Hillsong Church and Their Meddling in Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's Relationship
In light of news that Justin Bieber’s ex-pastor-bestie was fired from the cult that is Hillsong Church, I think it’s important to bring up one old story and that is, the meddling that went in with Hillsong Church and Jelena.
Now if you’ve been a reader for a while, you’ve probably read our post in which we first exposed this story. We posted in the huge Hillsong Church Exposed post, but reading it back 2 years later shows me that… I exposed like 900 details in there.
I exposed so much in one post to the point where I forgot what I even said. With Carl’s scandal in the news, I went back and reread the post and apparently I exposed Jelena tea??? I don’t know, I think I’m on crack when I write these long posts.
So in this new video on our youtube channel, we focused solely on Jelena’s ties to Hillsong. It’s a short video that gets straight to the point so I think you guys will enjoy it!
Watch it now:
One thing that I completely forgot about was the fact that my source told me that Selena was in contact with a pastor behind the scenes that was filling Justin’s head with complete lies.
We’ve already discussed this story back in 2018, but we didn’t have a comment section back then so I’m curious to know your thoughts and questions about this specific topic.
Noel Vasquez/Getty Images
Some might say it’s far fetched that Hillsong would meddle in a relationship, but nothing is far fetched in Hollywood or real life for that matter. In the Hillsong post, I exposed a story about a man named Issac Anderson who lost his way in life and when looking to Hillsong for help, they wanted to set him up with a girl to get rid of his problems.
And this is the same thing that we were told about Jelena. Now Issac was just a random teenager. Imagine if you had the ability to meddle in the life of a worldwide known super popstar like Justin (sorry, not you Selena).
That’s all for today! Let me know what you think about this throwback tea and how this specific story can impact future news like today as we see with Carl being exposed as a fraud that preached about morals, but was far from that.
Comment down below and give me your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying and reading everything ;)
P.S. all the posts I promised are still being worked on. With our Instagram being momentarily disabled and dealing with that, I’ve gotten a little busy. Plus with this week’s voice reveal on the “It Sounded Like A Good Idea At The Time” podcast, there was a lot on my plate. Speaking of which, by the time you are reading this post, the podcast will be up so go listen to our interview there and let me know what you think (I made a post specifically for that episode where you can comment there).