Selena Gomez is Still in Contact with Justin Bieber's Mom, Pattie Mallette
Great, just what we all wanted to hear, right?
Keep your eyes open and focus while reading, Hailey. I expect you to start a war on the inside.
I don’t think there is any other relationship in Hollywood that’s more complicated than the history of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. With all the legality issues due to the contracts, the involvement of money franchises, parent contracts, industry abuse, and victim narratives, this tale is officially one of the sickest and most annoying. The crazy part is, no other source knows Jelena better than me. I have detailed their history on this blog to an extent that no one else did. This new information is just an addition to the already sick and twisted cycle.
Pattie, Justin, and Selena at his 18th birthday party
There are 3 key details to know from previous information in order to understand this story.
Background Information
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez started off on a PR contract that eventually turned real. Another 2015 contract was set in place to make sure neither Team Gomez or Team Bieber release damaging footage on each other and it also stated that Jelena drama will arise from time to time. This contract was set in place because Selena’s team kept threatening Justin and his team was like “we’ll play that game, too” so to prevent a literal media war, they signed a contract.
In the beginning of Justin’s career, his parents and Selena were involved in a “parent contract” set up by LA Reid that stated that if Justin needed any convincing to do something in the industry, his team will reach out to his parents to get him to do it and in return, they’ll get money. This clause meant that if his parents LEAKED things on him, they’d get paid. The contract also states that Justin was supposed to retire, marry Selena, and then they both live off his franchise while Selena continues her career. Hence his joke tweet “I’m retiring” that one year. This whole story is in the post.
The night that Justin and Selena broke up, Selena called Pattie and ranted for like 30 days about how Justin cheated on her, how he prefers' models, how he’s letting the fame get to his head, and all of this shit that was not true. Pattie tells Selena that she’ll talk to him. When she does, Justin says that didn’t happen, but she believed Selena over him and sided with her. This started the broken cycle of Justin and Pattie.
In order to understand Selena’s involvement to Pattie, you need to understand how strained Justin’s relationship with Pattie has become.
The parent contract and Pattie’s involvement in Jelena, ruined and strained Justin’s relationship with her. He went from having the best relationship with his mom to it being nonexistent.
His dad? Always has been a deadbeat and always will be. He was around whenever Justin wanted to self destruct and his dad was only useful in that aspect. If anything, he encouraged his self destructing behavior. This should explain that now with Justin being in a better place, Jeremy ain’t around. Was he at the Seasons premiere? No. I personally believe there’s no coming back from that relationship, but that’s just me.
Considering everything that Justin has been through with Pattie, he tried to resolve the issues, but there came a point where he didn’t feel like explaining ANYTHING to ANYONE. He started developing this belief for a long time and that’s why he doesn’t clear up rumors today. Y’all have seen me say this ten thousand times; Justin believes that those who matter, believe who he really is as a person and he doesn’t really have an intention of revisiting the past to clear it up.
With that being said, Justin doesn’t talk to Pattie like that or let her in on the trauma he’s been through.
Justin believes that out of all people, his MOTHER should have has back.
And she didn’t.
She never did.
Any veteran reader of mine knows I’ve always disliked Pattie and Jeremy. I’m like their OG hater LMAO
In 2013 and 2014, when I was pleading people to open their eyes about Justin and realize he needs professional help before he dies, as he told y’all in 2020, I always used to say that Pattie was too busy playing celebrity as opposed to caring about her suicidal son.
Where does Selena come into play?
Oh just you wait.
Pattie and Selena backstage
My source tells me that when Pattie wanted to know ANYTHING about Justin, Selena was like her little spy. She continues to say that “Selena was her main source of information. That bond they formed from there which made Selena trustworthy for Pattie.”
Imagine Selena being your source for anything.
A literal compulsive liar being your main source.. could not be me.
Why does Pattie believe Selena? Well going back to everything I just explained earlier, JUSTIN DOESN’T TELL HER ANYTHING.
Selena is literally capitalizing on the broken relationship that Justin has with his mother for her own personal agenda.
My source alleges that till this day, Selena tells stories of abuse to Pattie about Justin. Pattie sides with Selena because she doesn’t want to make it seem like she approves of this behavior towards her.
Selena tells stories of abuse to the general public with her WHOLE CHEST; LYING ON CANDID CAMERA. What makes anyone believe she doesn’t do the same with his mother? Her track record is pretty obvious.
How does this all work in Selena’s favor? Justin doesn’t tell Pattie anything which can easily be painted as “he’s an abusive liar, of course he won’t talk about what really happened” and then Pattie continues to hear this narrative so of course she’s going to believe it. Just like the clown general public.
God forbid she actually makes an effort to learn about what her son went through or to not believe the word of his psycho ex over her own SON… HER OWN BLOOD.
My source also says that Pattie sees Selena as the good guy in Justin’s “bad guy” image. This is the same image that Selena herself is responsible for painting so of course Pattie and the whole world will see Justin as the abuser, while Selena as the victim.
