Justin Bieber Returns to the Pop Kingdom with "Justice" (Album Review)
Justin Bieber’s sixth studio album, Justice, was released on March 19, 2021 and it’s his follow up to 2020’s Changes album. Judging on its first week stats alone, Justice has already outdone Changes and it’s being well perceived by the general public. Before the album’s release, Justin performed “Peaches” on NPR’s Tiny Desk and that performance went viral. Peaches is now set to become one of the biggest hits of 2021 as it debuts at #1 on Billboard Hot 100 and both Billboard Global Charts (with the US and excluding the US).
There is a clear difference between this era and Justin’s last year.
I haven’t done an album review in god knows how long, but we’re coming back to the review game with this album. We apologize for not doing reviews on albums that you guys have previously requested. If you’ve been following up with the blog the past couple of months, we were working hard at getting rid of all the posts that have been requested for YEARS! Now that we finished that, we took a break from blogging, but we are back.
Before we start this album review, I already made a video about how this era is better than the Changes era for many reasons.
Check it out if you’re interested:
I made a Changes album review here and I personally loved the album. I think it was great and lyrically underrated. It aged well for me, but the era as a whole is better for the reasons I explained in the video.
Without further ado, let’s start!
2 Much
This is the album’s opener track that starts off with Martin Luther King saying “injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.”
I think this song is cute, but it’s forgetful. Every time I listen to it, I’m like ooo I like this song, but I can’t remember it… ever.
Deserve You
This song is A BOP. It sounds very timeless and nostalgic without being repetitive. It’s an upbeat song without the production being over the top. I like how the verses and the chorus flow together and the bridge definitely shows off Justin’s vocal capability while also retaining his usual pop sound.
It’s in my top 5 favorites for sure.
i feel like i don’t deserve you tonight, it’s in the way you hooold me
As I Am (feat. Khalid)
I’ve grown very fond of Khalid especially because of the songs he did with Normani & Billie Elish, so I was looking forward to seeing how his voice blends in with Justin and I think it’s safe to say that their voices blended flawlessly.
I like the entire meaning of the song because from source information, I know it resonates a lot to Justin. He starts off talking about how he pushes all love away and how he hates himself for it. The song really exposes Justin’s insecurity while also talking about his stability in relationships where he’s taken for who he is.
Off My Face
I keep referring to this song as a wedding song. It’s your usual romantic sultry love song which I imagine a couple slowing dancing at their wedding to it.
Holy (feat. Chance The Rapper)
This song revived the general public’s love for Justin. This is the song that marked the end of the Changes era.
It’s a cute bop and it’s very catchy. I also really like Chance’s verse. It doesn’t flow seamlessly, but in a good way. His verse is unique to the song.
Unstable (feat. The Kid LAROI)
I love this song because Justin finally gets deeper about who he is and how that is reflected in relationships. If you’ve been a long time reader, I’m sure this song confirms a lot of information that we have exposed about Justin.
I’ve described him as unstable and it’s something that we saw reflected in his relationship with Hailey. He sings, “I tried to scare you, scare you away. I showed you the door, you adored me anyway.”
I like that he gets deeper on this album because even though it’s still a love album, you can better grasp Justin’s traits here than on Changes.
I think The Kid Laroi’s verse adds a beautiful touch to the song and makes it unique.
anyone else think they look like brothers?
Die You For (feat. Dominic Fike)
This is another bop on the album and I think this one that people said was inspired by Michael Jackson? I don’t know, but I love this song. It’s a great pop song with a catchy chorus and memorable verses.
Dominic’s voice flows really well with Justin’s and it’s one of my favorites on the album.
Hold On
This song is super underrated. This reminds me of 2012, but in a good way… not like how Gaga & Ariana’s collab ‘Rain On Me’ sounds (which is atrocious). Sorry, where was I?
I feel like this song would have been on the Believe album and I’m not saying it sounds like a 2012 reject. If anything, this song took great elements from music in 2012 and modernized it to flow better in 2021.
Another great bop. I think the verses on this song aren’t that special, but the chorus makes it a staple for the listeners. I love the lyrics and how the end of the verse flows into the chorus.
who gon defend you like an army and never let go
Ooooof. I’ve always wanted Justin to make a song like this.
This song talks about missing someone who’s no longer in your life; whether that is someone who passed away or just someone who you’re no longer with. The song is upbeat but the lyrics are so sad. This song shows off Justin’s vocal capability really smoothly.
