Taylor Swift GOES OFF when questioned about her songwriting... why so triggered? The truth about ghostwriters in Hollywood
A lot of things trigger Ms. Taylor Swift, but nothing will get her quite heated the way questioning her work does.
On January 24, 2022, the Los Angeles Times released a cover story about Damon Albarn who is best known as the frontman and primary lyricist of the rock band Blur.
When asked about some of today’s chart topping musicians, two notable names came to light—Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift.
He believes that a lot of modern musicians are relying on sound and attitude and this is usually a take that most rock stars have about the pop world.
It’s the cliche “pop music sucks, rock is where the heavy lyrics really lie.” You know what I mean? When people judge teenage girls for loving One Direction and then proceed to say that indie rock music is “real music.”
He’s not wrong—a lot of modern musicians are relying on sound and attitude. It’s all about IMAGE and creating a bop to get your name out there and this formula isn’t dying anytime soon especially with TikTok on the rise.
Anywyays, the interviewer brought up Taylor Swift and without hesitation, he was like she does not write her own music.
The interviewer then defends Taylor…
Damon is basically like co-writing isn’t the same as writing and then he mentions Billie’s work and how it’s darker and not upbeat.
Before we get into his statement, let’s get into Taylor’s reaction.
Taylor’s Reaction
She was very much about to be like “I’m gonna sue for defamation ☝🏼”
I’m sorry but I found her reply so fcking funny.
For some reason, her reply reminded me of Justin Bieber circa “I’ll beat the fcking fck out of you” paparazzi fight in like… 2013? Oooof I’ve been here a while.
“Your hot take is completely false and so damaging” it is really not. How is it damaging? You didn’t lose a movie deal. You didn’t randomly lose 3 million followers. It wasn’t a trending topic. It only became one when Taylor put the flashing lights on his statement.
He replied to her directly and apologized.
And then this dude who is always ready to defend Taylor is like “you are just gAS liGhtINg her 😤”
Let’s talk about it…
I didn’t find anything wrong with what he said because people are allowed to have an OPINION and he’s not completely wrong.
Now relax your facial muscles and let me explain.
It was unfair that he said Taylor didn’t write any of her songs and had to be corrected to at least say she co-writes, but I have another point about this and that’s ghostwriting which I’ll get to in a moment. Also, he was talking about how he finds other artists deeper than Taylor who is your typical pop star—at least she was for like a decade.
Taylor has an impressive discography where, unlike most pop stars, she’s credited as either the sole writer of a song or she’ll have 2-4 other co-writers on the track with her. This is the case with her entire discography and usually she’ll only have those specific writers on per project which changes with each album release.

Taylor’s not everyone’s cup of tea because many argue that she’s very cookie cutter with her lyrics and especially if you’re one of those “pop music is ass, rock music is where it’s at” type of person.
This is also an insecurity of Taylor’s which is why she released albums such as Folklore and Evermore. It was her way of proving that she’s not a typical pop star releasing typical dance bops.
She can be sEriOuS too 😡
Taylor always feels like she has to prove a point.
In the Taylor Swift AAP post from 2020, we said that Taylor has a ghostwriter.
Ghostwriting is self-explanatory. It’s when a person writes a song for someone or writes a portion of it, but doesn’t get officially credited. Instead, the artist buys their writing credits off.
When you are credited on the song, you make money especially if the song continues to grow in success. Usually, writers who ghostwrite will decline the offer if the song is predicted to be a hit because if I give you $10k for your writing, but the song goes on to bring in $10 million, clearly that’s not fair.
But if an artist wants to buy off a writer for a song that won’t be a single and it won’t bring in that many streams or whatever, it could be beneficial because the amount they agree on may be larger than what their portion of the song will bring in overtime.
Ghostwriting is extremely popular now as streaming services give more access to the layers of a song. You can go on Apple Music or Spotify and look up who wrote what, who produced what, and it’s become another added brownie point for a celebrity.
“Well this song may have flopped in the depths of billboard BUT at least it doesn’t have 24 writers and 14 producers.”
That’s how most Swiftie stan wars go. Oh yeah? Ariana Grande outstreamed Taylor this year? Well at least Taylor doesn’t have 15 writers under one song.
Isn’t this usually how the stan wars go nowadays? Let me know if I’m right, I haven’t really been rotting on Twitter the way I used to.
So writing credits are another “acclaim” for celebrities. They want to prove that they can do it all. They can sing, perform, act, produce, AND WRITE THEIR OWN MUSIC!! It’s also a flex to say it. I remember Ariana got a lot of sh!t for that lyric in 7 Rings where she said, “Write my own checks like I write what I sing, yeah (yeah).”
