Miley Cyrus Says Goodbye to Liam Hemsworth in "Slide Away" (Review)
Miley Cyrus has continued to release bop after bop after bop, since Nothing Breaks Like A Heart in late 2018. With more diversity and versatility between each song, she proceeds to grab our attention with the release of “Slide Away.”
Coming in hot after her public separation from her husband, Liam Hemsworth, “Slide Away” illustrates her goodbye to her longtime love of ten years. Singing “move on we’re not 17” and “back to the ocean, I’ll go back to the city lights,” it’s clear that we shouldn’t expect a reunion between the two anytime soon.
“Slide Away” also seemingly touches base on Miley’s struggle with fame and drugs, singing:
“I want my house in the hills
Don't want the whiskey and pills
I don't give up easily”
“Slide Away” shot up to #2 on iTunes US within hours of its surprise release, furthermore proving that Miley is still the chart topping legend she is.
This isn’t Miley’s first heart wrenching song about self reflection and moving on, but as usual she continues to deliver tasteful music, while at the same time opening her personal life to fans.
Both Miley and Liam have been seen looking rather glum after the breakup.
The release of “Slide Away” has continued to prompt our readers’ curiosity; asking us what is happening between Miley and Liam and what is the truth behind their fallout?
And we will.
As I told you guys on Instagram, we are still in the process of getting the inside scoop on the two. When writing exposing posts, you run on the time of your sources.
Guaranteed me and Alana have a bad reputation of withholding information for months or even years, but we’re changed now I promise! You know if I was faking sources this whole time, I would have just spilled any sort of story even though I’m really not that creative. Anyways.
Miley has always kept her true private life, personal, while all her antics throughout the years were just her playing the general public. She keeps her circle often closed. But as of now, you should expect a post on Miley and Liam coming soon.
So I suggest asking your questions in the comment section below.
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