“She’s always seen Selena as playing the positive protagonist in Justin’s life when he was seen as just a drug abuser. Mind you, they were both doing drugs. Selena wasn’t telling Pattie that though, and Justin felt he was left to fend for himself because his parents hardly played guidance.”
Don’t ever ask me if I ever have sympathy for Selena or if I think she’s a good person. She deserves everything that has happened to her because that’s the universe’s way of balancing the world.
This story gets worst and Selena becomes more pathetic.
My sources alleges that there would be nights where Selena would call up Pattie to complain about Justin being with girls at clubs, getting high and how she’s worried about him.
I have no words.
We need to remember that Justin and Selena NEVER GOT BACK TOGETHER OFFICIALLY AFTER 2012. This is something I’ve stuck by my word for only for Selena to confirm it in 2017 and then re-confirm in 2019 about their 2017/18 reunion.
So you mean to tell me that Selena was meddling in Justin’s life with his mother despite him being single all this time? I’m not shocked quite frankly.
I am trying my best to get through the full story without dragging, but it’s truly hard. You know, one could argue that Selena Gomez doesn’t deserve rights.
At the end of the day, everyone on the inside knows that something fishy is going on between Selena and her narrative because she preached (and still preaches) this whole story about how horrible he was yet SHE was flying out to see HIM the following week.
After getting this Selena and Pattie information, it cleared up a lot. Pattie is now seen publicly supporting Selena aka the same person that is going around saying Pattie’s son, Justin, ABUSED HER.
She recently liked a tweet about Selena’s upcoming makeup line (which we’ll be posting the truth about).
Pattie also liked a recent picture of Selena.
Meanwhile Selena…
It’s obvious there’s something going on behind closed doors between Pattie and Selena. No sane mother would be supporting their son’s abusive ex who is turning the whole narrative ON HER SON unless something else is going on.
If y’all wanna defend Pattie in the comments, that’s on you. All I’m saying is, as his mother, if she’s putting in effort to learn and spy on him from the same person who caused his spiral, she should be doing the bare minimum by trying to be someone that her son can open up to. Or the very least, not believe lies about him when he tells her otherwise. But that’s just me! What do I know, right?
There you have it ladies and gentlemen.
Once a manipulative psychopath, always a manipulative psychopath.
There is one thing I was wrong about in my years of running this blog and that’s when I thought Selena would change for the better after her kidney transplant. Some people experience trauma and try to be better from it; Ariana Grande for example. Then you have Selena Gomez. She’s someone who endured trauma and instead of letting it turn her into becoming a better person, she continues to self destruct while trying to bring others down with her.
I was waiting for this question because it’s a good one.
We constantly say that “Love Yourself” was about Selena and what’s prominent line there is “My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone.”
Video version of this post:
This video has over 200,000+ views on Youtube. Did someone say iconic?
Pattie didn’t like Selena when Jelena was actually together in 2011-2012. It was a well known fact. I mean she didn’t hate her, but she wasn’t her cup of tea.
Back in the day, there was a lot of competition between Miley Cyrus and Selena career wise (idk how since Miley was outselling 10x more) and often Pattie would side with Miley by tweeting about her projects and ignoring Selena’s.
It was also a well known fact that Pattie preferred Caitlin Beadles, Justin’s ex, over Selena. She was seen constantly with her and supporting her while once again ignoring Selena whenever they’d come in contact.
Every time Pattie was seen with Jelena, she seemed visibly upset and often didn’t acknowledge Selena.
Now please, don’t be stupid and reference an interview to combat this point. Y’all are smarter than that.
However, as the times change, so did the situation. Justin was likely referencing the beginning Jelena times in “Love Yourself” since as my readers know, a lot has changed.
I actually had many posts in which I referenced how Pattie didn’t like Selena, just like everyone else in Justin’s life.
Excerpt from “Exposed: The Beadles and Jelena” Post
The following excerpt will discuss an interview Pattie had in which when asked about Selena, she was very awkward and tense. A reader sent it to me (back when I used to reply to emails) and she made a good point.
Excerpt from October 2013 Post
Even at public events, Pattie didn’t seem fond of Selena. I mean look at the following moment
Instead of waiting for Selena to finish talking so she can say what she wants, Pattie puts her head down in despair? Like uh, okay.
So I hope that answers that question.
Don’t ever hold back in your questions in fear that I’d think you guys are attacking me. My information is transparent, I don’t hide nor delete any post. If you have a valid question when information changes as the years go by, I’m more than happy to answer and clarify.
Selena definitely lowkey throws shady comments to insinuate that Hailey is bad for Justin. The fact that Selena is in contact with Pattie tells me that nobody in Justin’s life, is safe from her gossip and complete lies.
LMAO. Tea.
If you guys are interested in see my readers’ hilarious replies to my tweet hinting at this post, check it down below.
If you guys enjoyed this post, let me know in the comments down below. Ask any questions you have! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be replying back.
Here are the messages between my source and I where she elaborates a little bit more on “liking” pictures on Instagram and the drama in general. Enjoy!
Hope you guys enjoyed! See you in the comments down below.