Do you want to write for ExposingSMG?
Yes you read that correctly. You now have the opportunity to write a post for ExposingSMG, if you’d like. Of course there are certain rules. Keep reading to become part of the A Team.

Throughout the years that we have run this blog, we have had countless requests for you guys to co-own and become part of the A Team. Obviously we’re not messaging anyone the passwords or login info for any of our social medias, but there’s another way for you to become closer and a bigger part of this family.
You can submit a post.
Here are the rules on the types of post you can submit.
1. You can write a post explaining the drama that went down between celebrities.
- Example #1: The number of times Selena Gomez shaded Justin Bieber.
- Example #2: What went down with Taylor Swift and Katy Perry in the public eye?
- Those are posts I call “Pop Culture News.” You don’t need a source to explain to me drama that is already out. Those two examples I just listed, are posts that are already made.

2. You can make a conspiracy theory post.
- We don’t have time to cover all conspiracy theories that everyone wants to read about so if you’re a reader and you would like to research a conspiracy and write about it, you’re more than welcome to.
- Many of you already know so much. I know many Larry stans want a post about Larry so you can make a conspiracy post on that and explain the reasons why people think Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are married/together.
3. You can make a comparison post.
- Many readers always ask us to compare other artists but we usually never have the time to make those posts since we have other post- priorities.
- We won’t accept extremely hateful posts.

4. You can make political/educational posts.
- We are all for educating our readers on other matters that don’t involve celebrities’ personal lives.
- Suggested topics based on what we talk about on ask can be: Black Lives Matter, Feminism vs. White Feminism, problems in the Middle East, Tr©u(nt)mp, Islamophobia, and etc. These are topics that often come up on ask and many of our readers are very educated on these topics so we would love if you can submit posts on that. Make sure you include valid news sources.
- Those aren’t the only topics and we are open to other suggestions.
5. Other topics?
- If you want to submit a post that was not one of the topics listed above, shoot us an email letting us know what you want to write about.
- We are open to suggestions as long as they don’t violate the rules of what you can’t submit.
What you CAN’T submit:
1. We will not accept abusive or hateful posts.
2. We will not accept any posts that are according to an inside source or information that you have heard from someone. No type of inside tea will be allowed to be posted unless it’s coming from OUR sources. We can’t risk having any sort of false information being posted on ExposingSMG.

3. We will not accept reviews. Reviews are a topic on ExposingSMG because readers want to know OUR opinion, not yours. No offense. If we want the readers’ opinions, we hold a poll.
4. The only types of conspiracy theories we will not accept will be anything dealing with the Illuminati or MK Ultra.

How to submit posts:
Please read this very carefully.

1. You will email us some sort of DOCUMENT that has your post written in it.
- It can be a word document or a PDF. Anything really, as long as it can be opened.
- DO NOT WRITE THE POST IN THE EMAIL. Just like you wouldn’t type out the essay in the email body and send it to your teacher, don’t do it to us either. The reason for this is because you can’t insert pictures or gifs.
2. You will email with the subject being ESMGSUBMIT followed by your topic.
- Example: ESMGSUBMIT - the # of times Taylor Swift shaded Harry Styles.
- Example #2: ESMGSUBMIT - the conspiracy theory of Michael Jackson’s death
- We get a lot of emails and I want to be able to search my email for the submitted posts so this makes it easier for us to read your post.
3. Include in your email whether or not you want to remain anonymous.
Tips on how your posts should look like:
- You guys are veteran readers so you see how we write our posts. We write a lot but we include A LOT OF PICTURES.
- Don’t make it dead and boring. We won’t post it if it’s boring or confusing.
- Don’t feel the need to write like Alana or I. Be creative and personalize your own writing style.
- Make sure your posts are written with correct English and grammar. If there are A LOT of mistakes, we won’t accept your post. The reason we are doing this is to keep ExposingSMG more active and editing your posts will be more work for us. I might as well just write the post. Of course we can clean up mistakes here and there for you.
- Your posts DON’T have to be long. Short posts are great too and we would like to have short posts to begin with.

Credit and Shoutouts:
We will 100% shout you out or give you credit if you want.
- We deal with a lot of sources and as you guys know, we don’t reveal our sources.
- If you want to remain anonymous, let us know.
- If you want to be credited, let us know. If you want to be credited, let us know what we are crediting? Tumblr? Twitter? Wattpad? Instagram? Etc.? Let us know! We can shout you out on everything if you’d like.

In conclusion:
Don’t be scared to shoot us an email with an idea for a post. We don’t bite nor can we bite through a computer screen. We are going to read the posts before posting them because I have to convert them to a Tumblr post regardless. If you don’t get your post posted, don’t be upset. If we don’t post a lot of submitted posts, it’s because we don’t have time or we don’t have any submits. I am not expecting to get a lot of submits at all. Regardless, if you submit a post, we will email you back.
The new tag on for this topic will be under #Submits.
The first post under this topic has already been made a long while ago and it’s going to be posted tomorrow. It’s about Mariah Carey.
Just because we are opening up this new thing on ExposingSMG, doesn’t mean that the blog is changing in any way. You will still get your tea and we will still write 99% of the posts on ExposingSMG. This will just make the blog more active and get everyone else closer in the exposing fam.
Happy writing!
If you have any questions, please email us! We aren’t mean people so don’t be scared to ask questions. You guys tend to act as if we are going to harass you.

Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account):
Update Twitter (check for the new posts or updates there!):
Talk to us personally/sources: