The Many Faces of Ariana Grande: Her Unusual Appearance & Latest in Romance with Ethan Slater
The Voice
Something I always get asked about whenever Ariana Grande is a topic is her appearance. People are confused, disgusted, and/or worried about the many faces and races of Ariana Grande, and this post is here to spill all the details for you.
You should know that since 2014 I’ve always side-eyed Ariana due to her allegedly strong rumors of plastic surgery.
From what I can remember, she was one of the first celebrities from her peers to have very noticeable changes right away; despite knowing now that many of Ariana’s peers have dabbled in plastic surgery work.
Miley Cyrus, Kendall & Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and more, have reportedly all had a lot of work done on their faces. Some are worse than others (*ahem* Miley and Selena), and some are complementary to the face (Kendall and Taylor).
Ariana has always been extremely insecure, and she deals with body image in a very intense way. Even though she appears confident and has this “bad B” energy, she actually struggles with a lot self-love, as reported by sources for many years.
My source says it’s why at a very young age, she started experimenting with plastic surgery.
“Ariana being insecure to the point of insanity doesn’t come from home or how she grew up with her family. I’ve never heard of any family/childhood issue that could’ve turned her this way. She’s just one of those girls naturally too insecure to function. She spends a lot of time picking herself apart in the mirror. She actaully got a lot done to her face at a young age” —my source.
Ariana has allegedly gotten a nose job, filler all throughout her face, she got her jaw shaved down, eyelid surgery, she got her eyebrows pulled back, and much more. I remember a while back a source told me she was doing many of these procedures back to back and I remember thinking, “How did her face not fall off? How does she have the time?”
Funny enough, that information was told to me around 2015, and in the years to follow she added more touch-ups to everything.
Ariana looks so different now, she had to address it in a YouTube makeup video.
Ariana said, "Full transparency... As a beauty person, as I do my lips, I've had a ton of lip filler over the years, and Botox, for a long time, beauty was about hiding for me, and now I feel like maybe it's not.”
Everyone JUMPED to go “Omg Ariana 🥺🥺🥺 she’s so brave, we have to protect her from all this hate about her many different faces.” I agree… it was nice to hear Ariana be upfront about some of the stuff she has done, but this was a tactic done for many different reasons.
First, by admitting to getting lip fillers and Botox, people will stop conspiring about the other plastic surgery rumors because according to them she “admitted to everything.”
This is like when Kylie Jenner admitted to getting lip fillers, and suddenly the detailed charts of her lip size through the years were gone. Social media treats celebrities admitting to rumors as a justice case solved. Suddenly no one is pestering them about all the things they’re lying about, even if the celebrity only gave 1% of honesty.
Second, Ariana saying she used beauty to hide and talking about depression is basically feeding the lines to what a fan says.
Suddenly the fan screams, “No, she didn’t get a nose job, she only looked that way cause of depression!” or “No she never shaved her chin down, she only put some Botox in it during a time when she felt bad about herself 🥺”
Excerpt from the October Tell All Reveal:
My source says, “She was advised to open up about her cosmetic work therefore people can get off her throat about how drastic she looks. Now everyone can say “oh it was just botox” when you can clearly tell that the facial changes are more than just botox and lip filler.”
I’ve spoken about Ariana’s confession and I detailed more about why she did that in the post below.
Y’all know this girl?
Ariana isn’t just famous for her music or beauty line, she’s actually quite famous for shapeshifting into different ethnicities.
This is a problem a lot of people have with Ariana. The only thing I can say about this is that… it’s true. Ariana gets so obsessed with looking a certain way that she eventually transforms herself into someone else.
It’s not like she wakes up going, “Today I’ll be Australian and tomorrow I’ll be Asian.” It’s more like “obsessing over a certain beauty standard and going through a phase” my source said.
“Ariana doesn’t change races as strategic as everyone on Twitter thinks. She goes through intense beauty phases where she obbsesses and nitpicks over a certain beauty standard. It all matters to her. Even if she looks stupid, as long as she’s into it and it’s what’s currently masking her happy, she’ll do it. She goes through phases where she wants to look cool and edgy, sexy and elegant, young and beautiful, futeristic yet nostolgic. But she always takes it so far cause she’ll go and retouch her face based on what she thinks is beautiful in this current phase or she’ll be unnaturally tan.” —my source
There’s no in-between. It’s from 1 extreme to another.
