Elite Hollywood: Everything You Need To Know About The World Designed Only For Top Celebrities (Parties, Drugs, Scandals + MORE)

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In recent years I always made a point to preach about my dislike for how social media has made it so easy for everyone to LOOK famous. You give a rando 1 million Instagram followers and suddenly they’re preaching about the “highs and lows of fame” and whatnot. Truth is, they might know some inside stories but not everyone who looks famous, is treated as such, especially in a world designed to make the Elite feel elite.

And when I say Elite Hollywood, scratch off ANY and EVERY social media influencer. P.S. the photos used in this post aren’t exactly meant to depict who we’re talking about. It’s just for the aesthetic.

Before we dive deep into the scandalous lives of Hollywood’s elite, make sure to read the post linked below about the difference between Elite and Dark Hollywood.

Those two are a few of my favorite posts because the information is so traumatizing lol.

Let us begin 😈

Elite Hollywood Parties

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My oh my… where to begin with this one. Elite Hollywood parties are not things often thought about within the average world because they are never shown to us; not even in movies or TV shows.

You know when you watch a show or movie and they reference something about a celebrity, usually like hidden drug addictions or random scandals being covered up and you think, “damn they live weird lives..” Well when it comes to elite parties, those are NEVER referenced because us locals aren’t supposed to know about them.

It’s not a “if you know about this party we will kill you” it’s more of a “that ain’t your business loser.”

When does it start and when does it end?


The timing of these parties has to do with where they are being hosted. If an elite party is being hosted at a club, the party starts when the club closes. So at a club, the party will either start between 3am to 4am. It can last all the way up to the morning, usually ends at around 6am. Now when I say club, this doesn’t mean all you average club goers are invited, this means “everyone leaves so the real party can begin.”

Elite parties are also not hosted at any and every club. The club doesn’t have to be well known to serve celebrities because all that stuff is inside information, because once again the parties aren’t meant to be broadcasted for us local folk.

A party that doesn’t take place at a club can start from 12am/1am or even 2am. Since they start a bit earlier than “after club parties” they are also longer, extending to 5am or even 6am.

Now… here is where it gets even more exclusive. Many of these parties are not hosted at clubs because they are taking place at extravagant places.

Where do the parties take place?


The parties take place in extravagant places which can either be behind grocery stores, basements of restaurants or even underground clubs. Yes, UNDERGROUND like spiraling staircase that is in the FLOOR. I’ve heard of a few parties underground that have security guys behind the doors who take your phone and make sure you’re famous enough to be on the list. Sometimes these doors are out for the public to see, but no one ever guesses whats behind them.

You know when you’re walking and you see a gray/black door in an alleyway or even on the side of a building and never think twice about it? Sometimes that’s how obviously placed these parties are because no one is ever going to see a random side door and think “wow this is probably where they have all those cool celebrity parties!”

Why? Because we are too busy thinking every door is an entrance to a restaurant, kitchen, or something else that our brain can understand.

Other locations of these parties can be hotel rooms (not regular check in rooms, they’re much bigger and meant for stuff like this), behind stores, rented out mansions etc.

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Sometimes when it’s behind a grocery store, that means it’s literally inside a store. So, the celebrity might be seen walking into a grocery store all innocent but in reality they’re going inside the store all the way to the back and there is always a door waiting for them. Usually it’s a party downstairs, not on the same level as the store though. In my opinion, this might be the rarest location for these parties because it has something to do with the store.

What happens at the parties?


So much **shivers**

Okay so to make things fun, they are themed parties and lemme tell you, some of these themes ain’t the same ones we think of. One story that I’ll never forget is the “Baby Themed” party. This information was told to me in 2014 and till this day I’ve never forgotten it lmaooo.


So basically in the baby themed party, the celebrity is literally dressed in a diaper and Binky. They’ll have other baby clothes to wear as well but this one really stood out. So they’re in a huge adult diaper, with a big safety-pin and Binky. To make things even more erotic, they’re in a large bird cage. This is how creative their minds are when designing these parties. The large bird cage is like 7ft tall and probably like 15 feet wide.

Usually during this, the celebrity will take on the submissive role (this is so funny) and they’ll almost always have someone play a dominate role.


There are people hired to be with the celebrity and the funny thing is the celebrity can ask for special physical features. Such as “I want her/him Latino, dark hair, blonde hair with green eyes, dark skin” etc etc it’s like a legal human eBay (except no merchandise is sold).

The parties can have themes such as “anything but clothes,” “card game,” “food parties,” “blackout parties” etc., the list never really ends.

Anything but clothes is really self explanatory—you don’t come with clothes on. Some themes are all about building it up, so it will be like a 3-item party (3 item clothes only, 2 socks and 1 headband, or pants/shirt/sock).

