Tell Me You Love Me Review (+ songs about Nick Jonas?)

Tell Me You Love Me is Demi Lovato’s 6th studio album. We’ve been huge fans of Demi from the start so we were definitely excited about the Confident follow up. 


You can read our Confident review here:


Without further ado, let’s start! 


1. Sorry Not Sorry 

This is the lead single of the album. It’s a badass, fierce, and vocal driven song dedicated to those who bullied Demi and written for fans to feel sassy and unapologetic. It’s a song that puts you in such a good mood and lifts your spirits when you’re down. It’s not my fave on the album, but it was definitely a song to remember. 


2. Tell Me You Love Me

This is the album title track and when I tell you this song is so heart wrenching and beautiful, I AM NOT LYING. Based on what I know about Demi, this song makes me think it’s about her toxic relationship with her ex, Wilmer VladTrashbag. It talks about how she needs someone to love her and so on. Regardless, the song is absolutely beautiful and showcases a story of an emotional and heartbreaking love.

oh no here we go again fighting over what i said.. im SORRY 


3. Sexy Dirty Love

This song is one of more fun dance songs on the album. It automatically reminds me of a timeless pop song from the early 2000s. It’s definitely a good song to bop to when you’re on you’re way to a club or party. Despite it not being a fave of mine, it really completes the album. 


4. You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore

In my opinion, this is the follow up to the story shown in Tell Me You Love Me which showcased a love strung girl who NEEDED love while this song is like BOY, TWO STEP YOUR WAY OUT OF MY LIFE. It’s so sassy, beautiful, and the lyrics are just amazing. It’s soft and sultry during the verses and then beautiful and sassy throughout the choruses. 



5. Daddy Issues

Is it a Demi album without a song about her her daddy issues? Nope! Except this song is different from the rest. It’s not about her father, but instead about her problematic relationships with guys who leave her and give her trust issues, which is something she blames on her relationship with her father. This song is a play on words and she makes fun of her issues. “Don’t know how to commit but I might want your kid” like come on, we’ve all felt this way! Overall, this is such an amazing song and a lyrical masterpiece 

forget all the therapy that i’ve been THROUGHHH

6. Ruin The Friendship 

This song is the one that’s rumored to be about Nick Jonas. Regardless, it tells a story about two close friends and Demi’s fantasy to literally RUIN THE FRIENDSHIP. The verses are so sultry and sexy and this is a song that everyone can definitely relate to. We’ll talk more about Nick later on in this post. 


7. Only Forever

This song is also rumored to be about Nick Jonas and it’s like a follow up to Ruin The Friendship. This song definitely reminds me about tension between two friends in a candle lit beach house. It’s so beautiful because she’s saying she’ll wait forever to see where this goes. Again, the lyrics are absolutely amazing and very relatable. The background music is very soft yet strong. It’s just an amazing listen. 

i’ll give you one more chance… but it’ll only last… oNLY FOREVER 


8. Lonely feat. Lil Wayne


It talks about a new relationship that reminds Demi about a new lover who left and now she’s feeling hella lonely. “You know me and honestly I’m better without you” again, this hints that it’s about that rodent Wilmer and if you read our Exposed on them, you’d realize that this album makes a lot of sense. This song is AMAZING. From the lyrics, to the story, to the background music, to the vocals, like I truly don’t think we deserve her. Lil Wayne also adds a great addition to the song. His rap also has a story behind it. It’s not your typical “sex sex money money” rap verse we hear in most pop songs. I mean it talks about sex but with a story. Not just about hookers. 

But all you do is leaving me fucking LOOOOooooooOOOOnely.


9. Cry Baby

My next favorite song on the album! Ladies and gents, Melanie Martinez has been found DEAD. Kidding, I love Melanie. 

This is another lyrical masterpiece that talks about a heart wrenching love. It starts off slow and then BOOM into a beautiful chorus. Please love yourself and listen to this song. 

and I’m no cry baby but you make me cry, BABY 

love love love the play on words here!! commas are important, kids!


10. Games

If you didn’t realize already, this album tells a story about how she needs a love that’s not good for her, then she remembers who the fuck she is, but then she’s feeling feelings for a friend, then she realizes how lonely she is and she keeps crying about it, and then she remembers she doesn’t have time for boys who play GAMES! And this is exactly what this song is about. 

text on read and it ain’t no accident boy i aint gon ask again


11. Concentrate 

Concentrate is a slow and sultry sex song that talks about her physical attraction for a man. It’s a sexy and beautiful song that anyone can bop to. 

and im gon paint your body with my liiiipppsss 

12. Hitchhiker 

This is a cute song that I would listen to on my way to school while it’s raining. it’s about falling for a stranger and I’m pretty sure we could all relate to that. It’s cute. Not my favorite to close an album with but still a bop. 

