NEW POSTS + and update for what’s to come
We’re back and here’s the schedule for the day.

Yes I am aware we are in 2017 and Love Yourself was released in 2015. However, we never made the post and it’s STILL asked about till this day so here it is! It will also be accompanied with a video on our Youtube channel.

As for the Taylor post, we give you our thoughts as highly requested on ask and discuss the drama with Katy, Kanye, and Kim. (KKK?)

We are very well aware of how many requested posts there are and the amount of posts we promised on ask. We are aware. You don’t have to remind and harass us 247 times a day. For the millionth time, there are hundreds of celebrities and two writers/owners for this blog. This summer has been very stressful and busy so we are sorry it’s the first summer without some sort of exposing marathon. We’re going to try to give you the schedule for upcoming posts but please be patient. I know we make exposing and writing long ass posts seem effortless but it takes time.
We love you guys and we will try our best to get posts up as soon as possible. These two posts are just to keep you patient for the tea to come.
Personal Twitter (only to chat with readers/friends. The death threats should still be linked to my main twitter account):
Update Twitter (check for the new posts or updates there!):
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