KJ Apa's Bandmate Alex Hooch, Accused of Sexual Assault: Victim Shares Her Story "They are looking to take advantage of people who are fans of KJ"

Alex Hooch pictured on the left, KJ Apa on the right // Photo: Legendofficialband on Instagram

Alex Hooch pictured on the left, KJ Apa on the right // Photo: Legendofficialband on Instagram

Trigger warning: sexual assault, rape, force, trauma, harassment.

June 29, 2020 update—the victim that we will be talking about in this post has deleted her twitter account. She tweeted the following as her last message to all of us.


This is heartbreaking. She also said that KJ Apa has been blocking fans who have been telling him to speak out about this matter… wow. Now resuming to the original contents of the post.

Right now, social media is going through a trend where it’s cool to claim that a popular celebrity has sexually assaulted them. It first started with 5SOS’ Michael Clifford (the story was real, but the victim was confused with a literal look-alike of his, I know crazy) and then it went onto Ansel Elgort. Ever since then, it became a trend to make an anonymous account and accuse celebrities of sexual assault, rape, harassment, you name it.

In the midst of all of these false accusations, REAL VICTIMS AREN’T BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY.

Which brings me today…

Some of you may have seen her semi-viral tweet, some of you have not. But rest assured that after this post, you will know everything that’s going on and Mr. Alex Hooch, won’t be able to get a Google search without this blog post popping up.

It all started with this tweet.

Here’s the link -> click

Here’s the link -> click

She revealed who it was 2 days after that tweet.

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For background information: Alex Hooch is in a band that’s only known by maybe 0.0633% of people thanks to Riverdale’s popular, KJ Apa.

The band is called “Legend.”

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The only reason I’m mentioning KJ is because he’s the only relevant one. Plus, I have my points at the end of the post so keep reading.

So now that we have some faces, let’s expose.

I’d like to state that this account was made in December 2019, before the June 2020 trend of accusing Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, and yadda yadda of whatever.

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I reached out to her backup and spoke to her for a bit, but I have her consent to post about this and publicize it.

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And there’s a lot we have to discuss about possible-irrelevant-dudes using their best friend’s celebrity fame to take advantage of girls so please, this is important.

According to her experience, these men that are in the band with KJ Apa are taking advantage of KJ’s fans since he is on Riverdale which is a very popular TV show. She says that he [Alex Hooch] was drunk and violent with her and so she has to suffer with what happened every day of her life.

She was scared to report it as most victims are. She says that when the assault happened, they were all in the room sleeping. By ‘they,’ she means Alex’s bandmates. To emphasize, she is not blaming KJ nor his band hence the part about them sleeping while it went on.

Again, she is not blaming KJ nor is she making this about him (but I will later on).

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There is AMPLE proof to backup her story including the fact that she did indeed go to KJ’s irrelevant-band’s concert and that she did indeed speak to Alex Hooch. She also provided evidence of getting a rape kit the night of and so much more.

I am posting her receipts so this story can live on and NOT get swept under the rug on Twitter. Plus, randoms came out and made sexual abuse allegations against the Riverdale cast and now she’s being grouped in with them.

However, not on my watch.

Yeah I was tweeting at 4AM… mind your business.

Yeah I was tweeting at 4AM… mind your business.

Here’s her heartbreaking letter to him where she details what happened that night.

It all started when she went to the band’s concert. She tagged them on her Instagram story and to her surprise, Alex replied.


She spoke to him as a FAN and according to these next messages I’m about to show you, he capitalized off of that. She was asking when the next concert is and then he invited her to a party at the hotel.

Obviously, if you’re a fan of the band and you get invited to their cool afterparty, you’re going to go.


“Send me a photo”


Poor girl gets confused and she’s like, “photo of what?” Then he’s like “of you, I need to make sure you’re not crazy.”

yeah… sure.


So sends a picture with her friend and he finds her hot, so he’s like “ok come over.”


For legal reasons, I’m not going to say this is predatory, but you guys in the comments can pretty much call it out.

The dms continue….

The last message is heartbreaking because she says that after it all happened, she had to go tested to see if she caught a damn STD from sex she didn’t consent to!

She also provided a SCREEN RECORDING that this conversation did indeed take place.

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I converted the videos into a gif so I can embed it into this post (btw, his instagram is currently private).


She continued to provide more evidence that she was indeed at the hotel and date proof of when she had a forensic appointment.

link to tweet -> click

link to tweet -> click

Here’s a picture of her ticket (with her personal information cropped out) and her meeting the band after the concert.

Also, thank you to the f-cking idiots who are going around falsely accusing celebrities of sh-t they can’t backup in terms of date/setting proof. You are taking away from REAL VICTIMS you disgusting roaches.