And then everyone was like “gurl you got like 80 writers on 7 Rings.” I think Ariana has a ghostwriter too. It’s very common in Hollywood.
You know what’s also common? Ghost singing. This is common with Selena Gomez since she can’t really sing and her vocals aren’t strong enough or I guess not that pleasant when layered in the studio. So they’ll usually have someone who “sounds” like her put on the layering vocals and if she sings live which she hasn’t in like three years, they’ll have that as playback. It’s a whole thing but it’s a very common thing in Hollywood.
There was even a rumor that Jennifer Lopez didn’t even sing on her first album. Beyonce also reportedly has ghostwriters.
I’m sure if Zac Efron gave a sh!t about having a music career, it wouldn’t have been revealed that it wasn’t him singing in High School Musical. People were shook when they found out that Drew Seeley sang the songs that everyone thought were Zac.
You see how easy it is to trick everyone?
I lowkey wanted a ghost-talker (?) when Alana and I first spoke about doing a voice reveal, going on a podcast, and voicing youtube videos.
Someone remind me down in the comments below about this thing that happened a couple of months ago (it could literally be a year ago… I have no recollection of time anymore) where a musician/someone called out celebrities for having ghostwriters? I think Ariana faced a lot of heat for that? I can’t remember the story for the life of me.
But when a celebrity has a ghostwriter, it’s usually well known behind the scenes. However, this depends on who the singer is and who the ghostwriter is.
When I saw Damon Albarn’s statement, I just assumed that he’s saying Taylor doesn’t write her music or “co-writes” it because behind the scenes, everyone knows who’s who’s ghostwriters.
I personally don’t find ghostwriters that big of a deal but it’s something that celebrities use to flex and as self-validation so I can see why Taylor got so triggered.
Taylor being triggered
Taylor got so hot and bothered and played the whole “I was a hUgE fAn” game because I think some truth was said that triggered her.
If Damon Albarn was lying or just being a hater, why did she get so triggered?
Wait wait wait, let me say it before you guys say it, it was “SOOOO damaging” right? It really wasn’t. Taylor got a loyal ass army and Damon got ate tf up on twitter.
He got ate up on Twitter and then Taylor had her PR team run like 983 articles about every song she’s written and how she’s an incredible female musician.
You guys know this is paid PR right? Every mainstream outlet didn’t wake up one day and say “in Taylor Swift we trust, everyone assemble.” Celebrities who get hot and bothered by certain statements will always run a huge PR thing in the media. Priyanka Chopra does this often and it’s something I want to talk about in a different post.
But Taylor was MAD.
Like her ego was hURT HURT bby.
Damon Albarn did a fckin number on her.
And when Taylor is mad, she sees re-e-e-e-e-dddd
You wanna come for me? Well enjoy getting harrassed by everyone now.
- Taylor to anyone who tries it with her
There’s a reason why Taylor didn’t go through her PR team or issue an official statement. Or God forbid ignored it. Oh no, Taylor dealt with it herself by putting the person in question on blast.
Do you think she doesn’t know what the aftermath is gonna be? Of course she knows! It’s the main reason she does this.
She loves putting the spotlight on people that don’t like her because she knows her loyal army will come for the person and rip them to shreds.
Taylor’s mentality has always been about “well look what YOU made ME do.” I mean come on, it’s an iconic song.
She notably did this with Kanye West (and that was fighting fire with fire because every person involved in that story was crazy), Scooter Braun, Justin Bieber, and etc..
She knows what the reaction will be and this is what also bothers me about Taylor because she’s gonna be the first to be like “don’t tear people down :-(“ “stop da bULlyINg guys pLS” and it’s like homegirl, you are one of the meanest girls in Hollywood.
I’m just playing, she’s not mean. She’s just calculative and vindicative.
The point of the story is, she was triggered not because it was a lie. It was because there had to be some truth to it. The fact that I’ve been told that she has ghostwriters and this is how I see her act in public when some random questions her writing only makes me believe that she’s never written a lyric in her life.
I know she writes a bulk of her music but her reaction lessened her credibility in my eyes.
Taylor always hits back three times harder to ward off anyone who tries to come at her.
If any ghostwriter was contemplating exposing anything, you know damn well they won’t speak now.
And Damon’s comments may have just been “pop music is ass, rock stars and dark indie music is where it’s at.” There’s definitely a possibility that he didn’t ever hear of Taylor’s ghostwriting rumors but it’s her REACTION that just made me doubt her even more.
What do you guys think? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Let me know down in the comments below! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
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