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Card games are what I call when people working the party give all guests either a card or a solid plain small rectangle box with a number on it, and whoever has that number as well, is who you go with. You can either go to talk, do anything you want such as have sex or whatever else.

Food parties are when the theme is all about using food and sex together. You’d be very surprised to learn about how much people have a fetish for food, especially celebrities. There are foods made to look like people and throughout the night, guests can go around eating. Sometimes there will be cakes shaped like a person from head-to-toe laid and it’s on a table and people go around eating it.

Another popular food activity is when they have real people laid on tables and covered in… sushi. Laying naked covered from top to bottom in sushi and the goal is to get all the sushi off of everyone throughout the night. Now obviously most of these parties are sex parties so it’s not a food competition but it’s more of how inappropriate and lustful the action is.


Sometimes they’ll have parties where all the workers are naked and going around serving drinks naked.

Fetish parties are also a big deal so, if a guest has a specific fetish, whoever is organizing the party will make sure to have whatever they want there waiting for them. There are some parties where you walk in and there are beds for everyone; meaning it’s a open sex party. Other times there can be specific rooms meant for specific things.

I’ve been told about a few parties that are very “old money” that take place in mansions. There’s a TikTok trend that separates old and new money and it does a good job at giving an image to what old money is. It’s basically the idea of rich people before the 2000s while new money is the idea of rich people after, so THE Kardashian aesthetic is considered new money because it’s more flashy.

When I say old money mansion parties, it is basically what some rich older people (ages 60s-70s) like to experience. So what I was told was that some older folk will have their own types of parties while the younger guests like to do everything I just listed.

What I’ve been told was that you are taken to a room in a mansion and are seated in what looks like a theater/Broadway room and there are acts that come out and preform. Anything from cosplaying a tiger to stretching out every part of your body to BDSM pole dancers.

There is another section of these parties where they actually pay for your services. Going back to themes, some parties have a humiliation theme. A girl who actually went to this party made a TikTok about it and said she was flown out by some billionaire who flew out a bunch of other girls and basically they would give you the option to eat some really disgusting or nasty food, for money. The more nasty, the higher the pay.

In cases like these, you can have your fellow social media influencers and D- list celebrities who snuck their way in, but when I say not everyone is welcome, I’m talking on a consistent basis and for WHO. Billionaires are always bored and horny so they can get desperate with whoever they welcome. That doesn’t mean that the NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) don’t slap.

Who organizes these parties and who is allowed to go?


Sometimes celebrities organize the parties and other times it’s people who own the space or somebody who knows somebody can start to organize it. It’s very broad but not anyone can throw it. You kind of have to be someone. When we think of people with a name, we always assume it’s a famous A lister, but in the world of Hollywood, I have always told you that the background people have more of a hold than you think. Background people like producers, executives, CEOs, company managers and etc..

In the world of fame and fortune, not all celebrities are made equal. What that basically means is that the more famous you are, the better end of the gold stick you will get. I said “gold stick” for a reason and that’s because many celebrities are privileged just for being celebrities, but the more famous ones are being offered more.

If these elite parties had levels, all celebrities are welcomed to the party on the last level but the higher the level of party, the more famous you have to be to be welcomed there. So yes, even with celebrities some of them can’t enter just ANY party that is meant for the A-listers.

Who are some of the people attending/being invited to these parties? Most of the people this blog talks about.

Now don’t get me wrong, many different famous people can go to these parties but the one takeaway is, the more elite the party, the shorter the guest list. Why do people do that? To give them a sense of power.


We’ve spoken a lot about the power dynamic shifts especially when it comes to Dark Hollywood.

Sometimes being super rich and living in huge mansions is too average for these people; they gotta attend parties ONLY made for them to really ensure their A-list status.

Are A-list celebrities’ friends invited? Sure… invited in their dreams. Usually the case is that if an A lister wants to go to a wild party and invite their local friends, they are the ones throwing the party. And it’s probably not that elite.

For example, in 2013 Selena Gomez had like 5 birthday parties because she turned 21 and while some of them were publicized, others were not. The one that was not was in a super classy basement (it was either restaurant or hotel, I genuinely don’t remember lol) and she invited a lot of her friends but no one was allowed to post pictures or videos or anything like that. If I can remember correctly, it had a gypsy+Moroccan theme, it was also not her first gypsy themed party that week. Those same friends though aren’t invited to parties she would be invited too though. It usually works like that.

I could honestly ramble for another 12 hours about celebrity parties but let’s move on to drugs.

Elite Drugs


Drugs are EVERYWHERE in the celebrity world. All those parties I just mentioned? Yeah drugs were in every single one of them. Is an elite hollywood party without drugs? Probably not!

