Selena Gomez Protected Justin Bieber by Slandering Him for Eight Years Straight

With Selena Gomez focusing this era solely on her married ex, Justin Bieber, it’s hard to write anything about her that ISN’T Jelena drama because that’s what she’s spewing. It ain’t my fault!

She had an interview with Jimmy Fallon recently and she did what she does best: run her mouth about the tired old Jelena narrative.


Watching her say that and reading that quote, almost gave me a brain aneurysm. I really cannot at this point. I have lost the ability to CAN. To can what? I don’t know. I think she made me so speechless, I forgot how to speak English.

You remember when Selena released one of her 87 eras about Justin, back in 2014 with “The Heart Wants What It Wants,” and how she released that that video where she pretended that didn’t know she was being filmed (bullshit), and she was saying something like “you make me crazy! You make me feel it’s my fault.”

Yeah that’s how I feel about Selena with this quote.

Okay fine. You guys want to believe that the big bad Justin Bieber cheated on Gomez and ruined her? Okay go ahead. You want to believe that he is a toxic and manipulative person despite the facts? Amazing, do you.

But what we are NOT going to do is sit here and PRETEND that Selena protected him from ANYTHING. And quite frankly, I’m getting too tired of her using the same script that she has used since 2013.

The number one thing that Selena DIDN’T DO, is “protect” Justin. That deluded scoundrel released things about him to media publications in 2013, bullied him on national television, talked shit about him to everyone who would listen, and so much more.

The last thing that she can have the audacity to say, is to fool the spineless general public into thinking that Selena, aka our modern day Saint Mary, was protecting anyone. She can barely protect herself from all the drugs she injects into herself, let alone protect anyone else.

God, Selena, thank you so much for protecting Justin. What would we have done without your chariftul help?

Thank you for organizing an entire dance routine calling Justin a “douchebag” and making fun of him smoking weed during his scandal, something you were responsible for releasing.

It’s funny how history plays out because while Selena was making dance routines to conceal her bitterness about Justin, young Hailey Baldwin was defending him… in TWENTY THIRTEEN.


That’s why in 2020, Selena Gomez is STILL talking about Jelena’s expired past, while Justin moved on from the person who’s an immature psychopath and went to someone who actually DID protect him.


The universe works in funny ways.

Back to thanking Saint Mary for her protectful work.

Thank you Selena for protecting Justin by laughing at him crying on national television, because we all know if the roles were reversed, he would have been crucified for laughing at your (self-inflicted) pain.

Where was Justin while she was out bullying him on national television? Oh right, hospitalized.


Thank you Selena for protecting Justin by blaming the entirety of the relationship on him, despite your constant cheating and insecurity that suffocated him.


Thank you Selena for protecting Justin by indirectly calling him a dog during your interview.

P.S. for any newbies who don’t remember this interview, the interviewer asked her “Is everything okay between you and Baylor?” and that’s when she said what was posted above. Why did he ask her that? Because at the time, Justin has been rumored several times to be with strippers who allowed him to touch their ass so he was started a lot of controversy for that. So when the interviewer asked her about “Baylor” aka her dog that no one ever asks about, they used that as a metaphor to talk about Justin. The interviewer literally said, “Do you wanna take a stab into those rumors about you and your dog Baylor?” THERE AREN’T NO RUMORS ABOUT HER AND BAYLOR. It’s about Justin, obviously. A psychopath.

Back to regular programming.

Thank you Selena for protecting Justin by liking hate posts or commenting about Justin, throughout 2013 up until… well present time.

And of course, thank you Selena from upgrading from your manipulative and emotional abuse, to physical abuse.

Justin: “Stop. Stop, stop! We are in public.”

But of course here in our modern time, we praise toxic woman for the sole reason of them being women, while villainizing victims simply because they are men.

