Where have we been? What happened? Are we coming back?
I don’t even know where to start.

How about….. we are sorry.
Hey, Angela here. I don’t know if you guys still remember me. Alana is sitting next to me while I write this and we nod in approval.
This is our first post and first anything on social media since… November/December-ish 2017. It is currently April 27, 2018 and we have been gone for about 5 months. I know everyone is curious to know what happened so I am not going to bullshit you and leave you off with a short post on our disappearance.
Where have we been?
We had some issues with this account in December 2017 aka the last time we tweeted on @ExposingSMG. Regardless, all the issues are solved and no Selena was not part of it. Also, I think this is the first time I wrote “Selena” in a while. Wow, I miss her.
I’m not going to bullshit you. We got busy.
This semester has taken a toll on both me and Alana. We have hard majors that are extremely time consuming. The classes aren’t easy. The hours are long. Work was a lot to handle.
In a simple sentence: Work and school took over our lives.

We planned to come back during spring break which was the first week of April 2018, but spring break planned to end me since I came back to like 4 exams and I could not spend spring break exposing.
Wow. Another word I haven’t wrote in a while.
Alana and I miss ExposingSMG a lot. We miss you guys so much. And we feel terrible that we have disappeared without a word. We saw the worried dms, the lengthy I-miss-you emails, the confused tweets, and more.
Most importantly, we want to apologize to our supporters and readers. We are sorry for abandoning you with no explanation. We are sorry that we did not reply back to any emails/asks/dms/tweets/etc. We are beyond sorry. Real life kind of got in the way. Veteran readers know how we are. I mean yeah… this is kind of our longest break and we usually disappear for 2 months or so but really, we are sorry. We thought about you guys every single day. And we hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us. And if you can’t….. well we understand.
But I think it’s time we tell you….

We are planning on ending the ExposingSMG legacy.

We are coming back.

Sorry if we gave you a heart attack whether that was of happiness or sadness.
We hope to come back at the end of May 2018. The semester will have finished and it will be summer break and we will be ready to answer all of the questions you’ve had lingering for months.
No we did not forget about the Jelena tea. As a matter of fact, the day we disappeared, was the day we got Jelena and Hillsong tea.
Don’t feel bad that we ghosted you.. we ghosted our sources too. And they kind of ghosted back in return. It’s a lot to run ExposingSMG. It is a PROCESS to log onto our Twitter (no, you don’t just get in with a password). It’s the same process to log onto this website.
We aren’t making excuses. We are shitty blog owners, but we are the owners and ya owners were on vacation.
With that being said, while you wait for our arrival… if any of you are still left, we want you to reblog this post saying what tea you want next. It’s going to be fire.

Don’t ask for Jelena, Abelena, or Hillsong tea because WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU THAT. However, ask specific questions. What kind of Jelena/Abelena/Hillsong tea do you want?
You can ask about other celebrities as well. I know a lot of you will ask about Kanye.
Ask us questions on Twitter with the hashtag: #ESMGReturn. It will be easier for us to see all the questions when we come back.
It will be one crazy return.

We love you. Stay golden. And see you in the summer.

With love,
Angela and Alana.