Ariana knows everyone on social media trolls her for “changing races” but as my source says, she doesn’t have enough shame to not do something. If something makes Ariana happy, she has an “I want it, I got it” mentality.
Even if that’s with beauty standards, aesthetics, changing music styles, men, or even taken men, she really inhabits the “I want it, I got it” mentality.
She is sort of cryptic in that way. She enjoys taking things away from people or making people do things. It’s sadistic, to say the least.
When Ariana was first coming onto the music scene after her time on Victorious, she was notorious for being “too skinny.” She had to address the rumors before cause fans and the media were worried about if she had an eating disorder and was wearing a red string on her wrist as a sign.
Wild times in 2014…
I remember fans worried sick that the red string she always wore was a cry for help and everyone said it was an “ED bracelet.” Other fans and Ariana ran with the story that it was worn for spiritual reasons and for warding off the evil eye.
Google says: The red bracelet she wears is a type of talisman that is commonly worn by people who practice Kabbalah. It is worn on the left hand and is said to be protection from “the evil eye.” What do you guys think?
According to a source from years ago, “Ariana was extremely skinny on purpose and wasn’t eating. She was also doing a lot of drugs at the time and it aided in her weight loss.” This was a well-known fact about Ariana, and I exposed it in 2014 and watched many meltdowns coming from her fans.
There were SO MANY stories back on Twitter (or X… barf), about alleged coke parties Ariana would be going to during that time she was dating Jai Brooks and hanging out with anyone who gave her the time of day.
This time my source says it’s worse.
“The sad reality is that Ariana thinks she’s too fat, she will stare at herself in the mirror picking everything apart and then starving all day long. There was a time where she weighed less than 100 pounds and she already has a very small frame. She looks so fragile and sick, even photographers and producers are in shock. I was even told from [__] friend who did work on [___] that they had to make her look bigger in photos because she looked so sick.” —my source
It’s actually very sad to hear that. My source says people who have to work with Ariana or do a shoot with her are all left questioning why she keeps getting thinner and thinner.
That’s why she’s been using grainy photos and shooting things blurry from certain angles; leading me to make jokes about how she films everything with a calculator, as I said in my October Tell All Reveal.
She doesn’t want to be called out on it and if she does get called out, she already fed her fans their lines. “This photo is from 2019 where Ariana already admitted to getting work done due to depression stop comparing her to how she looks now.”
It’s like fans map out the excuses. So you’re not allowed to comment on how different she looks from now vs. a few years ago, because in 2019, 2018, or even 2017 she was ‘battling demons’ and now she’s ‘much happier.’” Just give it a few more years before she admits something new about 2023.
“Also one more thing to mention about Ariana’s weight loss, ontop of the possible ED battle, she thought she needed to look on screen ready for her movie Wicked. So she lost even more weight so the camera doesn’t make her look bigger. Funny enough the movie editors thought she looked too skinny.” —my source
You can see just how skinny and sculpted she looks in her latest look at Ethan Slater’s movie premier for Spamalot.
Even if you compare her to other red-carpet appearances in the past, she used to look fuller but now she’s very stick-like.
Speaking of Ethan….
I already told you guys in previous posts that Ariana has left Ethan, and while that is true Ariana being Ariana is still messing around with him.
My source told me that she gave him the “maybe you should go back to your wife” talk, but he wasn’t having it, and Ariana still continues to hang out with him.
“Typical Ariana, she messed around with him, watched him leave his wife and kid all so she can move on and tell him to go back to his wife. She basically was telling him she got caught in the moment and nothing too serious can happen with them. He was crushed. Like many he thought it was true love, but Ariana has to have some serious detatchement issues cause she’ll use people like new toys, get bored and dispose of them.” —my source.
Ariana is very cryptic because she is still hanging out with him and is publicly going to his movie premiers. No shame in her game.

“She did tell him she’s leaving him espicially after the affair exploded in public and had their PR teams scrambling, but they did get back together hence all their dates. It’s a tactic Ariana does. Scream I’m leaving you until the person becomes even more obsesssed with her and that feeds her ego as well as being cast in the role of man of the hour for her.” — my source
Well, there you have it! That’s all for this post. Let me know if you have any questions down below! I’ve covered a lot of Ariana on my blog and a lot of the time, it’s the same old story with Ariana so if there’s something else you want me to elaborate about, let me know!