13. Instruction feat. Jax Jones and Stefflon Don

The moment this song came out, I’ve been bopping to it RELIGIOUSLY. I literally listen to it like 5-7 times a day. It’s such a feel good party/club dance song that gets me in the mood to bop and fight someone! With good promo and correct exposure, this song could have become a hit that plays at parties. 


14. Sorry Not Sorry - Acoustic 

Sorry Not Sorry is already a great bop and it being in acoustic just makes it better. 

15. No Promises - Acoustic with Cheat Codes

This song is already a great song that I’ve been loving all summer. This acoustic version gives it a more fall vibe and the piano in the chorus is just everything. They really making my heart melt. 

16. Smoke & Mirrors

This song is on the Target version.

This song is a beautiful and nearly acoustic song with Demi’s vocals powering throughout the entire song. The lyrics are absolutely breathtaking and Demi’s voice is heart wrenching. It’s about a love gone wrong. It should have been on the Deluxe version of this album because it’s that good. It’s my 3rd favorite after Lonely and Cry Baby. This song also gives me Adele vibes. It’s like Demi’s version of Hello. 

so tell me

did you ever really love me?

did you ever really want me?

now that i see you clearer

i wonder was i ever really happy 


17. Ready For Ya

Also on the Target version. 

This is also another cute song that tells a story about a love that Demi was not ready for. It’s such a good song with very detailed lyrics that actually show you a story. I love it. 

Writing Credits

Out of 17 songs, Demi has writing credits for 15 songs. We stan talented legends in this household! 


Lead Single Performance

Demi perfromed Sorry Not Sorry at the 2017 Video Music Awards


Outside performances at the VMAs is like Demi’s thing. She did the same thing with Cool For The Summer two years ago. 

This performance was incredible. The entire setup with the audience chilling in the pool around the stage resembles the actual music video fo Sorry Not Sorry so homegirl really brought the video to life at the VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS. 


We don’t have to discuss her vocals. We already know it was poppin and on point as usual. She SANG the shit out of that song.

She actually had background dancers and the dance was choreographed which was great! I am a fan of the artist actually being part of the choreography but Demi is a vocalist. She dances through her vocals. 


She got a choir in the back. Demi + black excellence is always a good time. 

On top of all of that, my girl looked AMAZING. Literally body goals. Hair goals. Face goals. Everything goals. 


When is Ms. Lovato going to let us live?

Also, her red carpet outfit was so unique and stunning. I honestly wanted to cry from how beautiful and confident she looked. 


RIP to the other girls. 


Lord have mercy. 

Performance: 10 out of 10 stars. 

Are we really surprised? No. 

PR or Damage Control


Once again, Ms. Demetria has not suffered a scandal recently, that needed damage control nor is she about that PR contracts like her peers. 

Homegirl just did what she always does.. SANG and mind her own business. 

She’s often real with fans, co-workers, and other fellow celebrities so usually she’s on good terms with everybody. 


However, Demi has been in the headlines a lot lately because of speculation that Ruin The Friendship and Only Forever are about Nick Jonas. 


That was something speculated by fans and the media so it’s not like it was started by her team. I don’t think she knew that people were able to guess that it was Nick and judging by her reaction when she was asked about it, I do assume it is about Nick. 

We made a quick 1 minute video talking about whether they’re about Nick or not based on the proof we have. Check it out! 


Based on what I showed in the video, I think there is enough evidence to prove that those two songs are indeed about Nick. 


Final Thoughts: I know I gave Confident 5 out of 5 stars last time, but this album makes Confident look like a 2.5 in comparison. Confident was a great album that showed us a different side of Demi, but Tell Me You Love Me shows the growth of Demi as an artist and person. The lyrics are what is truly my favorite about this album. The album tells a story. The album has meaning. Demi showed us a different side of her vocal ability on this album. Tell Me You Love Me showcases a beautiful story about love and it is matched with relatable lyrics and quality content. 

10 out of 10 stars. 






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You and your source knew Selena was getting something medically done but didn't know exactly what because it was kept a secret, now my question is: How could Selena and her team keep that in secret but can't keep the other things you expose in secret?


Exposed: Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama