Remember Armie Hammer? Here's the family insight on his divorce with ex-wife, Elizabeth Chambers
Credit: Shannon Finney/Getty
To say that Armie Hammer’s career has suffered since his cannibalistic and r-pe scandals is an understatement, considering many people argue that he never had a successful career to begin with.
However, that hasn’t stopped Armie’s family from believing that his ex, Elizabeth Chambers, used him for the fame.
Last year, we published an explosive post about the Armie Hammer scandal and inside details about his relationship with his wife, Elizabeth, and how she filed for divorce because of his cheating and drug addiction.
I have no desire to reiterate information I already exposed, so check out that post for more information. It’s been over year since the post and the information is still as gruesome as always.
I got a recent update from my source saying that Armie’s mom “does not like his wife/mother of his children now. She hates that his (soon to be ex) wife has “abandoned” Armie.”
Mike Pont/Getty Images
She tells me that the family believes that Elizabeth is taking the easy way out and leaving him in the midst of the scandal when she had no desire to leave him when he was “successful.”
The craziest part of it all? His parents are reportedly siding with him despite all the allegations.
Now in the Armie post that I linked to you above, we exposed information about his relationship with Elizabeth and how despite her filing for divorce citing “irreconcilable differences,” their failing marriage had to actual do with 3 main points:
drug usage
the belief that he is some huge celebrity or will BECOME a huge celebrity
We mention the state of Armie’s career when talking about him because that’s like a plateau that he was never able to get past. Buzzfeed even once wrote an article in 2017 titled “Ten Long Years of Trying to Make Armie Hammer Happen.”
To which Armie got extremely offended by and tweeted about it calling them “bitter af” and then proceeded to delete his twitter account at the time.
So… it’s safe to say that questioning the state of his career is a soft spot for Armie which will probably lead him to explode.
The fact that my source tells me that that was one of the main fallouts in his relationship with Elizabeth shows me that he was that arrogant celebrity with a bigger than life complex despite not actually being big at all.
Is there anything worse than a diva who doesn’t actually have the stats to be a diva?
I also believe that Elizabeth left him in the middle of the allegations because that was the final straw and probably something we can add as our 4th point.
Theo Wargo / Staff/Getty Images
Interestingly enough, People released an exclusive last month saying that they are slowly figuring things out as a couple. Do you think that they would ever get back together after everything that has went down?
Here is the message between my source and I:
Let me know what your thoughts are about this Armie Hammer situation and if you think that he will ever break out into the acting world?
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