A Detailed Look of Justin and Hailey Bieber's Relationship As They Continue To Navigate Marriage. Bonus: who does Justin currently have blocked?
After months of y’all harassing me… the Jailey post is finally here. When I say I was harassed for this post, I’m not lying. Everywhere I turned it was “Jailey Jailey Jailey!!” I write a long post about Meghan Markle? I get Jailey questions. I write about Ariana? I get Jailey. I write about Miley? I get Jailey. I write about Demi?I get Jailey again.
I started seeing “hey, I know this has nothing to do with the post but about Jailey you said…” in my nightmares.
I don’t even know who to blame for this: Justin and Hailey for being stupid or myself for this cryptic tweet that had y’all going crazy.
On December 2nd, I tweeted that I had a Jailey update and I said that they were dealing with some things and I was trying to process a sh!t ton of information I got… and I specifically said I’m trying to see what is getting released to you guys and what isn’t. Lucky for you, at least 50% of this information can make it to the public.
Before we get started with this post, I need to remind you all of something. Often times I get information and I stay quiet until I feel like it’s time to bring that out to the public. Why? Because guess what? Information that is REAL might I add is SENSITIVE, especially when your subjects are always watching what you say/do. That is why when you read messages between me and my sources, you’ll see I held back information for a year, six months, sometimes I hold back for two years.
It really makes you think what I have now that you’ll know in a year lol.
So I understand everyone being curious, but patience really is key and that’s even the theme to this post because things that are hasty never work out well for anyone. I can’t just throw out all the information I get the second I get it because that’s how miscommunication happens. There is still so much Jailey tea I’m getting that will make it to future posts but for now, I’ve gathered everything I wanted to say for the past few months.
I’m sorry for the long introduction but I really needed to say that because no one knows what goes into getting inside information and releasing it to the public. Maybe one day on a podcast I’ll give you the behind the scenes details.
But for now, let’s start 😈
The idea behind marriage
This post will discuss the divorce rumors, money in respects to a postnup, Justin’s mental health, Jailey and the possibility of children and we are even going to talk a little bit about Jelena.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane back to when Justin was Hillsong’s little money puppet and before he realized that Hillsong is a cult that is mentally, physically and financially draining him.
Justin credits Hillsong and their pastors for being the ones who healed him during his tough times but that isn’t 100% true. My source has described Justin as an “escapist” who can be a bit “delusional” at times so it’s not hard to see why he blindly believed and trusted Hillsong. In Justin’s mind, it was the perfect way to get help through a church that spreads the message of God. He was so in love with that idea and he didn’t wanna come to terms that he is being used. That’s the thing with Justin, he likes to escape mentally from his problems and clock them out instead of finding the root of his issues.
So Justin puts his faith into the church and he tells them mainly everything. And what does the church emphasize Justin to do? To get married.
Justin told Hillsong that he had a sex addiction and they both felt like marriage was the next step to repenting for his old sins. The church kept empathizing to Justin that he needed to be married and that would be his best option and that’s how he was going to be forgiven for his sins.
At this point, Justin wasn’t technically getting scammed. At the end of the day Justin wanted to be married and he wanted to marry someone he can trust. He did want to marry Hailey, that- no one was forcing cause if anything they rather he married Selena as I told you guys.
If 2020 Justin was in the place of 2018 Justin, would he have still gotten married? That I don’t know, but I can say he doesn’t look back at it and think “wow I got scammed, I shouldn’t have done this,” but this leads me to my next point.
His current issue with Hillsong and marriage
Lmaooo I hate him
Right now Justin is going through his “awakening period.” I believe this period is new as it started a few months ago and in this new mindset, he feels a bit played.
“Hillsong did nothing but prey on him and taught him values they didn’t even keep themselves.” -my source
Ever since Carl Lentz got exposed for being unfaithful to his wife for more than a decade, Justin started opening his mind to the possibility of them being a scam. Especially since Justin broke bread with Carl and took his advice as if God directly said it to him. So when Carl got exposed as a con artist, Justin couldn’t help but look back at their advice with one thing in mind: was my whole life a lie? Are my decisions not really mine?
Mind you, Justin did distance himself a bit from Hillsong back in 2019, but it isn’t until now that he looks back and can’t help but think he wasn’t in control of his own decisions. Hillsong made him believe all of his choices were his when in reality it was what they wanted. This goes for so many things not just marriage. But who gets caught in this dangerous mindset? Hailey.
