Taylor Swift's Iconic Hollywood Feuds and Coming Up Next: The "Taylor Swift: As A Person" post

Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock

Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock

We made this video last year and knowing your favorite gals here at ESMG Inc., we are posting it now. We’re still working on the timing of everything LMAO.

This video covers some of Taylor’s notable shady moments and feuds in the industry whilst also talking about her ongoing battle with Scooter Braun. Celebrities mentioned include: Harry Styles, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian and more.

Check it now!

So the reason I’m making this post is because we’re going to talk about a couple of things that I find relevant till this day. We haven’t had a nice Taylor chat in some time.

Is Taylor Hollywood's bully all along or is she really the victim that she portrays?

If you’re a veteran reader of this blog or have merely checked out my posts on Taylor, you know that I talk about how Taylor loves playing the victim. I like Taylor and I think she’s a great artist. If you’ve actually spoken to me about her, you’d know that.

One thing I don’t like about her is her past in the industry. And for some reason, I can’t shake it off (get it?) because I don’t feel like Taylor has changed.


If it was anyone else who had the number of feuds she’s had or the details presented in each feud, they’d be labeled as the bully or just have been canceled a long time. Now an interesting point here is that Taylor has made herself as the “bully” in her notorious feud with Scooter Braun.

In a nutshell — Taylor’s contract didn’t give her the right to own her work so instead, it belonged to the label. Scooter Braun later bought a share in the label which came with Taylor’s masters.

I already discussed that whole situation in a different post which I’ll link if you want to read about it.

It’s quite a snoozefest of a situation if you ask me, but it’s still brought up to this day so why not?

If you watched my video and read some of the comments, you’d see that I have defended Taylor. Some people called her evil and I was like um… no. Taylor is a mastermind manipulator that’s for sure, but she’s not evil. She does have a big heart and cares a lot about people close to her. However, Taylor is fcking IMPULSIVE AS HELL.


And her entire life is highly controlled. How would you feel if I told you that the Taylor you see in public is extremely different from the Taylor you see behind closed doors?

Taylor Swift: As A Person


This brings me to my next point and the main point of this post tbh…. the TAYLOR SWIFT: AS A PERSON (AAP) post is coming! And that’s where you sweet people come in — we need your questions!

Alana will be writing that post so make sure you comment down below everything that you want to know about Taylor. You can be as specific as you’d like because that’s exactly was AAP posts are for!

And give me your thoughts on the video. It’s interesting because she’s done all of that bullsh-t and yet I won’t label her as an evil person. However, some of her victims have suffered a lot because of her. To name only 2—Katy Perry and Justin Bieber. I can elaborate more on this in the comments below if you’d like.

So yeah, give me your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be reading.

P.S. we are working on a lot of new content so no worries.

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