A Selena Gomez Fan Threatens to Sue ExposingSMG

Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a simulation.

Or maybe I’m not the one in the simulation, but other people are and it’s called the SIMULATION OF DELUSION.

By now, we have read the title of the post and hopefully we’ve all had a good laugh. That is.. unless you are the subject of this post who I know for a fact is reading right now.

A reader of mine linked me to the following SCREENSHOT [ ;) ] of the tweet, dying of laughter of course.



The replies are even funnier!

I might need to check into a hospital - not because of my Selena obsession, but because I can’t go back to my normal breathing rate because I can’t stop laughing.



I sent it to Alana because I ain’t no selfish person! I can’t reserve the laughter to myself only.


Okay now that we collected ourselves, phew, let’s talk.

Who said Selenators are useless? They sure as hell DON’T buy their faves’ music, but at least they give their dear ole’ ExposingSMG, a good laugh!

Listen up, Mrs. wE-wiLL-tAKe ACtiOn-aGAINst-aLL-oF-YoU headass, USE YOUR BRAIN.


I have exposed top celebrities, caused so much drama on social media and I was single handily responsible and in control of your girl, Selena and her reputation, for years. A single post about drugs or lupus can start drama for months and stir up controversy. The amount of Tell Alls I’ve had on top celebrities or the information I choose not to reveal because I play nice and you think your little screenshot will hit me with a libel problem?

We had to laugh!


Did I give you permission to post a screenshot of MY BLOG on your Twitter? No because you don’t need it!

It’s not shocking to me that Selenators think they can sue me over me dragging their ass over their stupid ass screenshot. How about next time, don’t say stupid things and you won’t get dragged?

This reminds me of the time a celebrity's la- lmao never mind, that’s for another post ;)

Also the actual audacity to claim I’m using your dumb ass name for “fame.” Girl what fame??? What fame do you possibly have?? Do you know who I am? Do you know the amount of viewers I get per day on this site?

The fact that YOU went on ExposingSMG.com and YOU read a post that my main account didn’t tweet about, and YOU took a screenshot of MY site, but yet wanna come at me for using for your irrelevant ass for “fame?” And just when I thought I was going to start being nicer to Selena since she’s depressed!

Lord, y’all brought me back to the wonderful days where Selenators would say they’re taking me to court and that their dad is a cop. Or all the powerless “defamation” threats I’ve got. I’ve seen it all.


And yet still the ESMG team remains.

Let’s educate ourselves on usage of copyright. If YOU tweet something on the PUBLIC INTERNET, and I post it in reference to your tweet, THAT IS NOT ILLEGAL. I’m not using you or your nobody status, for means of advertisement or global publication. As for the people who she threatened in the same tweet, the same goes for them. You can’t do shit to them or me.

As someone who runs a pretty legit blog, I am aware of all the copyright rules, my rights as a blogger, the defamation claims, libel suits, EVERYTHING.

Your faves can’t do shit to me and they better not with the amount of info I contain or the amount of people part of this team - it’s best to play nice when we play nice; and trust me, they all know that.

Y’all are embarrassing. Go get educated.

Thoughts? Comment down below! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that!


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