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She also provided some video footage of her snapchat memories at the concert.

She also says that the day after she got sexually assaulted, she went to the hospital and got a rape kit.

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Here’s the full picture


Going back to the part where she asked if he had HIV, she dmed him but at first, he didn’t answer. So she dmed his band member Josh who’s the lead singer and he left her on seen.


And she obviously was asking because she was getting tested. However, results for HIV vary like sometimes you could get tested and nothing will come back, but it could appear months later (that’s what the doctor told her). So I’m assuming that the doctor was just putting her on meds to avoid the worst case scenario.

Anyways, here’s a screen recording of that convo.


So then she had her friend text Josh in a way that’s SO SO BEYOND SWEET because they didn’t want him thinking that they were starting drama.


And of course here’s a screen recording of that converstation

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She provided an extreme amount of evidence to back up her story, but I think we all get the gist. And if you don’t get the gist, you’re a problem.

Alex’s response to all the allegations?

Posted on Monday, June 22, 2020.

Posted on Monday, June 22, 2020.

“A complicated web of issues” yeah when this post comes up to every google search of your name, we’ll talk about a complicated web of issues.

You can go to her Twitter account and see more for yourself, but I screenshotted the main points I want to be emphasized just in case the account gets deleted. Here are some of her tweets which I embedded:

One thing I would like to emphasize is the fact that considering we are on social media, it’s easy to get desensitized to words. It’s like “oh another traumatizing thing happened” and you know, sometimes as humans with such an insane amount of access to information, we become numb to this. So I would like to urge you guys that this is something we have to fight against—the feeling of becoming numb. I’ve spoken about this when it came to issues such as the Black Lives Matter movement, or the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, but it goes for all traumatizing cases.

The victim in this situation provided a voice note of her explaining her story and you can just hear the pain in her voice. It is absolutely heartbreaking and heart wrenching that someone is going through this and no one is paying attention.

Listen for yourselves

The only article that has been written about this situation is on Perez Hilton. So you’re probably thinking “oh that’s good, Perez has a huge platform.”

WONG! He barely addressed what she exposed and instead, he focused on the false allegations against the Riverdale cast.

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And then KJ’s mom posted this crap on her Instagram story

I wanted to make this post because I know once we post about it, this post isn’t going to disappear. I come after A-list celebrities, I ain’t scared of no-irrelevant-ass-ugly-ass Alex Hooch.

With this being said, IT IS NOT OKAY FOR THE BAND TO TRY TO SWEEP THIS UNDER THE RUG AND ASSOCIATE IT WITH FALSE ACCUSATIONS. THEY DIDN’T EVEN ADDRESS IT. HE DIDN’T ADDRESS IT EITHER. Talking about some bullsh-t “my goal is to live every day with love and an open heart.” Yeah… victims don’t get that privilege!

She gave a sufficient amount of evidence for her case to just be disregarded. And if she wanted to lie, she wouldn’t have come after once again, no-irrelevant-ass-ugly-ass Alex Hooch.

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This is an image that people have been spreading around.

I found a petition going around about him so you can sign it if you’d like.

If he stays in the band after this, then I am beyond disgusted. You know it’s one thing if his band members “didn’t know” what was going on in the room next door, but it’s another thing to try to sweep this situation under a rug. Their Instagram comments are filled with angry people!

By ignoring this, not only are you erasing a victim’s story, but you are giving this man a platform to prey on other girls.

This ain’t the first story I heard about irrelevant losers using their connections to famous stars to become predators.

As I keep emphasizing, this band is irrelevant. However, all of the shady sh-t happens in celebrities’ most irrelevant days because no one is paying attention and no one is holding them accountable. This is why celebrities get exposed for old tweets, their old actions, YEARS later.

Photo via Legendofficialband on Instagram

Photo via Legendofficialband on Instagram

But we, as a community on social media, are powerful. Knowledge is power. Knowing this information and keeping these receipts, allows us to expose scum bags like this AND get the word out to any possible victims.

Excuses have no place here so if you say “well she came to his hotel” well you’re going to get dragged. Coming to someone’s hotel for a PARTY with a band isn’t a reason as to why the rape has occurred. That isn’t an invitation for sex. A “hey how about you stop raping people?” is a more relevant answer.

The Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) website state, “survivors of both stranger rape and acquaintance rape often blame themselves for behaving in a way that encouraged the perpetrator. It’s important to remember that the victim is never to blame for the actions of a perpetrator.”

To speak with someone who is trained to help, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or chat online at online.rainn.org.

Alex Hooch, the ESMG Team is onto you.

Leave your comments down below. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back.

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