Just like not all celebs are made equal, not all drugs are made equal either. Average people drugs and celebrity drugs are almost two different things. Celebrity drugs are CLEANER. They are more expensive and usually mixed with other elite stuff. Probably diamonds. kidding i don’t know, i don’t snort elite coke with them!

Even in the celebrity world, A-list celebs get better drugs than B-list. For example Justin Bieber will get better drugs than Shawn Mendes but when it comes to someone more below Shawn, he would be considered “the one with the good drugs.” Also side not; not saying Shawn Mendes does drugs lol


I have sources that have flat-out literally said “Justin has more access and accessibility to elite drugs than his peers.” I know for us we see celebrities and group them all in the same bubble but even in their world, there is a difference between who is who.

Almost all times, celebrities will have their personal assistants buy their drugs for them. Unless you’re Justin and Selena and you decide to buy crack out in the open.

Now I’m not trying to get anyone fired but a lot of Hollywood doctors will prescribe their celebrity patients pills that feed into their addiction. It’s pretty common for a celebrity to be addicted to pills and their “drug dealer” is their very own doctor. Does the doctor know? Yup, but it ain’t their job to worry if it kills them or not, that’s their manager’s job! All jokes aside, it’s illegal 👀

Personal Assistants

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All celebrities have personal assistants and regular assistants. Regular assistants are the ones who schedule things for them, get them coffee, be their personal shopper, buy groceries for them, hang around their kids etc.

Personal assistants are the ones who see some sh!t. A personal assistant can go out and fetch you your drugs, AND they can even fulfill your sexual desires. No, not by sleeping with you, it’s more like “I wanna hook up with a person who looks like xyz and has xyz features” and they’ll go out and get them whoever they asked for.

Sometimes a personal assistant is who has to take care of the celebrity when they’re on a crazy drug trip or do the complete opposite and help keep them sober. These personal assistants differ from regular assistants because the celebrity has to trust them with anything. Some of these people have access to a celebrities’ everything such as house keys, credit card information, and social security numbers.


And if some of you think, “doesn’t that mean they’ll get robbed” celebs also have other personal people taking notes on their assets. Also most times the assistant doesn’t wanna do anything wrong because it usually backfires a lot harder on them. On the plus side, the celebrity becomes their friend so they start to feel for them and therefore doesn’t want to hurt them (if you’re lucky).

Personal assistants will go everywhere with them including award shows, red carpets, after parties, tour, other countries, press etc.

Killing off a scandal


This post is starting to get very long so let’s end it off with one last elite privilege. There are too many problematic celebrities in this world and too few videos showcasing them in their real nature. Why is that? Because most celebrities know people are who willing to make something disappear.

If a celebrity is at a club and they start a physical fight, these people are called so that even if 600 people say it happened, it will look like no one was there to witness it. And to cover all tracks, some celebs will have inside people working with the media that give them a heads up if any physical proof of them doing something, got turned it.

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Why do you think all these rappers rap about doing drugs but yet not one single video is out there? It’s not rare to get a video of a celebrity doing drugs and pass it to the media. What’s rare is if the media outlet releases it and often times they don’t because physical proof is a lot harder to shrug off than source stories.

That’s why media outlets will expose true stories, but they’ll be brushed off by fans because there is no physical proof aka a lot of you clowns. Sometimes the media will play a game with a celebrity and their team.

For example, if a celebrity is in rehab for a hard drug such as meth or heroin, the media outlet will tell their team “we know they’re in for so and so and we are gonna release a story on it.” The celebrities team will do damage control by saying “Release the story, change it from drugs to alcohol and we will deny it without a lawsuit.” This is something that Shallon Lester has spoke about when she was referencing her days working at Star Magazine.

People…. it’s always a game. And the general public and love blinded fans always lose.

So this concludes the end of the post. For each subtopic, there can definitely be a whole post on it alone but this was more of an introduction for the lives that elite celebrities lead. From here on, it’s just going to get more and more detailed ****evil cackle***


I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Let me know how you guys felt about this!! Comment down below your thoughts and questions. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. I will be reading and replying back ;)

Also please, PLEASE don’t write in your dark Hollywood questions yet. There will be a special post for dark Hollywood so use this time to ask about ELITE Hollywood stuff! (Yes, you can ask if a certain thing falls under Dark or Elite though!).


Thank you for tuning in for our holiday special and end of the year kick off. This marks our last post of 2020. What a wild year it’s been… it’s also been a different year for this blog because VOICE REVEAL? HUH? Yeah… voice narrated videos? Who? US? Yeah… a whole month of posting? The old esmg would have neva! We love you guys and we’ll see you in 2021 for more scandalous tea ;)

Stay safe and stay woke.



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