage. First, she leaves the interview in such an entitled way, she’s like “OKAY” and she’s very much in disbelief as if the interviewer told her to go fuck herself.
She does her famous Jim from The Office thing because poor Selena
She storms backstage and kicks off someone off the couch when she says “CAN I SIT?” and everyone is on eggshells. Raquelle is about to shit her pants, her team is very much giving “oh here we go again.”
And Selena goes on this unhinged tangent where she complains about Disney and how the interview made her feel cheap, she feels like a witch in her outfit.. etc
mind you, this outfit later became the poster of the film, but she just goes off…
which i personally really liked… idk what’s her problem
Let’s take a deep breath and try to ground ourself back to Earth.
The poor interviewer is just doing her damn job. For all we know, English isn’t her strong suit and she didn’t know what philanthropy meant. She also said she was asking good questions so what’s the issue???
The media is now kissing Selena’s ass because god forbid we can post without being on someone’s payroll, hmm?
Regular people who aren’t consumed with infatuation, saw right through it and called her out.
It just seemed like Selena had a problem with everything.
Selena was also complaining that same day about a different interview where they asked her “what’s your favorite color” to which she looks at the camera in a Jim-from-The-Office way as if we should massage her toes and tell her SOrry Sel you got asked what your favorite color is!
This isn’t Oprah. You’re not Princess Diana on with Martin Bashir. This is a regular interview which is supposed to be fun, quick, and to the point.
Later that day she was in the UK and they asked her deep questions and she said: “wow… you guys really picked deep questions” or something like that. She always got something to say!
A celebrity of her status knows exactly what these little interviews entail and UGHHH nothing makes me more angrier than a privileged celebrity complaining about work.
You make more than the interviewer who’s clocking in for work that day and doing her job… the only difference is, Selena is moaning about it.
The entitlement REEKS and the fact that her fans are making it seem like the French interviewer is in the wrong is the same exact reason why Selena gets away with this nasty behavior.
Honestly, I could compare this scene with Demi Lovato’s froyo scene. That’s how entitled and dramatic she was. And because I don’t have a big lesbian crush on Selena (or maybe I do), my little emotional feelings aren’t getting in the way of calling her out for being unprofessional and just mean.
The Drugs
After watching the documentary, you could 100% tell that this girl suffers from severe drug abuse issues.
First of all, she was originally supposed to open up about that as we first told you in 2021. We also told you the documentary was coming and finally wrapping it up.
However, Vanity Fair reported that they cut out an hour and a half from the documentary and the director also said that there are over 200 hours of unseen footage.
They definitely recorded her talking about it and some of the statements seemed like they were talking about her addiction.
You can tell from her mom’s statement because she says “I thought she was gonna die,” and this was her reflection about Selena being in treatment.
You don’t think someone is gonna die because of their depression and anxiety. That statement makes sense in the CONTEXT (which the documentary lacks) of addiction. You fear an overdose.
We saw this in Justin Bieber’s docuseries and Demi Lovato’s docuseries when their team and family spoke about their drug abuse. They say this sentence — we thought he/she was gonna die.
Selena Gomez’s mother Mandy Teefey cries about how she was scared Selena was going to die and not wake up one day, My Mind & Me. Apple TV
This can’t be in the context of suicide which Selena says she contemplated but never attempted (she did attempt, but we can’t force someone to admit something like and Selena is queen of partial information) because again… you would already be dead.
So it was obvious what Mandy was crying about… it was typical pop-star-mother-cries-about-child’s-drug-addiction unless you are Patricia Mallette of course.
Wow I have beef with a lot of people, huh?
Also, like my source told you guys, the documentary was supposed to address Selena’s addiction because she told Forbes in April 2022 that she goes to AA & NA meetings.
I will say I'm shocked that they didn't choose to go forward with opening up about Selena's struggle with substance abuse because it seemed like she was gearing up toward that when she told Forbes she goes to AA & NA meetings.
— A. (@ExposingSMG) November 3, 2022
AA = alcoholics anonymous
NA = narcotcis anonymous
It seemed like she was testing the waters by coming out as someone who has struggled with addiction but ultimately took it back.
And please don’t try to tell me that Selena goes to AA & NA meetings to spread God’s word about mental health or to talk to addicts about her beauty line.
this has reaction pic potential
She said she went there because she is inspired to hear their stories and she SPEAKS there. What is she speaking there about? Her favorite blush? Or is she telling the addicts about how Justin abused her? Enlighten me.
Also, she didn’t have to tell us she goes because it’s supposed to be ANONYMOUS… unless… she was supposed to talk about it in the documentary.
This is also why the documentary feels empty and without context because we see Selena this broken and we’re supposed to accept that she is the way she is because of nothing else but the pressures of fame and lupus?
And even if she was in that state magically NOT because of drug addiction and just because ummm *looks at list of reasons why everyone else is the problem except Selena who can’t accept accountability * her nasty teenage ex-boyfriend, being in that state will easily lead someone to do drugs.
The industry promotes DRUGS. EVERYONE DOES DRUGS. What don’t you get?
Selena and Justin are on 4k candid camera buying meth.
The Weeknd is known for his drug use.
Her bestie Cara has a public drug addiction problem.
How do you surround yourself with all these drug users and assume that Selena was struck with some heavenly form of extreme willpower?
Do you believe the words you are saying to yourselves?
Another thing I didn’t like was how they included the media talking about Selena’s “rumored” drug problem and her partying while she laid in bed as if “ugh the whole world is saying all this BS about Selena while poor wittle Sel is just crying in her bed because she wants to spend eternity in Africa.”
First of all, Selena is on candid camera partying and being drunk.
Second of all, Selena is on candid camera partying, being drunk, and being high.

