Justin Bieber's Sexual Assault Allegations Explained: Everything You Need To Know
Justin Bieber in January 2020 / Photo: GAMR/Backgrid
I’m going to make this post as simple and factual as I can. If you’re coming here confused and want to know what is happening, this is the post for you. As I write this, Justin and his team are working on a statement and are apparently taking this situation to court. Let’s see what happens by the time this post goes up.
TRIGGER WARNING: rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, victims, trauma, force.
The first allegation - Daniella
Last night on June 20, 2020, a Twitter account was made that released a lengthy statement about how Justin Bieber sexually assaulted this girl, Daniella, on March 9, 2014, in Texas.
This is the account:
This is the tweet:
Here’s the full story posted:
This alleged story mentions Ansel Elgort who just got accused of sexual assault as well and the girl posted photos of her with him as proof. This is something that Ansel himself addressed on social media already.
As you can see by the number of retweets and likes that the tweet has garnered, it stirred up some serious drama. A fan who is known to have contact with Justin’s team through Instagram, dmed Allison Kaye who is someone that has been on Justin’s team since 2009.
Here’s what Allison said about the situation:
This brought up many points.
Alison said that Justin stayed at an Airbnb the night of March 9th which is when the alleged story takes place.
She claims he did not stay at the Four Seasons hotel as Daniella’s states.
Justin’s hotel reservation only started the following night which was March 10th.
Justin stayed at the Westin hotel and not the Four Seasons on that date.
However, we need to keep in mind that this is his team and they would do anything to protect him, right? Uh… actually Team Bieber is kind of useless and they never clear up anything which makes me clear up a crap ton of information, but let’s keep that in mind.
So everyone decided to look for proof on their own which is amazing and something we should encourage—thinking for yourself.
Courtesy of Selena Gomez stans who were the first to hop on this allegation, they spread the following tweet around that shows a person saying that she saw Justin staying at the Four Seasons on March 10, 2014.
Here’s a different screenshot just in case this post ages and we’ll need to refer to another screenshot in the future.
Personally, I was like this tweet doesn’t validate the date of the story nor invalidate Allison’s story because the tweet takes place the night of March 10th and not March 9th as the story alleges.
But if that wasn’t enough evidence for you, the girl who tweeted that gained a lot of traction on her tweet from 2014 so she came online and said that she was talking about the Four Seasons RESTARAUNT and not a hotel as the story claimed.
She also told everyone to fck off in a classy way.
As you can see, she deleted the tweet, but here’s another screenshot where the language setting is in English, for reference.
That’s a data point to keep in mind.
Nonetheless, Justin was in TEXAS that night! That is not something that we can deny. However, something that really confused me in the story is the hopping from “Austin, Texas” to “Houston, Texas.” Austin and Houston aren’t nearby cities. They are roughly three hours apart.
Justin was surely in Austin, Texas. Not Houston….. so why does the story mention Houston? Again, a data point to keep in mind.
We are not invalidating anyone, but we must present all the facts on the table. And these facts aren’t “give us proof of the alleged assault” but more like, ‘does the story match up with the date and time?’
Another thing that didn’t sit right with me was the fact that the tweet was initially PROMOTED under every single viral tweet.
Here’s a gif of screen recording I found going around on Twitter.
You know, that’s a little weird, but okay I guess. Maybe she wanted the story out there? I don’t know, but this is another thing to point out.
Since Selena is mentioned A LOT in the initial story, I’d like to point out some main points.
The story is written like fanfiction and is actually oddly similar to a fanfiction on Wattpad where a girl named Daniella gets raped by Justin Bieber. However, people deal with trauma in different ways so maybe her way of doing so was writing it in an erotic and fanfiction-like manner. We can’t discredit how people deal with trauma.
Here’s the fanfiction for reference (thanks to the readers who dmed me this).
Disclaimer: I’m just pointing it out, not claiming it as a fact.
The Wattpad story.
Here’s another version of a different Wattpad story that was sent to me. Again, same details and name.
To be honest, this Wattpad story point could be completely irrelevant and just a coincidence. I’m just trying to put all the data points that I have collected with the help of my readers who dmed everything, so we can get a clear understanding of everything that is going on.
Why was Selena mentioned a little too much? I’m sorry, but if something like this is happening, why are many of your initial thoughts “where is Selena Gomez” instead of “what is going on?”
