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Selena Gomez Fans Think Selena Has Been Cloned

Yes you read that correctly.

Selenators, also known as the most delusional fanbase known to man, believe that Selena Gomez has been cloned. Why you make ask? Because apparently it’s easier to believe that Selena has been cloned and that’s why she’s rarely seen and not touring, as opposed to believing the truth which is: Selena has a drug addiction that she’s been lying about 2013.

I keep telling you guys it’s going to keep getting worst, and it just keeps on going.

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How the conspiracy goes

A Brazilian Selenator made a thread that went pretty much viral reaching over 25k retweets and 100k likes. Another Selenator, translated the thread in order to spread it to English speaking fans.

This Selenator hates me btw and I don’t give out free promo so you’ll see that the username has been blanked out.

I’m not going to bore you with the complete contents of the thread because a) boring and b) why would I make my readers read false information? Instead, I’ll show you the main points and I’ll try to keep it short.

Basically the thread focuses on two main points:

  1. Selena being cloned and replaced by someone else

  2. Selena’s inner close circle of friends are controlling her, not letting her tour, not letting her interact with fans, keeping her away from Taylor Swift and basically isolating her out

Surprise surprise, both main points are false.

The thread cites times where Selena LOOKED the happiest she’s ever been. Here’s an occurence of Selena in 2018 after the Jailey engagement.

What fans fail to realize is that Selena may “look” happy, but realistically, she’s 2 seconds away from a mental breakdown or a fatal… now I’m not saying overdose… but I’m also not not saying overdose.

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That was the same reason Selena was hospitalized for 90 days due to mental health issues (and drugs, but they won’t tell you that), but yeah.. the happiest she’s ever looked.

“Selena disappears for ten days, nothing bad” listen, whenever Selena disappears, understand that she’s likely on a sober cleanse which history has showed us that she failed, but at least she’s trying I guess. I already told y’all she’s not okay before she was hospitalized, but sure whatever, I’m a liar.

So yes… it’s ALWAYS something bad. Her fans won’t ever see that though despite how obvious it is. A celebrity disappearing from time to time always signifies a huge problem.

I mean I could have told them that…

Well actually I did.

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Her hospitalization was really bad and there was a high chance that it could have been fatal. But thankfully for her, it wasn’t.

So that was all background information for the theory. Here’s where Selena stans think that the “replacement” of Selena has been in effect.

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Selena has a meeting with her label.. you know regular business things, but Selenators have turned it into this whole conspiracy and that meeting was somehow significant.

Paparazzi? In LA? Shocking! We are so shocked! Let’s end the meeting y’all. It’s not like we are big leaders in Interscope that we’re scared of some paparazzi.

Here’s where it gets funny. The woman behind her, made Selenators suspicious. They’re making it seem like she’s there to “control” her or make sure the clone doesn’t glitch.

I am really not making this up.

It’s literally a sober coach.

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She’s there to make sure Selena doesn’t kill herself or overdose in a corner.

But yeah, let’s make it signify it’s something else. Selena has had plenty of these people and one of them being in 2014 after her first (of many) rehab trips.

Imagine how easy life would be for them if they accepted the fact that Selena is a drug addict?

What can I tell you? Probably the same situation here.

Since I wasn’t active on ESMG back during that little era of Selena, I didn’t even know all of that was public information, but Selenators practically laid it out for me.

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According to them, the “real Selena” is out doing philanthropy while the “cloned Selena” is out here releasing crappy music and putting on terrible performances.

The “real” Selena could perform well and the “cloned” Selena was the reason for that atrocious AMA performance….



Selena has always been a horrible singer and performer. I don’t know why they’re acting like the second most thing Selena is known for (after Bieber of course) is the fact that she CAN’T SING.

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the cloned Selena

cloned Selena got straight teeth yall!!!


Okay um..



I just want to tell you guys that this person who is putting in all this effort in translating this bizzare thread, has tried to come for me before. They had the audacity to call me delusional and a liar.

Yes, the same person who believes that Selena has been cloned.

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The second part of conspiracy: Selena’s friends are controlling her

Imagine if Selena was controllable?

Brace yourselves for the delusion y’all.

Her fans reference this video of Selena’s friends controlling her because she randomly went on Instagram live and they were like “why would you do that?”