“As crazy as that sounds his wife was caught up in that period.” - my source
I know… crazy. Let me clear a few things before you all start jumping with joy. Justin logically knows he can’t put his Hillsong anger on Hailey. He knows that she wasn’t using him or tricking him into marrying her. But now he can’t help but look back at that entire era as bittersweet. He’s more upset at the idea of Hillsong capitalizing on his decisions rather than being upset with the whole thing as a whole.
Don’t let his delusional thinking trick you. He WANTED to get married, yes the church kept screaming he needs too but it wasn’t like he said no and needed to be tricked into it. He wanted it because he felt he was ready for it and Justin suffers from destination happiness.
Destination happiness is when a person believes they’ll finally be happy if they achieve something. “I’ll be happy when I get….” “I’ll be happy when this happens…” “I’ll be fixed if this happens….”
What Justin didn’t realize is that marriage wasn’t going to suddenly make him happier and fulfilled because his demons weren’t being solved at THE ROOT. Marriage worked as a bandage for Justin not a problem solver. He still needed to work on his issues married or not and that was something he didn’t know in 2018.
So after the marriage hype went down Justin was like “hmm why do I still have issues,” and that’s when Jailey went into couples and individual counseling. I don’t think they still go but this was something they used to do when they first got engaged and married.
“Him thinking these were all the right and practical decisions he needed to make his quality of life better…” -my source
Jailey’s married life
Hailey was Justin’s ideal girl to marry and I know some of you are gonna read that and scream because you wanna believe he secretly hates her or something. It’s true though, my source says that Justin was at a point where he didn’t trust anyone and he needed to marry someone he truly trusted. Justin views Hailey as someone he can fully trust and someone that was in his life and there for him even when he didn’t deserve it. He also sees her as his “most deserving option.”
There are a lot of girls Justin met/been with who were clearly only interested in him because of what he could offer not because they cared for him. With Hailey she actually cared so Justin feels like at the end of the day he scored well with Hailey because she’s someone who puts his best interest at heart.
A part of Justin’s awakening period has to do with him realizing that he uses certain people to not feel voids and that he is still healing so naturally, he’ll still have habits that were attached to his toxic relationships. I can safely say that Justin is maturing and growing because there are certain things that happened that would’ve made the “old Justin” run away. For a while, things would scare Justin and he would completely avoid them.
Remember back in 2015 when he started liking Hailey romantically and I told you guys he was freaking out because he didn’t wanna ruin her life? I mean what sane person thinks like that? So what did he do in 2016? He ran away from Hailey lol
So it’s refreshing to see him able to tackle issues without freaking out and running away. Hailey on the other hand doesn’t want to overwhelm him. My source says that certain things have Hailey walking on eggshells around Justin.
“Hailey walks on egg shells with him sometimes and can be somewhat of a yes man, but doesn’t feel his need for reassurance is overbearing. So that’s good.” -my source
A yes man — what that basically means is that she doesn’t wanna push his buttons or boundaries. Because Justin is working on stability and healthy mindsets, she doesn’t want to overwhelm him or push him off his recovery process. So she will avoid certain sensitive trigger topics for Justin which isn’t the healthiest thing to do but if it works for them then that’s okay.
Since Selena was Justin’s first love and it was a toxic relationship, Justin mentally didn’t know what healthy love looks like in a relationship so often times he needs reassurance that everything is okay and that Hailey is okay with him.
When I asked my source how Hailey feels about walking on eggshells, I was told that it’s obviously not a great feeling for her but she knows that she has always been loyal to him and from that she knows she’s secured her position in his life. I mean think about it, she was to him what everyone else wasn’t and he knows that so obviously in his eyes that fact alone makes him flutter.
So yeah sometimes she walks on eggshells but she knows that Justin values the one thing he doesn’t often have, loyalty which means she’s in a secured spot in his life.
Justin has been through so much in his life to the point where he even knows he can’t expect the best from his parents (usually only the worst,) and there was a period of time where he didn’t trust anyone. So me and my sources can see that in his marriage, Justin is trying to leave that version of himself in the past.
My sources says that marriage is a symbol of him allowing vulnerability back into his relationships.
Different Types of Love in Justin’s life
My sources say that Justin is still the romantic, “in love with love” type of guy he was back in 2010. He’s even being described by some of them as a “lovesick kind of guy” where he loves love so much it makes him ill lol.
