Taylor Swift Conforming to Societal Pressures: Boob Job? Drug usage? And more


Taylor Swift has become one of the most iconic singers in American music today. She is constantly breaking records and having worldwide hits. For people who have watched Taylor grow up in the industry, we’ve always thought that she didn’t feel the need to conform to the way society wants her to be. We’ve often seen Taylor give the same old speech about “What Taylor wants, Taylor does” but she hasn’t always been this bold.

Disclaimer: Everything is according to a source in which statements reflect those views unless otherwise stated.

I have said on multiple platforms that Taylor will often have an “uptight” personality where she is very careful with what she does, where she does it, who she does it with and who she associates with. Taylor has a very strict agenda about what she wants in life. For friends of Taylor, there are specific rules to follow, for boyfriends of Taylor, there are very specific rules to follow and for Taylor herself she has a set of rules and principles she likes to carry on.


There will be a whole detailed post on who Taylor Swift is as a person, so I won’t get so deep into that topic in this post but you’ll still see the ways that Taylor operates behind closed doors. Consider this your sneak peak until that big post.

Taylor has revealed in her Netflix documentary, Miss Americana, that she often felt pressured to be accepted by everyone else. Taylor mentioned that growing up in the industry, she often found herself craving applause from everyone around the world. The need to be perfect constantly consumed her and she ended up having an eating disorder because of it. If you look at Taylor’s upbringing in Hollywood, you can see that she never wanted to mess up, give a political opinion, support any movements that weren’t popular at the time, and etc..


Even though in Taylor’s ‘Reputation’ and ‘Lover’ eras, she was all about claiming her personality and doing what is best for her and not what is best for society, Taylor wasn’t always like this. What I am trying to say is, Taylor often did conform to societal pressures about herself.

In the June Tell All, we revealed to you guys that Taylor supposedly got a boob job a few years back when she was adjusting to being a popstar.


Which brings me toooo….

Taylor Swift’s Breast Augmentation

Taylor’s insecurities and pressures from society + bad friends were far more serious than we ever gave her credit for.

My source said that Taylor is really insecure and will value what other people say about her. That makes sense as to why she wanted acceptance so badly when she was a young star growing up in the industry. For Taylor, a lot of her insecurities stemmed from the people she was hanging out with.


“It was when she was becoming much bigger in the industry and transitioning into pop music and felt like it would fit her image more. Then when she did start being around a lot of models she felt like she needed it even more and then got it.” -my source

My sources and I believe that Taylor got a boob job somewhere around the end of 2013. There are a lot of pictures to back up our reasoning for believing so, but this was also around the time Taylor started to associate with a lot of models.


We will be showing pictures later in the post.

When she was transitioning from country star to pop star, Taylor felt like she needed to change her image and body in order to fit into that scene. Taylor started taking her friends’ opinions and they told her about a bunch of diets they do when it’s runway week or fashion week.

Country star vs Pop star

Country star vs Pop star

These people didn’t help Taylor or her insecurities. Instead, they fed into her insecurities by making her think that if she changed up her body, she would be impressing more people. Unfortunately, this is something that is VERY common in Hollywood. According to my source, one of the reasons that Taylor developed an eating disorder had to do with the models who were promoting her to look a certain type of way.

“All stuff like that fuel her thoughts so she was getting weight loss tips from her model friends. That’s part of the reason she had an eating disorder; the models. Her being around them wasn’t good for her.” — my source.

When Taylor and Karlie Kloss started becoming really close, Taylor was IN LOVE with the idea that her and Karlie looked the same. Taylor herself even said, “People have been telling us for years we needed to meet. I remember makeup artists and hair people going ‘doesn’t she remind you of Karlie? God, she and Karlie would be best friends. They’re the same.’”


To Taylor, that was kind of a compliment. “Oh, I look like a MODEL. Models are APPROVED by society. Checkpoint.”

Read more about Taylor and Karlie’s relationship:

Taylor is not the type of person who repeats things often unless it truly means something to her. Taylor was fascinated with Karlie, so the more people told her they looked and acted the same, the happier she got. Add that in the mix of models who would tell Taylor she looked like a model and there you have it—a satisfied Taylor Swift.


“Taylor always wants acceptance from everyone and when people started praising Karlie and her, she started thinking she wanted to look like her. [Taylor was] even considering losing more weight to look like a model.” -my source

I don’t personally believe Taylor had an obsession looking like Karlie but I do believe there were moments her insecurities tricked her into thinking she SHOULD look more like Karlie. And with models giving Taylor dieting “advice” she started thinking maybe she should lose even more weight to look like a model.