People think this song is about Selena Gomez and if you really think that Justin is writing songs about Gomez in 2021, you need help. Others think it’s about Avalanna who was a little girl that passed away in 2013 due to cancer. She was very special to Justin and affected him more than people think (according to my source) and when he posted a fan’s video of him with Avalanna & the song playing in the background, it confirmed people’s suspicions even more.
if i can’t be close to you, i’ll settle for the ghost of you, i miss you more than life
Peaches (feat. Daniel Caesar & Giveon)
I didn’t think he could do it… I just… this song is like CRACK to my ears.
Daniel’s verse gives the song that mellow flow which I thought was a little boring at first but now I’m always singing “hate to leave it call it TORTUREEEEEE” so maybe he did something there. Giveon’s voice is so vibey like you wouldn’t think both of them would fit as well as they do in this song.
And don’t let me get started about the chorus and Justin’s verses in general. This song is an ultimate INSTANT classic. It’s so catchy and at the same time, I’ve never heard anything like it.
Love You Different (feat. BEAM)
This song seems like it could be on Purpose or Believe and I’m saying that in a good way because those are the albums that solidified Justin’s sound. Honestly, it’s a great bop. I see this song playing at a BBQ especially when Beam’s verse comes on.
let’s make baybays
Loved By You (Burna Boy)
This song is so catchy and I know I keep saying that all these songs are bops but that’s literally what they are. You just find yourself vibing along and bopping your head.
Burna Boy’s verse is fire.
Classic love songs if you ask me.
When this song first came out, I loved it and I think it’s because it’s a great concert song. That’s when Justin first premiered it—at his New Year’s concert. It’s very nostalgic and it makes me feel like it could be a One Direction song (this isn’t an insult, I actually love 1D’s music). However, this song is quite boring. She’s cute for the album, but sometimes I skip it.
Lonely (with benny blanco)
This is another song that is special because Justin opens up in a way that he usually doesn’t. The song was written specifically for Justin because he is the embodiment of child star who gets lost in the world of fame & fortune and ends up doing things that he regrets. I made a whole post about it here.
Though he boasts about his ‘Bizzle’ days in the past albums, this song is different as it shows the dark side that Justin experienced in which most people overlooked unless you read esmg.
Justice (Triple Chucks Deluxe)
I wasn’t going to review the deluxe album since most deluxe albums are useless I’m looking at you Demi, however, Justin proved me wrong on this one.
There She Go (feat. Lil Uzi Vert) is the perfect light-hearted song for summer that I can see going viral on TikTok. This song also seems like it would fit perfectly on the Purpose album. This is the best song on the deluxe and its production is like crack to my ears.
hey mami that’s my baby, that’s my best friend!!!!!!
I Can’t Be Myself (feat. Jaden) maintains true to Jaden’s sound (if you listened to his album) which is basically slow & chill, but catchy. This song feels ethereal somehow and I love how Jaden’s voice blends beautifully with Justin’s. I think this song was meant to be for Jaden’s album but they chose Falling For You.
Lifetime is a beautiful song about love and it’s another slow-dance-wedding-song. Justin’s vocals flow really smoothly and peacefully in this song.
I like Wish You Would (feat. Quavo), but it’s very forgetful for me. It needs like 10 more listens before it sticks.
Know No Better (feat. DaBaby) is another cute summer vibey song. It’s very catchy and I love the production so much.
Name (feat. Tori Kelly) is… cute. Tori and Justin’s voices compliment each other and it’s definitely a song I’d put in a reading playlist where there are 2 tortured love souls as the main characters. You need to listen to this song when you’re in the mood which means it’s usually a skip if it comes on shuffle.
Final Thoughts:
Justice was a step up for Justin lyrically, musically, production-wise, and story-wise as it better explored deeper themes that he’s touched upon before without developing deeper. This album stands out to me because it was overall better presented than a lot of his albums.
I feel like every album was presented as Justin going through something new and different, meanwhile, this album is like a CONTINUATION of where we last left off with him. It finally lets you in on a stable Justin. Instead of bringing up new themes in his life—he elaborates more on them. When it comes to love, he brings you into a deeper world through “Unstable.” “Ghost” sheds light on losing someone and trying to cope without them. Songs like these really solidify him as an artist and I’m glad that he was able to open up deeper on this album while delivering bops.
8.5/10 stars
In comparison as albums aged / if I changed my mind:
Purpose: 8/10
Changes: 7/10
Journals: 6.5/10
What are your thoughts?
Let me know what you guys think about Justice and if you disagree/agree with my review. What other albums should I review? What other albums should I listen to? I love discovering new music and falling in love with the story presented throughout the album.
You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying ;)