Exposing How Selena Gomez REALLY Treats Her Friends and Who She Really Is
It only takes someone with a phone to easily follow up with celebrities and their public lives. If you’re a frequent reader of ESMG, you probably keep up with what’s hot in the public eye. Selena is someone that a lot of people care enough about, to check up on. A lot of the times, Selena is somewhere with a friend–if not, her whole group of friends. Selena promotes her friends more than some celebrities promote their careers.
By promoting I mean, she’ll constantly post photos with them, go out with them, invite them to award shows, go on vacation with them etc. We expose a lot of things about Selena and a lot of you start to wonder, why does she even have any friends? Others must think these few are the luckiest people in the world. But at what price are you willing to pay to go to the VMAS or vacay with her in Paris?

If you’re on Twitter or Instagram you can already put a name to most of Selena’s friends. Selenators will causally bring them up in their tweets.

Many of you guys are probably wondering how it feels like to be friends with an A-lister like Ms. Gomez herself?

Now if you’ve read this blog you’d know that Selena seems sweet on the outside

but on the inside shes a deadly snake whose whole life revolves around bitterness and revenge.

A. A little inside info on Selena’s mentality
Like we’ve stated in the past, Selena is manipulative and back stabbing. She will ruin anyone even the ones closest to her.
The same way she *tried* running Justin’s reputation, someone she once loved and claimed the best for.

I’ll say it again, Selena is a really sweet girl but the second you say something and she takes it in the wrong way,she’ll be your worst nightmare. That’s the problem with Selena, she can never talk to you about something you did/said that has upset her, she’ll just go full on outrageous.
Most of us have gotten into arguments with our friends and stopped talking to them for a few days and then after that you make up and everything else goes from there.
Not with Selena. If you say something and accidentally upset Selena she’ll randomly single you out or shade you in front of a group of people.

Now if you get into a heated argument or say something that pisses her off even more that’s when she’ll turn into the devil.
Which brings us to topic B.
B. How Selena really treats her friends
Just by the looks of it, it may seem like Selena is treating her friends like queens while she waits on them hand and foot.
There have been a few times where I’ve went “Damn Selly take me to Paris and I’ll delete the blog!”
She lets them live with her in a beautiful mansion (reminder this was written in 2017)

Takes them to award shows

Movies premieres


Fancy restaurants


Lets them hang out with celebrities

Taylor I’m so sorry

Literally posing with a legend
Party together

It seems like life couldn’t be better for them right?
Well not really. If you’re friends with a ticking time bomb, things do get very messy.
Selena has gotten in physical fights with some friends.
God only knows how much I’d pay to see that.
Selena will literally pay people to mess up her friends lives if they do something that she sees as “crossing her” or “pissing her off.”

A lot of my sources have talked to some of Selena’s friends where they know shes purposely messing with them.
Selena has many of her friends feeling like they can’t do or say things because they will end up paying for it later.
Like come on, this is a prime example of this

“I’m loyal”…no you’re just friends with a psychopath.
Selena got her minions scared to dance to a JB song because Selena will question their loyalty.. and this was in August 2016. FOUR YEARS after their breakup and over a year since they last spoke.
I mean would you guys rather be friends with someone who you have to constantly put up with their sh!t, praise them, censor yourself around them for a VMA invite?
Sure at first it’s amazing, being friends with an A-lister (a reach) but just like everything else.. it gets old.
And some of you will realize that money can’t buy good friendships. At first you might sh!t your pants with what Selena has to offer but when you realize you’re usually paying a price to get nice things, the gesture doesn’t even please you anymore.
Selena LOVES the feeling of power.
It’s one of the reasons she messed with Justin so much. Because she knew she had the power to bring him back to her and if it was anyone walking on eggshells it’d be him.
That’s why Selena is besties with average people. She knows that if she gets one of her friends mad at her she can easily buy their love back.
with presents….