Implying that she wasn’t and the media made that out of thin air is aiding this idea that Selena is this poor victim who EVERYONE on Earth is out to get.
Gaslighting the public and purposely not taking accountability shows me how Selena wants to be remembered.
Not once does she ever take accountability for her actions except when she says “I self-sabotage,” but even that statement is in relation to HER and how HER ACTIONS affect HER only.
The mother of mental health
It’s 2022.
A celebrity talking about mental health isn’t the groundbreaking thing you think it is.
I don’t like how the documentary is being painted as something that is groundbreaking for mental health because Selena didn’t elaborate on any of her triggers that caused her breakdown. If anything, it gave the impression that one day you’re just gonna wake up and your life is gonna go to shit and you have no control of anything ever.
I don’t think it’s a good representation of mental health. I think it’s a good representation of vulnerability, but that’s all.
Everyone and their mother talk about mental health. Selena’s documentary isn’t revolutionary nor is her work for mental health.
The first celebrity I ever remember being the mother of modern day mental health was Demi Lovato who came out in 2011 and said “I used to cut myself. I struggle with depression and anxiety.” That shook the world because it was the FIRST TIME someone talked about it.
For me, as a kid, that was the first time I ever heard about depression and anxiety.
Selena talking about it in 2022 isn’t new news. She just rebranded herself as the Mother Theresa of mental health, but cut the cameras to 2013 and 2014 when mental health wasn’t #popular #cool #aesthetic #quirky, and what do the cameras show us?
Selena slut shaming other girls. Selena making fun of her ex-boyfriend while he was in the hospital (if he deserved it or not isn’t my point here). Selena liking hateful posts where girls are being put down while she’s being praised.
Selena provoked a lot of hate towards women but I’m supposed to say “thank you for talking about mental health 342 years after everyone in the industry got their BetterHelp sponsorship check” ???
I think she has done great work NOW and sure we can’t hold her accountable for her past because she has a super power that disables any sort of accountability, but that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna pretend she’s the mother if mental health when there were 3563978 people before her.
Was there anything good?
NO!!! I’m a witch and I can’t see anything good in Selena.
Kidding, but my thread on Twitter goes into my professional review of the documentary.
Thread of what Selena Gomez uncovers in her #MyMindAndMe documentary, my thoughts, and the pros & cons. 🧵
— A. (@ExposingSMG) November 4, 2022
I will elaborate more in my post & video.
She was very vulnerable and raw in the documentary. I’ll give her props for that.
She almost made me cry when she was crying, but then I was like
and I had to remind myself who I am—which is a heartless wench.
Just kidding, but I did feel bad for her and I sympathize with her. I can’t listen to My Mind & Me because the melody of the song reminds me of Selena through the documentary (it plays throughout) and she looks so broken and fragile, it makes me wanna give her a hug.
It takes great strength to show yourself on camera crying and opening up about the darkest parts of your life.
The fact that Theresa and Raquelle said they couldn’t recognize her in the mental hospital is heartbreaking. She did look dead in the eyes like they said and the worst part is a lot of this was public knowledge.

As Demetria says, it’s okay not to be okay and it’s okay to admit when someone is not doing well even if you desperately want them to.
I hope Selena the best, I hope she gets it in check because I want to see her do 10 more seasons of Only Murders in the Building. I love that show.
I hope Selena does actually change something about her life now because I really don’t want to see nor write about this same story for another ten years.
She has a lot of inner work to do. I don’t think that because the documentary is out it means Selena is 100% fine, she still has a lot of work to do but it’s nice that she let the world in on a percentage of her journey and I hope we can see her thrive in her own light one day.
I also found her to be really pretty throughout the documentary. Even when she was in shambles and crying, she still looked really pretty.

I don’t want you guys to think that I have a problem with Selena basing the documentary on mental health. I love the name and I love the idea. I have my issues away from that which I explained.
Alana and I recorded a podcast like episode for our YouTube channel about Selena’s documentary so I’ll link it when it’s up.
For now, check out our recent Selena video: Who is Selena Gomez when she’s not sad?
I hope you guys enjoyed this post. Let me know what you think down in the comments below!