A few days ago, Selena got a TIME magazine cover for being the first person to reach 100 million instagram followers and for being one of the important women changing the world. Of course since Selena Gomez is not an activist (she just likes pretending she is) or someone who has even spent more than a total of 15 minutes talking about world issues, she got a lot of backlash for this. So what does Selena I’m-usually-quiet-about-world-issues Gomez do? She posts a screenshot of her publicly supporting DACA and gets called out by Jai Brooks for only posting this because of the backlash she got and wrote that she doesn’t even care about the DACA program and its dreamers.

Looks like Jai Brooks was doing some ESMG reading last night because he randomly decided to call Selena out.

For some of you guys who don’t know who Jai Brooks is, he is an Australian-Italian musician and Youtuber.

He’s in a group…ish with his two other brothers and some other irrelevants and they’re called “Janoskians”

They were pretty popular for a while in 2013/2014, they went to award shows, went on tour, had albums and got magazine covers.


2014 Tour

Album Cover(s)

Teen Vogue mag
blah blah blah anyway.
Most people know about Jai Brooks because of his relationship with Ariana Grande.

They had a messy public breakup and ESMG will not get into details because we don’t care that much and because we already had a post on them. Both have said things/done things to each other after the breakup. It was messy, Jai’s friends were exposing Ariana for cheating on him, Ariana came out and defended herself. Blah blah blah
Read the post on that here:
Let’s go back to my favorite topic, Selena.
So after Selena I-dismissed-Black-Lives-Matter Gomez got her TIME magazine cover for being one of the first people for changing the world, people got very mad.
Many people don’t believe Selena has done much to get a very important position in TIME’s magazine.

My favorite part out of all of this is that these people aren’t even from Stan Twitter.
So Selena’s dumb fans can’t even use their favorite “Stan Twitter hates Selena” excuse :(
I mean it’s true though, Selena has done the bare minimum when it comes to speaking out about world issues.
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see what Selena culture-appropriating Gomez has said in the past.
Dismissed BLM:

Her fans say she aplogized for that atrocity when she promoted her own song to say sorry for saying that. However, it wasn’t even an apology. It was more like a “When I’m mad I say wrong stuff :(” “kill people with kindess and buy my album plzers!”

So yeah dismiss me with that bullshit apology.
Appropriated Indian Culture:

“I loved pretended I knew what it was all about” LMAO WHAT.
Like okay we get it, many people apaproporate culture but Selena said she loved PRETENDING knowing what it was all about. On top of that, when called out for appropirating culutrue, she said

So people calling you out and you not giving a fuck by saying “sari not sari” aka Sorry Not Sorry aka Demi Lovato’s lead single, buy it here.
Empowered Katy Perry by messing around with Orlando Bloom when he was still with her:

Went on a shading Justin Bieber parade for about 4 years straight:

Look at her speaking about things that fucking matter!
Posted more photos of her drinking rather than posting posts that fucking matter:

Stalking her ex after 4 years on instagram and not talking about things that fucking matter :(

Empowering women by liking slut shaming comments on instagram:

Empowering women by liking posts comparing them with her:

Empowered Katy Perry when she starred in Taylor’s music video Bad Blood; basically tearing Katy apart (then proceeded to sleep with her man):

Changing the world by accusing Justin of cheating on her then accidently saying she’s been single for 4 years:

Saying things like we need “female sexism”

Bragged about doing charity:

And that’s not even the end of it.
DAMN! If only I can be as great as Selena.
How do I go to sleep at night knowing I’m not making the world a better place like Selena :(
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane of all the important issues Selena has never discussed/participated in but her peers have :)

Gun control:

Police brutality:

LGBT Rights:

Women’s March:

Planned Parenthood:

Transgender soldiers in the military:

Muslim Ban:

Charlottesville Virginia:

Two days after this Selena had a tweeting spree:

Border wall:



Lord talking about how Selena’s Come and Get it song portrays women in the wrong way.
Selena said:

Damn. She can’t even take constructive criticism and btw, because of Lorde’s comment, she stopped covering Royals on her Stars Dance Tour. Talk about butt hurt over the truth.
DISCLAIMER: I’M NOT SAYING SELENA *HAS* TO SPEAK UP ABOUT WORLD ISSUES: I’m just saying if people are going to give Selena a pedestal and award for changing the world, where is the proof? What does Selena do on that beautiful instagram of her’s besides stalk Justin Bieber and post pictures of her and the Weeknd?
A person who does the bare minimum should not be rewarded for changing the world when there are many other people qualified to fill in that position.
On top of that, if Selena wants to be an Instagram model who doesn’t talk about world issues and advocate, SO BE IT. Just don’t PRETEND like you are an activist just like you PRETENDED that you knew about Indian culture. Don’t PRETEND to be an activist when all you’ve done is DISMISS IMPORTANT SHIT AND STAY SILENT WHEN THE WORLD IS DIVIDED. Don’t PRETEND like you’re an activist when the only time you will speak is when you get BACKLASH for NOT speaking. Don’t PRETEND you do important shit to help and then get mad when people call you out for NOT doing what you so-call claimed to do.
That’s why Jai Brooks calling out Selena’s DACA post is important.
Selena only posted her support for DACA because of all the backlash her TIME magazine cover got her.
Would she have posted about it if she wasn’t being called out by everyone for just being a basic bystander????

The whole reason I’ve given you guys proof of celebrities speaking out about real world issues is to show you that Selena has never spoken on them and only spoke about DACA because of all the backlash. Many celebs don’t speak up, but at least they don’t pretend like they do.
I am aware Selena has supported charities that deal with lupus and works with UNICEF but I mean that’s it??? Like I said Selena, doesn’t deserve to be called a women making a change when all she does is the bare minimum. On top of that, someone raising money for disease or talking about “bullying” and “women empowerment” is not being an activist. You’re talking about things that are common sense and won’t bring you hate. LIKE OBVIOUSLY LET’S NOT BULLY. OBVIOUSLY LETS HELP CURE A DISEASE. Raising money for cancer won’t bring you hate. Calling Trump a racist and bigoted RAT, will bring you hate from his evil supporters. That’s the difference. Selena talks about rainbow-colored shit and ignores the real tragedy in the world, but likes to ACT like she talks about shit “that fucking matters.” Maybe if she shut her mouth and stopped pretended she does anything worth awarding, she wouldn’t get this much hate. The problem here is that Selena Gomez runs her mouth about sensitive topics, then proceeds to stay shut about actually using her 100 million Instagram follower platform, and then likes to PRETEND like she actually uses her platform. If you don’t understand the problem, then you’re also the problem.
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