Yes, you read that title correctly. After a million years and thousands of people questioning who this song is about, ESMG finally comes through with a post (2 years later). This post is going to prove three things to you. 1) Love Yourself is indeed about Selena. 2) Exposingsmg has been writing about all this years before Love Yourself came out 3) ESMG is always right.
Video is live at:

Believe it or not many people actually don’t think Love Yourself is about Selena. Of course with Justin’s luck, he was publicly seen with about 4 girls after this song was released, so many people got confused.
Here are the girls Justin was publicly hanging out with before Love Yourself was released. These girls were rumored to be his girlfriends at the time.
Chantel Jeffries

Yovanna Ventura

Jayde Pierce

Ashley Moore

Hailey Baldwin

Note: He never actually dated them. As for Hailey Baldwin and him, they were kind of dating but they were never really official.
Anyways, you guys get the picture. Now we can remove Chantel and Hailey off the list because after Love Yourself was released, Justin still hung out with them a few times so it can’t be about them if he was on good terms with them.

Both in 2016.
Another reason why it can’t be about Chantel is because she never met Justin’s family, specifically his mother so that cancels out the iconic “My mama doesn’t like you and she likes everyone.” As for Hailey, we’ll get to that later.
Now many people believe Love Yourself was about EVERYONE except Selena.

And this isn’t even 1/9th of it.
So here I am today, going to prove everyone wrong and tell you that Love Yourself is indeed about Selena.
Justin officially released Love Yourself on November 9th, 2015. (This is proof that we are getting posts years before 2015)

Btw, Justin has writing credits for Love Yourself. He actually WROTE the song and didn’t lie about it like someone we know. We will get to the writers of the song later in the post.
Let’s start!

In the photo above you have two things. A part of Justin’s song and a picture below it proving that this specific lyric relates to Selena.
“For all the times that you rain on my parade” This lyric relates to all the times Selena has shaded Justin and publicly attacked him. Now that video was posted after Love Yourself was released BUT that video came from a post made in 2014.

Read here.
Reminder, we continuously updated the post as Selena updated the number of times she shaded him.
ESMG: August 19, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015

Read here.
The picture is literally self-explanatory.
In that picture he literally says she used him for attention.
“And all the clubs you get in using my name”
Now Justin wasn’t actually referring to a club, he was using it more as a metaphor. The clubs represent the amount of doors he opened for her in the industry since she was just an irrelevant Disney gal before him.
Now that instagram fight was on August 14th, 2016. ESMG has said she used him for attention years before.

That post was written in 2014.
Read here.

Read here.
ESMG: November 2nd, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015
And of course, we have BEEN telling you about their first ever contact from 2010 in which the whole point was for her to use him to gain relevancy and access in the industry.

Read here.

When Love Yourself was released, Justin and Hailey were really close around that time. Makes sense for him to sing about how he doesn’t want anyone thinking he stilled cared about Selena, when he started to move on with Hailey.
“You think you broke my heart, oh, girl for goodness’ sake”
This is Justin telling Selena, “Hello it’s 2015 and I’ve moved on. You can’t relate.”
And in the photo below, the lyrics show us telling a reader that Justin has moved on from Selena. We also tell one of our readers on ask that Justin has moved on.

“But you still hit up my phone”

(The photo above came from a post in 2015. But Selena’s song was from 2013)
“And I didn’t wanna write a song ‘Cause I didn’t want anyone thinking I still care. I don't”,
He’s basically saying here “Yes world, I’ve moved on but here is a song about my ex.”
If this was about Chantel, Yovanna or Hailey why would he say “I didn’t want anyone thinking I still care, I don’t”? He clearly said that because Justin KNOWS Jelena was old news.
Anyway Justin has moved on from Selena.
“But you still hit my phone up And, baby, I be movin’ on”
The first part is proof that Selena kept coming back to him and calling him up first. Something ESMG has been saying since the Ice Age.

wow August 22, 2014. You can tell it’s 2014 since I’m still nagging about the Stars Dance album.
“And, baby, I be movin’ on”

Well well well, here we have Justin hanging out with Hailey in 2014.
We also have ESMG saying that Justin and Hailey both like each other;

^ That was in 2016, but it’s still proof that we know Justin isn’t crying over Selena anymore like Selenators think.

“And when you told me that you hated my friends”
Back in 2011 Selena told Justin she didn’t like some of the people he hung out with. She made up a couple of crappy reasons and had Justin drop almost all of them.
Here is proof of me saying it in 2014:

Read here.
ESMG: November 30th, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015
“The only problem was with you and not them”

Note: He did not hang out with them during Jelena. If he did, his dick would have been chopped off. Too graphic? So were Selena’s threats.
self explanatory…..I hope
Moving on.

“And I never liked to admit that I was wrong” ABOUT HER. HE DIDN’T LIKE TO HEAR ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HER. Because then he goes on to say “But now I know, I’m better sleeping on my own” meaning he’s better off without her and that’s something he didn’t want to admit when he cast everyone out of his life for HER.
Which is why when Selena was on a shading parade Justin told all his friends to not say anything bad about her, trying to defend him. moron
This is also why Justin and Scooter had many fights back in 2012….because of her. If you were going to say something bad about Selena YOU WERE OUT.

Yes ladies and gentlemen…Justin dropped one of his best friends from when he was a kid for Selena.
This was in 2011. And of course the only reason it still exists was because we put it in a post later on in 2013.
“And I’ve been so caught up in my job, Didn’t see what’s going on. But now I know, I’m better sleeping on my own”
Again this is just him saying, “I’m better off without Selena”
And here’s a random Instagram post of Za’s in 2014, shading Selena.

Moving on to everyone’s favorite lyric…

“My mama don’t like you and she likes everyone”
Whoo straight up fire.
Now this was the lyric that had everyone going “hahahahaha proof this isn’t about Selena. Pattie LOVED Selena *inserts 2011 billboard picture*”

Yes….because Pattie was about to go up in front of everyone and declare her unwillingness of Selena, her son’s girlfriend.
Here are some pictures of Pattie with Justin’s ex-girlfriend, Caitlin Beadles and her family.

If Pattie LOVED Selena so much, wouldn’t we have more than two photos of them together?

Wow! Look at her! Isn’t she so happy!
Also, note that Chantel and Yovanna NEVER met Pattie so how is she going to hate them without even knowing them? And how is he going to declare a whole song for them when he collectively spent like 2 months with them in total? Now that’s a REACH. Believing that Love Yourself is about girls that Justin hung out with for 2 months as opposed to it being about his on-and-off-again ex of so many years, who has continuously “rained on his parade” publicly? Can NOT RELATE!
And make sure you delete the excuse that this song is about Hailey because Pattie has always loved Hailey.
Before Love Yourself

After Love Yourself

Pattie on the other hand, hasn’t really ever posed with Selena unless it was for a public event like the Billboard Awards.
Anyway you can see from the post above that we are talking to a OLLG from 2012, and you can also see what Pattie says about Selena.

Read here.
Well…well..well everything is just starting to make sense.
ESMG: January 24, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015
I’m not even done yet.
Let’s continue.

“And tried to make me forget where I came from”
We used to always emphasize on the fact that whenever Selena was around Justin, he was always rude and mean to fans. She influenced him and whenever he would try and interact with fans, Selena would start a problem. “You’re only saying this because of the lyrics!!11!”
Nope…here’s a post from 2014.

And those tweets in the photo above come from that same exact post.
Read here.
Exposingsmg: March 16, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015
Oh and here is an entire country trending “Punch Selena” because she was rude to them with Justin.

And a tweet from a fan who met Justin and Selena.

Honestly this is too easy…Do I need to teach you guys how to spell your names too?
Let’s move onto another topic of “Love Yourself.” Selena’s insecurities.
Now I know her rat fans are going to be rolling screaming “Selena is insecure!? HA. Here’s a picture of how shes prettier than Yovanna!1! Loser.”

“Yovanna is trying so hard to look like Selena! No one will ever beat the queen”
*Selena likes picture comparing her with Yovanna (left) and Chantel (right)*
Insecure much?

Lmao she thinks she’s slaying in the music world, when he just recently blocked her from going #1 on iTunes.
But yes I explain Selena’s narcissistic insecurity in a post written a few days after Love Yourself was released. (Around this time ESMG didn’t even analyze the lyrics to the song so we weren’t saying this based off Love Yourself, but based on what our sources told us about Selena. Also we have text proof of our sources telling us this info weeks before LY was released.)

Read here.
Let’s break down why Justin says “Cause if you like the way you look that much oh, baby, you should go and love yourself”
Selena doesn’t like Justin interacting with fans let alone pretty ones. Check.
Selena banned him for hanging out with any female that wasn’t work related or her friend. Check.
Selena blamed her drug addiction on Justin. Check.
Clearly Selena has some type of insecurity going on EVEN though she sees herself as amazing, talented and better than anyone else.
“I’m just too normal”

oh give the victim act a break.
So if you like the way you look that much @SelenaGomez (You think you’re better than everyone else) then you should go and love yourself (You’re insecure about everything, but still think you’re the best).


Exposingsmg: November 30th, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015
Proof that we knew this info before Love Yourself was released?

We said she was insecure in a post in 2014.
Exposingsmg: September 11th, 2014
Love Yourself: November 9th, 2015
Yes, I do like to show proof in everything I say. Just like i said Selena was depressed in 2014 and she admits it two years later-but that’s a story for another time.
Makes sense? If you aren’t up Selena’s ass, seeing the point of all of this comes two seconds into the post but still some of you need me to break it down…then break it down again.
Very close to believing Love Yourself is about Selena, but you still need the cherry on top? I gotchu. Time to end all the excuses.

The only person Justin has been in love with is Selena. In the song he says it and in an interview in 2015 he says it.
The song can not be about Yovanna, Chantel, Jayde, Hailey etc because he was NEVER in love with them. He didn’t even date them? Let alone, love them.
And as for Hailey, she’s a completely different story and we already broke down their relationship. Read here.

This whole entire post proves Love Yourself is about Selena but the thing that makes it the most obvious for everyone is probably the last piece of evidence. He was in love with Selena (her fans brag about this 27 times a day) and in the song he says “I FELL IN love.” Clearly all other options but Selena are out.
So for everyone that’s about to type “ED SHEERAN WROTE THE SONG” that may be true but that doesn’t mean he was an important part of it.

Justin is listed as the first writer, meaning he gets the MOST credit aka he WROTE THE MOST; while Ed is the last writer meaning he gets the LEAST credit. That means Justin took Love Yourself and made it his song while Ed gets credit for giving it to him. Justin gets the last say with Love Yourself.
Basically, Ed started the song and wrote it. Passed it on to other writers. The song finally came to Justin who made it his own and added his personalized lyrics.
Here is more proof:

That’s an Ed Sheeran interview explaining that Justin took Love Yourself and made it his own.
So all excuses have been cut. The proof that Justin made Love Yourself relevent to his life has been proved right. That is all folks. If you still don’t believe Love Yourself is about Selena, then I pray for you.
Being so far up Selena’s ass must be suffocating.
Sad. All love.
If you’re interested, we have summed up this post into a video as well. Watch below:
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