He has a fairly tale outlook on life no matter who he is with. He loves the idea of a grand jester and the idea of treating a girl right even if she’s a girl he’s been with for only a few weeks. This type of thinking is great and all but it aids in the fact that he is an escapist which triggers him to be delusional.
Justin has had a lot of romantic aspects in his life but he hasn’t had a lot of official relationships. As far as I’m seeing, he’s had two serious relationships: Hailey and Selena. So often times, people will compare the only two girls he’s REALLY dated in the public eye.
Sure, he’s been on dates before and took girls out but he’s never made them his official girlfriend, and when it comes to Hailey and Selena, they both offered him a different type of love.
Ah, I missed her :’)
Wtih Selena, they were an epic love. And I don’t like the word “epic” it’s so 2011 but I’ll give it to them. They had a fiery passion and we can all see that. But just because it was a burst of passionate love doesn’t always mean it was good for them.
Justin and Selena loved believing it was them against the world and there was an excitement of being with someone everyone didn’t like. Scooter didn’t like Selena, his friends didn’t like her, I’m sure his therapist didn’t like her and for Selena, Taylor hated Justin, her mom hated Justin and her friends didn’t like him.
They both felt power being together knowing that a lot of people didn’t like it. It’s like that feeling of excitement you get KNOWING you’re not supposed to do something.
And Justin loved bothering fans with Jelena because he was tired of everyone’s two cents. But this type of love was unpredictable and unstable so it ended in FLAMES. It literally crashed and burned.
Justin looks at Selena like she’s crazy and she looks at him like he’s crazy. Speaking of crazy, Justin has her and her friends blocked on his phone which is hilarious but he’s also 100% the type to feel bad and unblock so I wouldn’t laugh for long.
Why does he have them blocked? Someone from Selena’s inside circle was trying to relay messages to Hailey that I’m sure were not nice so he got tired of all of them and blocked them all. This info was in September (as you will see with the date proof on messages, so I’m not sure if they’re still blocked).
With the fact that he has Selena and her clan blocked, it means there is no Jelena interest so stop with the delusional comments of “he’s in contact with Selena behind Hailey’s back” or “he’s complaining to Selena about Hailey” or “he wants Selena back” … stop. Jailey’s issues have nothing to do with him trying to get Selena back. They have issues as a married couple that they’re working through. It ain’t about Selena… or the delusional few of you who still think they have a chance with Justin.
His relationship with Selena is very toxic as we all know but I keep seeing people say “he would be happier with Selena.” Would he? If he’s having issues now can you imagine them with Selena? They would’ve been amplified because they’re toxic for each other which also means they didn’t help each other. My source says that Justin and Selena had a lot of things that would bound them together. For example, drugs.
“They both did drugs but I feel they both stimulated on a different level and somewhat became each others drug” -my source
They were like a drug to each other and from personal experience, relationships like that have a sh!t ton of burnout especially in the long run.
But Jelena’s passion isn’t helping anyone since he’s also very irritated that he can’t say anything without getting attacked because of “Jelena.” He is also genuinely pissed off that he has to tip toe around anything regarding Selena because of everything she and her team have on him. Yes, in 2021 Jelena is still playing blackmail games.
If you’re confused, that basically means Justin can’t publicize anything too incriminating about her because her team has dirt on him. I also wouldn’t get too excited with this fact because Justin isn’t the type to come out and expose, my sources describe him as a “take the high road” type of guy but it still irks him and is a trigger to him when her fans pretend to know what went on behind closed doors. Which is why he is so fond of ESMG 😉😉
My source says he often wants to say “little do you all know” but can’t and has to stay quiet about sensitive topics such as Jelena. Which is why he goes out of his way to prove their narrative wrong on his social media accounts.
Don’t get me wrong, he posts about Hailey a lot because he wants too but it’s also to say, “oh you don’t like seeing Hailey? Well here is 10 pictures of her to keep you bothered.”
In early September, Selena’s season one of her “Selena + chef” cooking show was released and she made so many digs about boys making her cry and not being treated right. It’s a cooking show and Selena still found a way to shade Justin, she cracks me up. Anyway my source said that she was publicly acting out because he was doing his all to ignore her.
This should fizzle out the “he’d be happier with Selena” nonsense because if Jelena married, they would’ve killed each other. Simple. They would’ve looked great together and it would’ve been hot and passionate but it wouldn’t have lasted six months. It would probably end with an overdose. Yes. Both of them. Overdosed. So think about that when you wanna fcking annoy me.
So you can take this as a little “Jelena 2020” update, but let’s get back to Jailey.
When it comes to Hailey, she’s practical. She’s everything you want in a partner because she’s a team player. She’s also predictable in relationships and very stable. This is a perfect partner if you’re trying to get your messy self in control aka Justin in 2018.
Hailey dropped everything for Justin (you’ll soon see how that changes but stay with me here) she made sure it was Justin first then herself. She went to most, if not all his doctor appointments with him, nurtured him while he was sick and battling lyme disease and filled him with reassurance. Everyone in Justin’s life likes Hailey and agrees she brings a good version of him out - not his BEST version, but a good version. This is a very practical type of love and it works best for unstable people like Justin.
I was thrown off guard with the “best version” as well, but there’s a lot of things going on and with Justin’s 76 types of trauma and continuous cycles of reawakening, it’s hard to see him in his “best” version as he is not fully recovered. Only time will tell.
Speaking of practical, my source told me something funny that happens whenever Justin and Hailey fight. So whenever Justin and Hailey are having a lot of problems or arguments, Justin will have an agent book a vacation for them to go and cool off there. In my opinion, this seems like a better way of dealing with issues rather than one person storming off. So whenever you see Jailey on vacation, a lot of the time they’re just working through their issues in a stree-free environment. This doesn’t mean every time they take a vacation they’re fighting, but it’s more of a general fact.

Let’s move on to the topic of children.
Jailey Babies
This may be a shock to some of y’all but you’d be surprised to learn the state of Jailey when it comes to having kids.
When Justin and Hailey first got married, Hailey fell into a housewife routine where she was by Justin’s side and was supporting his mental health while being a stay at home wife. For a while when they got married, Hailey wasn’t doing anything for her career and was only by Justin’s side especially since he was still battling lyme disease, but once he got better, she gained interest in her life again.
As you can see in the Jailey Dynamic (I stand by that post until the end), we spoke about how Hailey was just JUSTIN JUSTIN JUSTIN because they were newly married (somewhat) and he was super sick so he had to be her priority.
What that basically means is that she no longer wanted to be like “stay at home, by your side 25/8” anymore. The thing is though, they were both under the impression that they wanted kids next but with Hailey wanting to be more career focused, that’s obviously stalling them.
My source said that people close to Justin would ask him why they aren’t making plans to have kids since that’s what he wants next.
“…a lot of people are always asking Justin on the side that know him what’s going on with living out that dream of having children” -my source
Justin has accomplished so much in his career it only makes sense that his next goal would be children, BUT Hailey on the other hand hasn’t accomplished that much and doesn’t want to rush in kids while they’re still young and working.
The good thing about Justin is that he understands this and is willing to let Hailey have her shine which is a very healthy thing for them. So while Justin is still rebuilding himself, he is allowing Hailey to prosper in her career. Hailey is still very young and it’s not like there is a time limit on things like this. They are hoping to have a family but it’s not something being rushed right now.
If it was solely up to Justin, he would have had 2 kids by now. However, he is respecting Hailey’s decision not to have kids right now.
Justin’s current mental state
So many of you guys keep screaming to me, “Justin looks depressed!” “he looks dead in the eyes” “he so miserable” and the truth is, he’s not miserable, he’s just not in his element and he knows that.
He’s lacking in confidence and he’s spiritually drained, which is why you see him on a God high because he feels so drained and he’s trying to be stimulated and fulfilled again. He’s trying to rebuild his confidence without becoming a douche and it’s something he’s worried about but my source says that he can be pretty down on himself when it comes to dealing with his issues.
He wants to feel energized and stimulated without becoming too full of himself and getting caught in that lifestyle of partying and drugs. He’s currently trying to find a balance, and is trying to feel stimulated without doing it in unhealthy ways.
“They went into saying how Justin seemed drained lately and it was deeper than his illness, it was a ‘spiritual drain.’” -my source
Justin does this thing where he needs to seek constant validation from others. He does it with his parents, he did it with Selena, he did it with Hillsong etc. Part of his healing process is to learn how to stop seeking validation from others since so many people close to him want to benefit off of him and genuinely want to take advantage of any life state hes in.
So often times people will complain to me about Justin not looking happy and that’s just because he feels spiritually drained. One of the most telling pieces of information is my source saying “he knows he’s not at his element” and with that comes his crashing confidence.
