Selena Gomez literally sings off key in her chorus at the 2019 AMA's (Review)

My greatest joy in life is watching Selena Gomez try to desperately convince the world she can sing and while she gets away with bad singing on many occasions, there are some golden times where she’s painfully struggling.

At the 2019 American Music Awards (AMA’s), Selena opened up the show by singing her two new singles; “Lose You to Love Me” and “Look At Her Now.”


First, she starts off with Lose You to Love Me, her comeback single in which she continues crying about her married ex, Justin Bieber.

From the moment she starts singing, it’s just painful. She is extremely off key, sounds pitchy, and looks like an overall mess. Not only did she rip off Miley’s VMA performance of Slide Away, but she also ended up cutting the song very short.


It’s good to see Miley is still inspiring her peers in 2019!

As her fans sat there waiting to hear her powerfully sing “in two months you replaced us,” instead they ended up getting an off key, drunk-as-hell Selena Gomez, hoarsely singing the first half of the song.

Watch for yourself how hilarious it is.

How is it that her fans come after everyone else, but yet Selena can’t even do the one thing she’s supposed to be: a singer. She can’t sing. At this point it’s not even a form of opinion, but a fact.

I’m not even hating on her, it’s just that her fans are so hypocritical and literally attack anyone within a mile radius of her so they caused me to bring this to light. She can’t sing, sorry? At least she’s pretty.

Also can we point something out as well? This is Selena’s third AMA performance about Justin. Justin breathes and Selena’s fans scream “HAHAHAAHA YOU’RE WELCOME Selena is the reason y’all have these bops. Thank her!”

But the funny thing about that is, this is Selena’s third AMA performance about Justin, while Justin is currently enjoying his marriage that he’s been in for over a year. Funny how that works.

Selena singing The Heart Wants What It Wants, 2014

Selena singing Same Old Love, 2015

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Selena singing Lose You to Love Me, 2019



I guess she finally found her one talent, crying about Justin.

I won’t even review Look At Her Now considering that alone was also tragic, but I will point out the funniest thing about that performance.


Not only was Selena drunk off her ass on the red carpet, falling all over the place and singing extremely off key in Lose You to Love Me, but then she pulls this shit with Look At Her Now. She looks like she just gave up mid-performance.

She literally put more effort in her LYTLM performance and she didn’t even move in that one!

But yet her fans are still on twitter bravely defending her. I’ve seen turtles put more effort in RUNNING than Selena has in these two performances.

But facts will always be facts. If you date Justin Bieber at 18 and he gives your career relevance, that doesn’t mean you’ll actually be good at it.

This isn’t the first time Selena has given us a tragic performance, but there are a few times where she tried to cover up her bad singing by lip syncing.

Selena caught lip singing during Jingle Ball 2013

Selena admitting to lip singing backstage in 2014

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Link to the video here at minute 10:30:

Watch it for yourself.

Those are my two favorite lip syncing moments that Selena has gifted us. There are a lot more of these moments on tour, but that’s not what this post is about. This part of the post was just to show y’all Selena has tried alternative ways to prove she doesn’t suck at singing… yet her luck at the 2019 AMA’s must’ve ran out.

Selena’s 2019 AMA performance wasn’t the only bad performance of Selena’s, yet everyone likes to make excuses to why she sounded horrible. She always sounds bad! That’s nothing new. Everyone knows Selena can’t sing. Selena herself knows she can’t sing!

Her fans tried to come up with excuses saying that she had a panic attack and an anxiety attack backstage, yet she was seen vaping and taking selfies/videos. Do you guys even know what a panic/anxiety attack is or do you just use illnesses to make excuses for your fave? I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

And then her team had the audacity to say that she did indeed have a panic attack because it was her first televised performance. Um, there’s always EXCUSES EXCUSES EXCUSES, but the truth remains: SELENA CAN NOT SING and she sucks as a performer. She was sounded like a horse screaming during “Lose You to Love Me” and moved like a stiff potato chip in “Look At Her Now.”

Go take some Instagram selfies, Selena. This performing thing ain’t for you.

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Anyway I hope you enjoyed this post. Stay tuned for your Thanksgiving treat: a reveal about which celebrity tried to sue us coming later today!


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