#FreePalestine? Is this about Selena, Justin, or Miley? No children it’s not. I feel that if you have some type of power or influence on anyone or anything, you should address important topics like this even if it doesn’t match the point of the blog. I have over 10,000 followers on here so I feel the need to spread this. I guess this post will help you understand a little bit more when I mention celebrity teams and how they brainwash you all. If you follow me on Twitter, you’d already know what I have to say so I’ll just post my Twitter rant and explain a little bit more in depth. Don’t worry, it won’t be a history lesson.

Hopefully my rant didn’t offend anyone. People on Tumblr can be way too over dramatic, but I don’t know how my rant would offend you. If it did, then fuck you and your overly dramatic sissy feelings.
Basically my Twitter rant said it all.
Celebrities are pretty powerful. Like even artists that are young like Selena, Justin, Demi, Miley, Taylor, hold some sort of power in the media. So the media uses celebrities to brainwash you. That’s why they work so hard to maintain a perfect image for their products. Disney for example had their popular celebrities wear purity rings to maintain a pure image and in reality, those celebrities weren’t even virgins.
So what happens when your fave celebrities seem perfect to you? You love them and follow their every move. That basically means you gave them power over you and your thoughts. All their petty little songs and all their petty little lies are just them brainwashing you. The media then uses those celebrities to keep the world stupid. If they keep you stupid, you won’t question things. If you won’t question things, they can run the world and control it however they want to. And this is what’s happening with Palestine.
What’s happening in Palestine isn’t getting enough media coverage as it should. As you saw in my tweets, they went from talking about Gaza to selfies… FREAKING SELFIES.
Who cares about your crusty edited face when there are children getting bombed? When the school shooting happened last year, that’s all that was on the news. Yet my dear America is completely ignoring what’s going on in Palestine.
I didn’t know our policy of neutrality came back from the dead. And America is one of the most powerful countries in the world. No offense to other countries, but what America does or says, usually goes. So you’d think that with this power our selfish government possesses, we would help other countries in need, but nah, we’re over here obsessing over men chasing a ball. And you may act like this is the 1930s all over again and be like “What’s it to America?” Pretty sure it’ll matter to us if our security is threatened like it was with Germany years ago.
So while you’re sitting over reading this post and hoping for another Jelena post, starving children out in Palestine are probably looking for their dead parents and vice versa. And is this getting the media coverage it deserves? Apparently not. Just like the issue with Syria last year. Americans were too busy obsessing over the fact that Miley Cyrus was grinding on Robin Thicke at a totally pointless award show; when there were bigger problems in the world.
Wake up. Don’t let the media control you. Don’t let them run your life. Don’t let them hide the truth from you. If the government comes and kills me right now for saying this, then oops. Just kidding but really. For future purposes, don’t be the stupid children they want you to be. It’s like with the Catholic Church back in the olden days (which brought us The Age of Enlightenment in which the Illuminati was created). Wow, history does repeat itself.
Educate yourself and pray for Palestine.

*rolls eyes until they pop out of my head*