Our Official Comeback - Why did we take a year long break?

Yes the amount of times that you have read this must be unbearable.



We’ve missed you guys so sO SO much! Where have we been? Um. It’s like every time I comeback I’ve went through some sort of life altering thing. This time around it wasn’t just finals.

Alana and I have suffered the loss of a best friend. He passed away the last week of November and yes it was during finals week. My last post on here was November 23rd so I was actually planning to be consistent with this blog.

We don’t really want to talk about it in this post. Maybe we will one day. (the day has come now since believe it or not this post was written like 5 months ago LMAOOOOwearesosorryOOOO) I don’t know. It’s just been a really hard couple of months and we’ve been dealing with it in our own ways.

So like past me has said, we have unfortunately suffered a hard loss of a best friend. We met this person through college a while back and formed a group of six, 3 boys and 3 girls. 


LMAOOO y’all knew I had to. 

Anyway his sudden death took a huge toll on the entire group and we all had to face some deep shit lol (adding an lol to try and not make this depressing). 

His death took place the last week of November, approaching finals week as I previously said, and we all weren’t ready to face the next semester in February, let alone deal with dumbass celebrities. So ESMG did what they did best….took another long unexplained break.  


And let me tell y’all that semester was one wild ride lmaoo 

And you know, also cue in the family drama, finals, mental health break yadda yadda 


We had so many posts planned out, so many people to drag in the dirt again like good ole times but we definitely needed a social media CLEANSE first and this time it went a bit far but now that only means we are back for a good while. 

All you need to know for now is that we are back. And this time, for good. And by “for good” I don’t mean posting everyday, but we are going to be posting regularly again. Hopefully that means daily/weekly. We just won’t disappear on you guys for another 26 months though. I know you’re all rolling your eyes right now, like how many times did we hear this? But keep reading.

We wanted to come back sooner but we were dealing with changing our host site but that hasn’t worked out yet so for now we will stay on Tumblr. 

I hope you guys can accept us back into your lives despite us leaving 800 times.


Also let’s get this cleared up; celebrities such as Exposingsmg (I’m trolling please don’t start rioting yet, there will be plenty of posts that will get you heated so conserve your energy for now) NEED BREAKS. 

If Selena and Justin can go on break from their careers for a thousand years, ESMG should also go on a little break as well. 

Writing about the kind of shit that I write about can really drain a person. And you guys only see the stuff I write about, you have no idea about the type of mentally draining crap I hear from sources. Sometimes you need a break from all this dramatic shit. Not to mention the dramatic shit we we’re going through with our *own* personal lives. 

Also whoever told me to get a life back in 2013 can choke. I finally got one and I want a refund LMAOOOOO 


It’s your fave exposers.


An update: What to expect from us regarding this comeback?


The Real Deal Behind the Drama with Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and Scooter Braun