Now I mention this only because Selena stans have a history of faking stories and making them go viral especially when it comes to Justin, Demi Lovato, and Ariana Grande.
AGAIN, not discrediting the story that fails to match up with the alleged date, but it’s something to point out.
Selena Gomez, July 2014. Dave Lee/GC Images
Since Selena is mentioned a lot, I need to mention the fact that Selena Gomez is known to have been extremely controlling over his relationship with Justin. She had a rule that he can’t hang out with any of his female friends and he basically cut off everyone when he was with her (there is proof to all of this, look it up).
So it begs the question…. if Selena was with him that night, where did she mysteriously go when she is KNOWN to keep tabs on him no matter what.
Now I know this section is going to trigger everyone, but like I said, it is not a crime to question the data points at hand.
I said this on Twitter and everyone was like “WHAT DOES SELENA HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?” Gee I don’t know, maybe she was there that night? Maybe because she was mentioned 40 times? Stop being so sensitive.
I was talking to my source this afternoon and I was filling her on what happened and she said the following:
We’ll get to the Kadi story in a moment, but notice how my source says “She was crazy about him and would’ve exposed the hell out of that story to her friends.”
I have so many stories that in Selena’s mind, make Justin Xyz, but I never revealed them because it’s crucial to the source’s identity. So a huge story like this is something that would have gotten around and it would be 100% something that Selena credits as him cheating on her (she credits other stories lol). Again, just an inside perspective on this situation. I’m trying to understand it just like you guys are.
But here’s Selena and Justin that night in AUSTIN (not Houston).
Here he is walking with Selena and friends. I don’t see why he would just leave her thrown to the side and go hang out with other people the night she was with him (this was during their on and off again phase btw).
He made a surprise appearance at the SXSW festival on March 9, 2014 with Selena in Austin, Texas.
So that’s what we have so far.
Justin was with Selena in Austin, Texas on the 9th of March 2014 and was not seen anywhere near the Four Seasons hotel.
Justin was spotted at the Four Seasons RESTARAUNT on March 10th, not March 9th.
Justin was staying in an Airbnb on March 9th, not a hotel.
Those are the facts and main points at hand. Something to keep in mind.
However, Justin’s team does have concrete proof that he was where he was during those times. It might be a bank statement showing payment of the Airbnb or hotel reservations at the Westin hotel, not the Four Seasons and that is likely to come out in the video statement that they are working on.
I gave you both sides of the story—the alleged victim and Justin’s whereabouts that night, with some important points to keep in mind. You are free to decide whatever it is you decide. We’re not discrediting anyone.
Let’s move on.
The second allegation — Kadi
When this one came out, everyone was shocked because it wasn’t from an anonymous account. The girl didn’t just make her account and she has pictures of herself.
Here’s the tweet:
Here’s what she’s claiming:
Daniella’s story was posted at 10:42 PM and Kadi wrote hers on 11:36 PM. Again, all data points.
Kadi’s story is an interesting one because she discredits herself. I know, you’re all rolling your eyes and saying “oh of course you’re not believing the victim” because that worked out so well in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s case when back in 2016 I exposed the truth that till this is getting proved right, huh?
Kadi claims that this sexual assault happened with Justin on May 5th, 2015, right? So why does she tweet on June 6th, 2015 that she can’t wait to meet him?
She can’t wait to meet nor fck him…. so uh… this is almost exactly one month since her story.
May 18, 2015…. days after the alleged attack, she is begging Justin to come to New York so she can meet him.
Here’s a different screenshot that was taken at a different time (hence the retweets/likes difference)
Here’s another tweet from May 30th, 2015 the month of the alleged attack where she is once again saying that she can’t wait to meet him!
I mean this completely discredits her story because she is BEGGING TO MEET HIM the month and the year that she allegedly already did and he did to her.
And if someone abused you in that way, most people don’t go out of their way to continuously support them….. and follow them….. five years after the alleged assault….
She’s still following him on Twitter.
And liking recent tweets of his
And this is just a couple out of the hundreds upon hundreds of tweets that she has supporting Justin, begging to meet him, and you know a lot of these take place just a couple of days ago.
And then there are other tweets which are kind of disturbing such as her stating that she’ll pay Justin to r*pe her… in 2014…
That is very disturbing.
