Selena Gomez's Long History of Being The OTHER Woman and Tearing Other Women Down to Uplift Herself: Bella Hadid, Miley Cyrus, Hailey Bieber, Demi Lovato, + More
Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock
Selena Gomez seems to surprise us every single day, but I think the antics of February 2023 really take the cake.
Not only does this unhinged Tiktok behavior include harassing ex #1’s wife, Hailey Bieber for 72 hours straight but it also includes odd behavior aimed towards ex #2’s former girlfriend, Bella Hadid.
Now you’re probably wondering why I’m making a post so late about this drama and it’s because not only does this blog serve as a source for behind-the-scenes info on the rich and famous, but it also serves as a receipts blog.
For example, this screenshot above has been seen by tens of millions throughout the world on social media was made by me in 2014 and kept alive by me and now everyone uses it as proof in whatever narrative they are spinning.
The blog is a part of history, and if I don’t write about something it is gone without much of a trace or remembrance.
Who knows, it could be the year 2044 and you’ll need to pull this post up just like you guys do with my posts from 2013.
This post will include some thoughts my source has about the Selena and Bella drama.
On February 2023, Selena posted a Tiktok story where she lip-synced to a popular Bella Hadid sound on Tiktok (“My name? My name is Bella Hadid.”) while using the Bella filter. She also captions it, “I wish I was as pretty as Bella Hadid.”
Afterward, she removed the filter and tried saying the same sentence with her own name and then says something like, “see it doesn’t even sound sexy.”
In my opinion, this is one of the weirdest social “norms” you can do on social media. I don’t understand why someone would ever set themselves up by verbalizing that they wish they looked like someone else.
Second, I think Selena thought this would be seen as quirky and never-done before. In a “wow she’s just like us ‘cause we all hate ourselves and wish to look like Bella Hadid too!” But it was just seen as awkward and bizarre.
girl… c’mon now
Third, it’s even worse when a celebrity does something like this because they have a huge platform and most times it will cause their fans to compliment them by putting the other person down.
That’s exactly what happened in this case. Bella started to get tons of hate simply for existing, and Selena got tons of praise because fans thought that’s what would make her feel better.
There were a lot of comments cheering Selena on calling HER the original sexy one, telling her at least she’s natural (news flash; she’s not either lol), and she’s 10x prettier than Bella.

All of this for what? You fished for compliments at the age of 30 for what? All of this because you needed praise on social media from a bunch of 16-year-olds?
Not only was Bella mocked and attacked for “not being natural” she was getting hate for ignoring Selena.
This is not the first time Bella ignores Selena on social media either and I think if there is a clear reason for why someone doesn’t like someone else, that person’s fans shouldn’t try and attack them for it especially since Bella has never really started drama with Selena. She’s always been cordial.
In 2019 Bella posted this photo and Selena commented “stunning” which caused Bella to then delete the post.
When a Selena fan called Bella out and said Selena was only trying to be nice and be a “girls girl” Selena commented, “that sucks.”
You may be wondering, “well why doesn’t Bella wanna be friends with Selena?”
Maybe it has something to do with Selena dating her man after they seemed to be friends.
This is literally the reason cause right after news dropped of Selena and The Weeknd, Bella unfollowed Selena on Instagram.
January 10th, 2017:
January 11th, 2017:
I mean if you were hanging out with someone and a few months later they pulled up with your ex, you wouldn’t be too fond of them either especially if this is something they are KNOWN to do.
Let’s see the lineup we have here.
We have Selena friends with her childhood idol Jennifer Aniston…

Then bam! Rumors of her hooking up with Jennifer’s husband who then became her ex-husband. (Rumors which we revealed are true btw).
Then you have Selena with her “oh-so-good-friend” Katy Perry.
Then you also have Selena and Orlando Bloom caught making out at a Revival Tour after-party while Katy sits at home tweeting that she wants to marry Orlando.