She gives them OPPORTUNITIES, but again, not without a price.
Selena knows that if she’s friends with average people, they’ll have no one to go to but her.
I mean if you were friends with Selena Gomez and you needed help getting a job in fashion, wouldn’t being friends with Selena Gomez put you on a pedestal in comparison to others?
Now I’m not saying “everyone but Selena is innocent” (even though usually Selena blows things out of proportions) there have been times where Selena’s friends will do things they should’ve have done.
And instead of kicking them out of her life or not being as close with them or talking things out, what does bitterlena do?
She begins threatening, calling, texting, stalking etc.

She invokes this image of fear in them and then she operates around that fear.
Who is she calling, texting, stalking and threatening? Sometimes it’s the specific friend and sometimes it’s that friends boss, mom, dad, family, boyfriend/girlfriend of that specific friend basically threatening to make life running decisions.
She likes to keep everyone under her radar at all times. You may think I’m being excessive with my explanation but we all know a Selena in our lives. Even if that person isn’t on this grand scale.
Selena only cares about you when you can offer something to her.
Why do you think so many celebs speak so highly of Selena? She knows damn well she needs to be on her best behavior around others that she can benefit from.

But for her average “I have no where else to go’ friends, Selena is completely (for the most part) herself.
Which is an entire mess. And yes, her friends especially the ones closest to her get to watch Selena drown herself in drugs and alcohol.

But will her friends ever realllllly sell her out? They can’t. They’re average people who will get most; if not all, life benefits from Selena. Also like I said before, Selena isn’t the worst friend in the world. She can be really sweet and caring at times…just don’t say anything wrong and you’ll be fine!
Selena’s friends want people to know who she really is, her friends want to vent to others for all the crap Selena has put them through, but they’ll never really sell her out.

Selena needs to have her friends treat her like a queen.
They do it privately…..
and publicly.

I mean no one said praising your friends was a bad thing but Selena’s friends talk about her singles/projects as if they’re fans.
Selenas friends are up her ass more than I am.
And look how all of them are promoting her…. I don’t see anyone else’s friends doing this.
Do you guys see Miley, Justin or Demi’s personal friends even utter sentences when they release things let alone an entire group?
No. Because they didn’t give their friends manuals on how to act around them/treat them.
Selena needs people to drop everything they’re doing and rush over to her and when they don’t Selena will see that as in “you’re a bad friend, look at all I do for you” and then she will start shading you/singling you out of the group just because you were busy at the time. The best way to describe her to friends is that she can be INCONSIDERATE.

Selena will also randomly have a bestie in that group for a few months then get really close to someone else in that same group for a few more months.
One day it’s Ashley Cook

The next is her ex-girlfriend, Charity Lynee

Then Theresa




She’s just like Regina George.

When Selena wants to ruin someone she doesn’t stop until that person is ruined which is why so many of her friends are scared of her. She doesn’t let things go.
Selena has a very weird mentality and I’ve talked about this more in the upcoming Selena as a person post but basically you can’t disagree with Selena nor do something for yourself when she needs you at that time. She gets mad very easily and takes everything someone says or does in the worst possible way.
A video explaining why Justin wrote “Love Yourself” for Selena
To fully understand this post and Selena you should read the two posts below about her as a person, childhood and more!
In conclusion, Selena is generally a nice person UNLESS you cross her. Even if that means you didn’t mean to cross her or you didn’t know you were crossing her. She sees herself as the queen bee of the group because she’s Selena Gomez and you’re…. Francia Raisa? I mean thanks for the kidney, but I basically made you relevant? With that being said, that doesn’t mean that Selena does not care or love her friends. She does. But you still have to follow her friend manual and in return, you’ll get things like invitations to award shows, an invite to ruin someone else who crossed her, fancy trips to Paris, and etc. Is it worth being treated like a minion? You tell me.

Comment down below your thoughts and questions. You can comment anonymously so take advantage of that. We will be replying back!