You know what else is disturbing? The fact that she said that she could “fake” a story about sleeping with Justin and everyone would believe her.
Another thing to point out was that on May 4th 2015, it was the night of the Met Gala. Her story takes place on May 5th which would technically be after 12 AM. From my personal knowledge of celebrities, the Met Gala is a very elite party and the afterparty is even more elite.
So it’s highly unlikely that Justin was partying with locals as opposed to being at an extravagant elite afterparty with the rest of Hollywood.
Kadi is denying that she’s lying on Twitter (maybe she’s not, but her tweets really prove otherwise) and she’s saying things like she doesn’t speak proper English and meant that she never met Justin in LA, but did in New York and just a whole bunch of fckery which is very confusing.
Now apparently it’s a well known thing that this Kadi girl is a troll who’s doing anything to break out in the mainstream media.
This is a continuation of the messages I posted earlier by the way.
Everything I just exposed on both situations is very important because these are crucial points. It’s not a “prove the assault happened,” but more of a “were you even in the same date and place as him that night?” and the evidence proves otherwise.
I did text a friend earlier and everyone is trying to figure out what’s going on. Justin’s camp is doing their own thing and keeping it kind of on the low, but my friend did tell me that he had a panic attack about the situation and Hailey was VERY confused, but they’re working through everything right now without being impulsive. This is VERY serious.
Am I denying that anything happened? To be honest, no. However, I am looking at the evidence as a whole just like I looked at it in 2016 with Johnny Depp when I exposed the full story and the TRUTH which got confirmed YEARS later.
This is going to play out in a very interesting way.
Could this be darker and more serious with other ties in upper Hollywood?
Another thing I’d like to say is that this is possibly darker than just the stories being fake and I might make another post after this one that way the two points don’t get messed up.
I am talking about the ‘Yummy, Pizzagate conspiracy theory’ that I quickly dismissed when you guys brought it up to my attention a couple of months ago, but now I don’t know…. it’s gotten VERY popular as of late and now this happens?
Also, many celebrities are getting “exposed” right now including Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Harry Styles, Cole Sprouse, KJ Apa, and so on. Some of these accounts that told “their story” were exposed to be doctored and all tweeting from one IP address.
Is this deeper than any of us know?
Are we being distracted from something greater?
Do you realize how quickly we forgot about Yemen, the Black Lives Matter movement, defunding the cops, getting justice, etc.?
All questions to keep in mind….. should I make a separate post? :/ Let me know.
In Conclusion
Everyone is saying “believe victims and stop victim shaming” and that is 100% true. I agree with that statement wholeheartedly. However, not everything is black and white.
With social media being as big and powerful as it is, it gives EVERYONE a platform. The same platform that allows my crazy self to expose celebrities. The same platform that allows everyone to share their side of the story. The same platform that all in all educated us on things that mainstream media and school would have never taught us about.
What does this mean? EVERYONE HAS A VOICE. Is everyone credible? No. So whilst it’s amazing to want to believe what everyone is saying is correct, it’s not smart. The majority of you didn’t believe this blog when you first started reading which is GOOD because you’re not supposed to believe everything you’re told. However, I encourage thinking for yourself and analyzing all the data points that are given to us.
With every gruesome story, there will be copycat stories. This happens all the time. So we have to be mindful of EVERYTHING. Sympathize with the victim, but don’t mortify the accuser until you have solid evidence (or at least data points that match up :/).
I could argue that every single of my sources are victims that come to me to expose a story (and to be honest they are), so why aren’t you believing me if you’re going to wholeheartedly believe a twitter account that was made 2 hours ago? You can’t take everything and suck it all up at once because everything I stated in this post is a good and valid point.
With all of that being said, I’m not saying Daniella or Kadi are wrong nor lying. I’m also not saying that Justin is an abuser nor am I saying he’s not. This post is basically all the data points that we have collected put on a platter. Do what you want with this information.
After reading this post, what conclusion did you make? How do you feel? Give me all your thoughts. I am open to discussion. Comment down below! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be replying back.
One last important note:
With everything going on right now, I see so many survivors being triggered with this type of information so I just want to say that I hear you and you are so incredibly strong. Don't feel guilty for taking a social media break for your mental health. We are with you. My dms and emails are open for you.
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