It’s always being reiterated to me that Justin’s worried about becoming too full of himself again and I believe that version of him comes out when he’s trying to be at his most confident. But with Justin right now, there is a struggle in confidence, mental peace, and stimulation.
The Divorce Rumors
I can’t even begin to explain how many divorce questions I’ve gotten about them in the past two months. I’m sorry to break it to you but Jailey is not divorcing anytime soon. My sources spoke to me about marriage issues they’re facing but it’s one of those problems that married couples have in general.
One thing you have to understand is that the main source of Jailey’s problems isn’t between Justin and Hailey, but it’s more of outside factors in their lives poking in and trying to have a say.
When it comes to Justin and Hailey and only them, they don’t have problems between them. It’s not like Hailey is trying to secretly backstab Justin or Justin feels like she can’t be trusted. Many of their arguments have to do with outside factors, there is a lot about Hailey’s family that is weird, there is a lot about Justin’s parents that are weird, but it’s genuinely not coming from Hailey and Justin themselves.
Sorry to break it to you that they’re both not completely miserable?
So to answer your question, “are Justin and Hailey going to get a divorce?” there is currently no talk between them about a divorce, it’s not something they are talking about as option for the future.
They have not spoken about a divorce, it’s not something they wanna normalize talking about despite some of their close pals adding in their two cents. Do with that as you will.
Justin and Hailey work together for each other and at the end of the day they’re not going to capitalize on the idea of splitting up just for the fun of it. THEY WANT TO MAKE IT WORK. They want to have a family down the line, that’s their goal.
As we know, there was no prenup signed. A prenup is basically a contractually agreement that is signed before marriage to show how that if divorce occurs, they don’t have to split their assets.
Justin didn’t want to go into this marriage with he idea of divorce or even giving divorce a second thought because that’s not the end goal. He also didn’t think it was smart to build a relationship based on “what’s mine is MINE, what’s yours is YOURS.” He wanted it to be “everything is ours” because again — the end goal isn’t divorce. If they were to divorce, just know they did everything in their power not to get divorced, because they want a FAMILY.
It’s not just this passionate love between them, it’s the fact that they have the goal of a family.
If they were to get any sort of agreement done, it would be something to benefit the kids. There’s nothing signed as of right now.
“Allegedly, it’s a pregnancy contract and it entails separate assets to be granted to the child and certain personalized obligations if the wife gets pregnant. Since a prenuptial agreement wasn’t signed, Hailey’s still entitled to their assets.”
It’s a way to make sure their kids are all set.
Let’s Summarize
I think it’s time to wrap up this post because it has gotten way too long but there was a lot of tea spilled today. Let’s go over everything together.
Justin looks back at Hillsong always being at the center of his decision making which often leads him down a spiraling thought of “am I in control of ANY of my decisions?”
He is currently on a spiritual drain where he feels like he has no energy. He isn’t in his element right now and he knows it. He’s lacking in confidence.
Since Justin is going through a process of recovery, Hailey has been more of a yes man to him and certain topics have her walking on egg-shells.
Since Hailey was so loyal to Justin at a point where no one was, she knows she’s secured herself in his life because of that fact alone. So walking on egg-shells or not, she feels pretty neutral when it comes to this topic.
Justin was and felt different with Selena but that’s only because she gave him a different kind of love. At the end of the day, Justin always wanted to settle down with someone he can trust and be stable with. Selena and her team holding the dirt they have on him over his head just proves how unloyal Selena is to him and proves that Jelena wasn’t stable as a whole. Hailey is more practical which is something he needed.
He’s ready to have kids and was under the impression she wanted the same thing. She does want the same thing but not in the near future. Justin is healthy enough to let her have her shine rather than cry about it. He knows that in the past it was always “me! me! me!” and now that he’s a bit more healthier, he can step back and let Hailey do what she wants.
Whenever they’re stressed because of their arguments or non stop fighting, Justin will have an agent book them a vacation so they can cool off and relax. This is him prioritizing his marriage.
There is still more information on Jailey in the upcoming future so relax. Don’t ask me about it. I will reveal it when I can.
Here are the messages between me and my source, enjoy 😉
This is a conversation that has been ongoing for months so there’s definitely a lot of messages we are not showing as you can see by the date jumps (and I’m not obligated to), but that’s basically what we can spill for now.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post! Comment down below and let me know your thoughts! You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that! I will be reading and replying back ;)