While we are thanking Saint Mary, let’s also thank Selena for shading the girls that Justin would hang out with despite him being single. Whether they are coworkers, friends, or flings, Selena had a comment about each and every single one of them because that’s what toxic woman do, my friends.

Here’s Selena commenting on the girl that Justin worked with on the “All That Matters” video.

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The video girl then said, “I was just doing my job.”


Nice going, Selena. She loves attacking other women for her own drama filled life.

There’s so many other times of Selena protecting Justin, but I don’t want to get more repeativite than I already am. You are more than welcome to watch our video on this.

You can also check out our post on this topic.

Just in case y’all woke up this morning and thought that Selena didn’t play the general public like a fiddle—once again, I’m here to remind you of something else.

Throwing it back to Good Morning America 2013 when Selena “sang” some songs from another era milked about Justin, she was once again asked about him. No surprise there.

She said, and I quote, “I will always care about him and protect him if anyone tries to be mean.”

It’s at minute 2:08.

Go on, go put on your clown shoes.


I just..

Before we end this post, I’d like to mention another part of her quote.

“I didn’t want to start anything.”


She really said that with her whole chest… on national television.

This is how I know that SHE KNOWS, that her fans are stupid. Anyone with a functioning brain, knows damn well that she released “Lose You To Love Me” a week after the Bieber wedding…… TO START SOMETHING.

No one is checking for Selena Gomez if Justin Bieber is not in the picture. This may be the hardest pill for you guys to swallow (it sure as hell was hard for Selena), but Selena offers NO RELEVANCE, NO TALENT, NO CREATIVITY, NO VOCAL ABILITY, NOTHING. The only thing she offers, is a good sob story about how teenage Justin Bieber broke her heart in 1342 B.C.

Selena doesn’t have many talents, but I am a firm believer in giving credit where it’s due. One thing that Selena Marie Gomez is very talented in.…. IS STARTING SOMETHING.

Remember when Justin had a fling with Sofia Richie and he took to Instagram to defend her from RACIST HATE, and Selena involved herself?


THAT’S starting something.

Remember when Selena slept with Bella Hadid’s man, unfollowed her despite their friendship, and when it was all said and done, she followed her back, commented on her picture, then got mad when Bella deleted the picture because she wanted nothing to do with her man’s crazy ex?


THAT’S starting something.

How about when Selena unfollowed Madison Beer on Instagram just because she was hanging out with Hailey Bieber and then Madison got bullied for having dinner with her friend?


THAT’S starting something.

And waiting until your ex has his wedding ceremony for you to start teasing your new era… IS STARTING SOMETHING.

Justin and Hailey Bieber had their wedding ceremony on September 30, 2019.

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THAT’S starting something!

Saying that you want your married ex to listen to your songs and album is newsflash… STARTING SOMETHING.

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Selena is out here manipulating the entire general public and straight out LYING. Girl get a grip. This is ridiculous. Move on for once in your life. She’s making this whole era about Justin because of their 4 month old fling that neither of them claimed, yet doesn’t want to open up about ANYTHING like her idk… life threatening kidney transplant?? Why? Because when her and her fake donor held that interview in 2017 about their experience, it made zero noise. Like I said, no one cares about Selena Gomez unless Bieber is attached to her name. What does she possibly offer besides the same Jelena narrative? What does she serve besides clownery? NOTHING.

January 2016, she claimed that she was SO over talking about him.

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Yet January 2020, she’s STILL talking about him.

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Justin was write when he said that the people who tried to USE HIM, are the ones who come point the finger at him.


And I oop! Also, let the record show that we told you Selena was going to have an era all about being “hurt” and we said this back in 2018 when she was photographed looking all happy and peachy!


Are we ever wrong? Um.. I don’t think so.


Her hype is finally done because the people are tired. And this is why she’s begging for streams on social media.


Stream esmg posts xxx

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Watch Selena Gomez Begging Fans to Stream Her Album


Selena Gomez unfollows Madison Beer after she hangs out with Hailey Bieber