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We know that Taylor is a very sensitive and sentimental person who has tried to live out her childhood dreams. One example is when Taylor gathered up a bunch of girls for her girl squad, based on the foundation that she didn’t have many friends growing up. So because 14-year old Taylor didn’t have a big group of friends, 25-year old Taylor was going to get what she always thought she wanted (or even deserved).

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Taylor talks about not having friends growing up.

Taylor talks about not having friends growing up.


So clearly, even Taylor in her grown state is still very sensitive towards herself back then. Going back to the breast augmentation, my source said that Taylor didn’t get a drastic change.

“She didn’t do a drastic one though [breast augmentation] simply A to B bra size… pretty sure if you look up photos before and after there is a difference. It’s very slight but it’s there.” -my source.

I wouldn’t be ExposingSMG if I didn’t show y’all a side by side.


As you can see, there is a very clear difference there. Before speaking with my source, I literally had no idea because Taylor is always screaming about how she’s the big, bad b-tch and no one can tell her what to do. However, when we revealed her in the June Tell All, even some of you guys said that you’ve definitely noticed a change as well. We aren’t doctors nor do we talk to any celebrity’s doctors (contrary to popular belief), so we estimate that Taylor supposedly got something done mid to late 2013 based on these pictures and based off of Taylor adjusting to becoming a pop star.

Like my source said, the change to her body wasn’t something obvious. It’s not like Taylor woke up and said “let me go from A to D!”

But the plot thickens…

How Does Taylor Feel About Her Decision?

According to my source, the decision to get a boob job was very personal to Taylor and she’s sensitive about that topic. Supposedly Taylor was liking the changes until she started regretting them. She regrets them to the point where she wants to go back to natural…. yup.

“Apparently she’s regretting it and wants to go back to natural without it being obvious but I doubt she’ll change them.” -my source.


But why Taylor? Whyyyyyy?

The answer is: we don’t know why.

Taylor just started admitting that she wants to go back to natural. I think deep down Taylor has always liked the way she looked and now she’s starting to realize she doesn’t need these changes. It goes back to societal pressures and this is what happens when you conform, ladies and gentlemen. You’re bound to regret things that you did for other people.

I mean Taylor, if you’re reading and this makes a difference, the ESMG team thinks “it’s okay! They look good!”


My source says that there are thoughts in Taylor’s head that fuel the way she behaves. For a while she’ll think one way and then she’ll just switch. This made me question if the famous “no-drugs around me” rule was still intact.

If you guys have been veteran readers of this blog, you would know that for years I spoke about Taylor’s rules that she gives to friends if she wants to be associated with them. One of these rules that run deep in Taylor’s veins is the “no drug” policy.

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Years later and my info stays consistent. So I ended up asking my source if Taylor is still weird about drugs and the answer is yes. Taylor might not be as strict as she was back in 2015-2017 but she still holds a big “don’t be a druggie and think you can still be my friend!” rule.

“Yeah, Taylor makes really weird rules sometimes and the people in her life have to follow them especially during her girl squad phase where she was constantly worried about people acting up. But she’s never had a drug addiction or dependency. I’m not sure if she experimented because if she did, Taylor is the type to not let anyone know. I highly doubt it.” -my source.

Here at the ESMG team we personally believe Taylor has tried drugs in the past 10+ years of living in the industry. But like I said earlier, Taylor has rules for herself. She holds herself in a high manner. In a way, she views herself as “oh me? Classy and sophisticated little old me doing crack? Yeah never in a million years.”

I guess I can admire that.

There will be more information coming up on Taylor in the near future. We will be giving you guys a detailed description of who Taylor truly is as a person. We call this series our “As A Person” posts. For now, enjoy the messages between me and my source.

“Friday, May 22nd” makes you wonder what I have right now that I’ll reveal later lol

I hope you guys enjoyed this post!

I feel like in this post we are seeing a different side of Taylor. Instead of the constant devil horns we see, in this post, we got reminded that at the end of the day Taylor Swift is also a human being. Does she have rulebooks for everything in life? Sure, but that ain’t our headache.

The reported boob job isn’t the only take away from this post. If anything, this post confirms your suspicions, but I want you guys to also see the points in the post being about insecurities, societal pressures, image, and more. That can open up a deeper conversation.

Comment down below what you think. When do you think Taylor got it done? Why do you think she regrets it? if anything, no one has pointed anything out and they seem pretty natural with the weight gain..? Remember the comment section is anonymous so take advantage of that! I will be replying back.



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