This Week on ExposingSMG ASK:
Today we introduce a new segment on Exposingsmg. A lot of you have questions and as you all know, esmg answers them weeks later. Not if you are on ask though. Esmg has said multiple times before that we always reveal a little more on ask. People get their questions answered faster on the esmg ask rather than on twitter. The reason? We find it easier and less formal to address some questions on ask. Of course huge questions are answered in posts and not in asks but we believe that it’s these small misunderstandings that get Esmg on people’s nerves.
So we decided on posting the bests ask answers/questions of the week and posting them all here where you all can read.
Let’s get started!
Topic: Hillsong

Topic: The Weeknd

Topic: ESMG is racist

ESMG IS NOT RACIST. If you think that then bye, go bang your head against a wall. I’m done writing essays to please you morons.
Topic: Taylor Swift

Topic: Selena Gomez

Topic: Justin Bieber

Topic: Miley Cyrus

Topic: Demi Lovato

Topic: The Jenners


! We will be having a post about Kendall in the near future !

Topic: Hailey Baldwin

Topic: Donald Trump

Topic: “Soon”

“Real soon” “soon” wow someone choke the esmg team please.
Do not come crying asking why your ask hasn’t been featured. That is the equivalent of “you ignore my questions :(” when you guys know damn well we have over 18k questions. If you want your question to be featured you can always try again next time.

We will be having a variety of different topics; not just basic ones, in these other posts. For an example if Lana Del Rey was a very popular topic on ask for a few days she will be featured. It’s not always going to be Miley, demi, Jenners, Taylor etc. This is just to start up and we used celebrities that the majority of our readers are familiar with.
Also this is a weekly thing and because it’s the first time we make a post like this some asks that were featured were a month old. This obviously won’t happen in the next post like this. We just needed to get the ball rolling.
Hope you enjoyed!
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