Which by the way, we revealed months before the pictures leaked. Get on the winning team.
Bella and Selena hang out.
A few months later, she’s dating her man. Not just any regular man either, Bella and Abel had the same intensity as Justin and Selena, so you would think Selena understood that.
In case you didn’t know, Selena and The Weeknd were a PR which we already exposed, but I’m sure it still annoyed Bella all the same when they got together because they were hooking up.
This topic can honestly keep going in many different directions.
For example, Selena and Jasmine Villegas were friends at one point in the very early moments of their careers, and when Justin dated Jasmine, Selena was making moves on him talking about having his babies.
It’s not like they were best friends, but it’s still funny to see the same thing applies no matter who you are talking about.
He was with a whole other girl and she was talking about Emory Bieber LMAOOOOOOOO she’s so funny
Almost a decade later and Jasmine reveals that she and Justin broke up basically because the Jelena contract was in motion.

And as always, there’s a post for you going into grave detail in case you were confused:
This doesn’t fully fall on Selena since Justin and Scooter were also responsible for the Jelena PR contract, but it goes to show that your previous Jelena was literally set up while he was in a 7-month relationship with another girl.
Hollywood… it’s all smoke and mirrors.
So this is a girl who isn’t just notorious for going after men who are taken, but notorious for taking her friends’ men.
Now trust me I know the comment section is going to jump in with their fake feminist rants like, “the guys are at fault too!!1!!” and I wholeheartedly agree, but we aren’t talking about the guys in this post.
We are talking about the long history Selena has with women that is very bizarre and backstabbing but never gets talked about.
Yet the people who don’t like Selena (Bella for example) are being ripped apart in order to spare Selena’s feelings.
It also makes you realize how much Selena enjoys watching other women get ripped apart in order for her to get praised.
This doesn’t just have to do with men either. She’ll do it based on any topic.
I know Miley Cyrus and Selena seem to be good friends right now with Miley coming to her birthday party last July and Selena promoting Miley’s new album “Endless Summer Vacation” a few days ago.
But just know there used to be a decade-long hate train between Miley and Selena. Miley couldn’t stand Selena and Selena couldn’t stand Miley. It was so obvious that the media knew it and their fans respectfully hated each other.
When Miley was being called all types of names in 2013 for her Bangerz era, Selena seemed to do what she does best and got involved SIMPLY for praise.
The media and general public used to rip Miley apart and call her derogatory names like a “whore” and so much worse.
Fans made things worse when they would pit Miley against her other Disney peers and say Selena was the only normal one out of Miley, Demi, and Selena. This went on for years even before the Bangerz era.
It was always Miley was a whore or a slut, Demi was a crackhead and Selena was this generation’s Hillary Duff aka an angel gracing us from the Walt Disney worlds.
When Miley was trashed for not acting “classy” Selena took a dig at her in 2013 on the Stars Dance tour and said, “I get it all day, every day. I’m not sexy enough or cool enough…. let me tell you one thing: The sexiest thing I know is… class.”
All headlines said she was shading Miley, and possibly stars like Nicki Minaj and Rihanna.
So what are we supposed to conclude from hard PUBLIC evidence? Selena Gomez is a pick-me girl who promotes and instigates hate against women and triggers comparisons against women.
I get it, she is quite insecure and insecurity is a disease as you can see from the 90 examples I just gave you, but tell me why she can get away with this behavior for more than a decade yet it’s always other girls who are mean and demented.
It’s either praise a possible sociopath or get eaten alive on social media.
Don’t get me started on Demi Lovato insinuating that the reason she and childhood bestie Selena stopped being friends had to do with Selena and Taylor making fun of Demi behind her back.
May 2010… before sHaDe and social media were really a thing
None of these women are perfect and they’ve all shaded and been involved in drama but Selena has the longest history out of them and the least loyalty of anyone I literally just talked about.
Not only that, but she goes on and causes CATASTROPHES based on the “nice girl getting bullied :(“ niche when she’s the bully this whole time.
Selena Gomez listen to your therapist 2023 challenge.
Here’s what my source had to say about the whole Selena and Bella drama:
“…Right it’s so weird, Bella doesn’t like you [Selena]. For her to talk trash about Bella in private then publicly act like they’re fine is so weird. Pathetic and very twisted, she definitely only said that to ponder compliments and have everyone say she’s more beautiful than Bella.”
So there you have it folks. Receipts to back up history and an analysis of Selena Gomez’s odd behavior that just seems to put women down rather than do anything else.
Leave me your thoughts down in the comment section below ;)