However, the tea to why her friends were really shocked by her going on Instagram live is more understandable than believing her non-millionaire non-famous friends are controlling her.

Her friends looked more concerned in the video as opposed to controlling.

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In general, when an addict does something unpredictable, you have to watch out for it because often their spontaneity is coming from their high. Who knows, Selena could be an honest drunk or an honest coke snorter? Sis could have shot up heroin on camera. But I mean yeah.. totally a clone.

Imagine the same person who has destroyed and slandered the world’s biggest pop star, Justin Bieber, for 7 years, is someone who is “weak” or someone who’s easily “controlled” by get this… people who aren’t as rich or famous as her? WOW, you totally got me there, Selenators.

They list her friends being involved in the creation of her music as them “controlling her”

The gag is, Selena is not a real artist and she has no creative ability. She’s an unwell human being who wished that she would breakout in the acting world. Ashley Cook has worked with Selena since 2011 so I’m really failing to see where this in an example of Selena being controlled.

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They believe it, but if you show them a video of Selena stumbling drunk at the AMAs, they say it’s because a grown-celebrity Selena, doesn’t know how to walk in heels.

I don’t even know if I want to drag them or feel bad about their literal delusion.

They cite Selena being a clone or being controlled because she gives the same script in interviews.

It’s because SHE IS FOLLOWING A SCRIPT. It’s called “trash Justin Bieber to stay relevant” because she has no self respect or any relevance to her name if it’s not for him.

I mean y’all are getting quite pathetic.

You guys ready for this?

They also think that her real friends are keeping her away from Selena’s friendship with Taylor Swift.

You wanna know why Delusionators? It’s because Taylor has a NO-DRUGS-AROUND-ME RULE.

Welcome to the world of publicity, fake relationships, and staged appearances!

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Selena couldn’t make out one word that night because she was a STUMBLING HIGH DRUNK. Not because her non-famous friends are controlling her.

Selena hosted an after party and the only people who can stand her and her intoxicated ass, where the ones who showed up. I don’t know how her fans have made Selena become a victim in a situation where she’s actually the annoying oppressor, suffocating everyone with her hidden problems, but then again this is same people saying she’s a clone.

They also cite some crap about how Selena’s friends were involved in the album making process and how they’re credited for inspiration or work. I don’t know how that’s controlling, but then again they believe she’s been cloned so there’s that.

They hate Rare so much they’re blaming it on her friends as opposed to the fact that Selena is just… not an artist nor is she cut out for the performer lifestyle.

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On top of that, Selena recently came out to say that she felt that “Revival” was not authentic. Surprise surprise, Selena hates every era she makes because she hates music. Stars Dance was supposed to be her last album because she had like 30 movies she was starring in (all flopped), but that didn’t break her out into an Oscar winning actress so here she still is with her autotune and Bieber obsession.

This has all been fun and games for me, but I draw the line at where they had the audacity to compare their psycho theory to the sad truth about Britney Spears’ legal conservatorship.

Britney’s situation is WAY DIFFERENT than Selena who gives crappy eras.

In conclusion, Selena Gomez has been cloned and replaced… according to her fans.

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Hold on, it gets funnier.

I wish they made sense… I really wish.

Imagine if they saved themselves the headache and just accepted the fact that Selena is struggling with a drug addiction instead of making a bizarre rumor?

Also, isn’t it quite disgusting how EVERYONE Is the bad person in Selena’s life and miraculously, she’s ALWAYS the victim? Without fail. Selena is the “victim” in her drama with Justin, Demi, her real friends, and so on.

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I can imagine four nobodies controlling Selena. And for WHAT? FOR WHAT? Those girls are the only reason Selena hasn’t given up on herself yet because they’re the only ones that tolerate her crazy ass. Everyone else was involved in the creation of Rare because Selena was SICK. In the four years that Rare was worked on, she was in rehab… TWICE.

So with that being said, which Selena do you guys think has lupus? Let me know in the comments down below. Is it the cloned Selena or the real Selena? DNA is replicated to be identical so maybe both? I don’t know, why don’t you guys humor me in the comments?

Maybe we can get Selenators (with their PHD in cloning) to let us know the tea.

You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that!

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